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This was a better weird game. There were no instructions or anything. I was able to figure most of them out, I think. I was also confused as to when you went to a stalactite. For some example, you couldn't squeeze between it. I'm thinking it could have just been some button I wasn't pressing.

The environment is great. Is there any way to kill those enemies? It seems like you just had to avoid them altogether. I wouldn't quite recommend this. It seemed too difficult to care for that much.

I was actually pretty impressed by this. The creativity is really high here. It does kind of hurt that it's a pretty hard game. That shouldn't stop me from enjoying it, though. I thought the colors were quite nice. It was just, well, really, really weird.

I got a medal and really don't even know HOW to advance. The slow motion does help. It seems like this was something made for a game jam. It just seems like something that was made quickly. It's fairly good.

I really did enjoy this game! I had no idea what would happen next. I'm generally not into point and click adventure games. I thought that I would just suck at it. Instead, I got one medal! That's one more than I thought I would get!

It really is an experimental game. You have a lot of stuff to work with. It's up to you to figure out how to use it. I really appreciated that. We should know by now humans didn't co-exist with dinosaurs, but it is cool. The sounds were quite nice too.

I wasn't able to get very far in this game. I think its main problem was that I couldn't understand it. I got to the second part, but I couldn't do anything. I couldn't push the boxes out of the way or anything. I guess the music was pretty good. The design is quite nicely done.

It just didn't make any sense to me. At least I had fairly good mobility. I don't know how to deal with enemies or anything like that. It was just so bizarre. It had a pretty interesting tone.

This is a very strange game. I really can't recommend it. It was just too incomprehensible to me. It seemed like I just went on and on slowly. It didn't make much sense to me. I mean, the atmosphere is great! It's quite unique in that respect.

The sounds and music really do fit it. I just can't get into it much. You deserve credit for credibility. I guess lots of other people like it. Congrats on getting the highest score in this series!

I couldn't get into this game. I think it was mostly because this game just went too slow. You had to do so much just to finish a single part of the level. It's still a pretty original idea. I guess the graphics aren't too bad. I really like the title, though!

It just does little for me. I would have liked a game that went faster. I will at least give you points for creativity. The music was fairly good. Thanks for at least giving us the instructions easily.

I really did appreciate how this was original. It did get frustrating after awhile. It was a bit hard to tell exactly what I was supposed to do. I thought the tiny screen worked out pretty well. The sounds were fairly good. I was annoyed by the whole sticking to the walls thing.

I didn't even really need it after all. Well, I am stuck on this one level. You really have to pay attention to every fine detail. I guess I understand the title now. They're magnets on a fridge!

TerribleDesign responds:

Yes, after the massive QUAD screen proved too confusing, I thought that a small screen would help keep the puzzles simpler. I really tried to make the first few levels easy, but they don't seem easy enough. :/

I quite enjoyed making a fridge themed puzzle game. I will probably not make anymore games with automatic wall sticking in the future. Also, trust me, just like walking in QUAD, wall sticking is needed to solve later puzzles. Puzzles that need it are harder, so they aren't present to being with.

This game was quite good, but I did lose it after awhile. I really could not figure out how to get past the level where you first see the crayons. I thought I had gone to my destination. That was just where I was before! It's still a pretty exciting game. The music is especially wonderful.

There are a lot of interesting things going on. I certainly wasn't expecting deadly pigs you could bounce on. At least I figured out how to use the crayons. This was certainly a unique game. I would recommend it for how interesting it is.

This was definitely fun! I really do praise all the little things going on. The ricochet effects are always cool. I just couldn't quite understand how to open all the crates. I guess more of them just go down as you beat the level. Never found that cat either.

I love how it's a game you can do so much with. It's rare I see something that's both a boss and a level at the same time. At least it eventually ends. There's definitely some creativity here. I wish I knew what ARBF stands for.

Zanzlanz responds:

Hey thanks Ericho! :)

Crates are destroyed by shooting at them, and that's all there is to it. I probably should have showed the item flying away or something, I don't know. The ones in the final room don't count towards the achievement though. You get the achievement as soon as you break all the crates.

It says what ARBF stands for on the title screen, but I just added it to the description anyway. "Alternate Reality Boss Fight"! :)

I didn't like this game, mostly because I couldn't understand it. I wasn't even able to move around on the first level. I couldn't get a good grip of anything. I guess the title was okay. I just couldn't get a good grip of anything. I go on the first level and can't get past the first part.

I'm not interested in learning more about it. I doubt it's that rewarding. I can see why it's the lowest rating in the Stencyl Jam 2015. I guess the design isn't too bad. It was something unique at least.

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