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This really is a fine game. Congratulations on being the thumbnail for Stencyl Jam 2015! I was pretty impressed by it. I just think it could have been more detailed. It still works well for what it is. The music and sounds are really nice.

You know how to create an interesting environment. I always appreciate that. It can be quite challenging. I recognize those sound effects. My favorite was probably the rock level.

BrennonRamsey responds:


This was a really impressive game. It wasn't too hard or anything. I at least appreciate how different it is. I mean, it really is a unique design! I just don't like it how the medals are all secret. Well, I'm being too whiney. This has great sounds and music too.

There are always unique things that are coming up in this game. I'm so glad to have come by it. It's amazing how hard it can be with its simple demeanor. It is truly anything but. It's a good time waster.

I thought this was a great game! I really am confused as to why it doesn't have a higher rating. It even has a nice omnious ending. It's great to play the same thing with different difficulty. At least this won Daily 2nd place. I really could get into it.

You had to study with this one. After beating it on easy mode, you really did get better at it. It helps that it isn't too long. It really does show a great clockwork world. I had lots of fun with this.

I was thinking that there was something wrong with this game. It had no sound. I'm pretty sure that's just part of the game. I also thought this game was too easy. It was just hard to tell when it really stopped or anything. I guess it was kind of an original idea.

The title told it pretty well. I didn't really see how I could even die. It just doesn't present a challenge to me. The colors were nice and bright. It just made little sense to me.

Wolod responds:

It's just a little time killer I made to relax. So yep, it's not hard. The game has sound and music by the way. Works perfectly on Chrome for me.

It was nice to get some kind of ending with this. I really do like how I get to use my own name. I don't know, it's just been a long time since I've done that. The music is probably the strongest point. It really does get you in the mood. Of course, I can't find that token.

I really should just give up on that. The animation was quite good. While not a lot of movement, there was some nice involvement. It was fine for what it was. It wasn't quite something I would recommend.

This was pretty weird. I would not recommend it, but it wasn't terrible. I think the best part is how it shows the number of all the humans. You actually are quite good with statistics. The music isn't bad. It was just hard to get interested in this.

You mostly did nothing the whole time. There should have been way more visuals. At least I got a medal for really doing nothing. I guess it's kind of a unique setup.

I guess there was nothing that good or bad about this. It was just you shooting some terrorists. They all seemed to look the same. None of them seemed to fight back. There should have been music. There still wasn't anything THAT bad about it.

I think the sounds were quite good. You guys have just made much better games. The details weren't bad. There just needed to be more variety. You should have made it more difficult, at least at first.

I have to give this game props. It's mostly because I managed to get a higher score every time I played! On the fourth try, however, my streak broke. I just have to appreciate a game that does that. Yeah, the design isn't that good. It's nice to know other people don't have very high scores. It vaguely reminds me of "Punch-Out!".

Well, I guess all sprite boxing games do. The sound effects were pretty nice. You really should put medals on this. Sometimes, you just had to keep on pressing space. It's nice to have such a simple game you can advance with.

I wouldn't quite recommend this game, but it wasn't bad at all. I really do appreciate how it was a different kind of sports game. I was never good at them, in real life either. The graphics are pretty nice. I was turned off by how there was no music. Such a flashy game deserved it.

The only sound was the announcer's voice. I liked how you could choose from different teams. Granted, it really made no difference, but it's the thought that counts. It's a pretty happy game. I liked it enough for a casual play.

This wasn't that good. I just couldn't find anything particularly unique about it. The graphics were okay at best. It was pretty much the same thing over and over. I did like it how they died in one shot. Then again, I didn't even notice that at first.

They fell over in such a weird manner, I thought maybe they were still alive. The music is quite good, though. It's at least an original kind of CGI used. You rarely see that on Newgrounds. It just isn't for me.

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