View Profile Ericho

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This was a very original game! My only problem was that, well, it was really hard. I honestly didn't know what to do half the time. It's still a wonderfully designed game. You really have to experiment with everything. It can take forever, but you can do it!

I appreciate how original it was. I'm always looking for that in everything. I was pretty confused by it at first. If you could just jump, everything would be fine. The title fits the creative game.

It was weird how this game worked out. I got two wrong the first time and got a combo of 57. I tried it again, had no flaws and got a combo of 51. I wish it would tell you what your combo was. I had no idea this would be a typing game. I just thought "type" wasn't literal.

Well, I guess it's a word that has a lot of meanings. It has a nice layout. It doesn't need to be elaborate or anything. It's just nice to hear that typing noise. It's well paced too.

I was very impressed by this game! I guess it deserved the awards it got. I just loved how this game just seemed to go on and on. It was a great example of something that didn't need variety. I'm usually into that, but it was so simple here. It was great how those things could just pop up anywhere.

I thought maybe you were supposed to attack the portal. I think it just closes by itself after awhile. With paint, you can be so colorful and creative. I guess it wasn't quite paintball. They didn't fire paint at YOU.

This was a good game, but it really did drive me insane. I just had no idea how to get any of the medals. I know that's whiny, but come on! At least I would figure out HOW to. The colors are wonderful in this, though. I don't think you're the same guy who made the other games with this character.

I do love this cat thing, though. The sounds were quite good. It was hard to tell what was really going on in this. I don't even know if something was wrong with the medals. I would still recommend this, though.

I must admit that I wasn't into this that much at first. I am just not a fan of RPG's in general. This really did get better as it went along. The best part was probably how you could just keep on fighting the enemies over and over. While redundant, it was still fun. You didn't have to go to a different screen for that.

You just fought them immediately. That was quite convenient. I appreciate the little sound effects. It had good structure. Even without medals, I was eager to get far...somewhat.

It was great to see Nicole Watterson in this. Happy birthday to me! My mom is a huge fan of art! Then again, that probably isn't why I got as far as I did. Everything is so wonderfully vibrant here. They're quite authentic to the original style.

The music is as good as ever. Congratulations on your Daily Feature! There's so much creativity in this. I'm glad I got the self portrait Van Gogh right. He's right there in the game!

Munguia responds:

Thanks for review Ericho, i´m glad you liked it.

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