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The gameplay was actually pretty good. It had a good original feel to it. It was, unfortunately, really bad with the graphics. It's hard to believe this was so recent. It looks like it was made in 2002. It still isn't terrible. For some reason, this thing kept popping up telling me to go and do something with the shift key.

It kept appearing and annoyed me. I am sorry, but this was just a mediocre game. I at least appreciate how it's interesting to talk about the Civil War. It seemed more British at first, though. This was just alright.

This was quite good. I admit that I was glad you could just quickly play your own games. I guess I'm not much of a fan of these kinds of things. I do love TD games, though. There was certainly a lot you could do with it. I'm glad to be the first person of 2015 to review this.

The music is really good. The towers have really good variety too. It's not quite great, though. I'm just someone who wants to get right into the action. It was still certainly recommendable.

This was decent, but not as good as the last one. It's nice to see these graphics again. I wish there was more originality. It's pretty obvious those enemies are the same as thwomps. When you get underground, it doesn't seem as original. Then again, it is harder, which is nice.

It's a pretty funny name. I wish it was illuminated by the moonlight. I mean, I know you did that with the Sun in the previous game, but you could have done some variant with it. I thought it would be like that when the box showed up. It's still certainly playable.

This game was okay. I didn't really find anything too bad or good about it. It did get annoying with how you had to fire so many times at the enemy. I still appreciate how it does have pretty good designs. I especially like those little white guys. I was surprised at how strong they were.

The music is fairly good. The graphics, not so much. It seemed pretty generic with the environment. It still wasn't terrible. It was a pretty straight forward game.

This was a very impressive game! I'm saddened by the fact that it isn't popular at all. At least a prolific reviewer like me is here to praise it! This really is an original idea. The music is great too. I thought it might be too cute at first.

I mean, the title makes it seem like that. I love the artwork too. It isn't too difficult or easy or anything. It's simply a nice and pleasant game. It isn't too cutesy or anything.

I think this should have a higher rating. I guess some people just think it's too hard. It is pretty difficult, but it has a nice appeal to it. I wouldn't quire recommend it, though. It could probably be easier. I was annoyed by how I kept having to run everywhere.

I was just hoping it would be more simple. I still appreciate how it's pretty original. Yeah, living in Florida I wouldn't know what that's like. I just like seeing cabins in the snow like that. The music is nice as well.

I was surprised to see the cat in such a new environment. It is a pretty hard game, though. It's really difficult for me to launch it at the right time. I'm just so happy to see all these wonderful features. A pity it is so difficult. It seemed pretty difficult for me to get upgrades.

It's still extremely playable. It's mostly because of how adorable it is! I just love seeing that blue cat get fatter and fatter. I love all the cute little details. The sounds are wonderful too.

I was really surprised at how much better I got at this. It's mostly because I died twice on the first level. From there, it was nothing but smooth sailing! I did die again on the last level, though. I appreciate how good the music is. Well, that was the point.

The graphics are good. Everything seems to be pretty realistic. I still don't really know how to get that guy back on the car. I'm surprised that such a popular game isn't on any category here. It's really fun!

I thought this was a good game. It really helped that it was quite original. What I didn't like was how difficult it was. There seemed to be no way of forming strategy and it was so easy to die. I guess that's just to be expected with a game like this. The graphics are pretty good.

The sounds are quite nice. It gives a good feeling of adventure. I simply can't dislike this for its originality. Some of the designs are pretty random. It's still a satisfying game.

This wasn't bad. I admit that I wouldn't quite recommend it. It did get pretty repetitive. There aren't really any threats. I still praise this for having some original material to it. It really is a pretty interesting idea. I like how you don't have to wait for your mouth to stop eating.

You can eat as many people as you want. I like the idea of this purple alien eating people. The music is fairly good. It's nice to just see how far you can get. There isn't much difference with the areas, though.

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