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I could not get into this. I don't mean to sound whiney, but I really am. There wasn't much I could even understand about this. I do appreciate how it's kind of unique. I always say that, don't I? It just seemed like there was too much going on to really understand it.

The music's great. I guess I'm glad other people like and understand it. I don't know how to bring all my ships together. It's not something I'm interested in learning about. It's, I guess, okay.

Wow, this is really weird. It says that there are boxes in front, but I don't see any boxes. I wish everything was more clear. Then again, I guess it would have been too easy. The music is great. I'm not good at these kinds of games.

I still praise you for being creative. That's exactly what you did with this! I'm so glad to find something so interesting. I'll never get past it, but it's great to be aware of. You are quite creative.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Wow dude, you've written an extreme amount of reviews! Great job! :D

Lol XD I think the point of text adventures is for the player to paint the image themselves :p
I'm glad you liked the music, and I definitely get that this genre of games is not for everyone.

I'm also sure that you could totally beat the game if you got a pointer in the right direction, because the first real level that you're at is pretty much the most difficult one, as it's a somewhat unique game, if I dare say it. I thank you for the compliments!

I would think the astronaut token would be something under a secret medal. Then again, you've never done that before. I really do like this game. I just think it tells a very powerful story. It's probably only because I just found out my grandfather will be dead within days. It came off as personal.

This is the first review I'm writing since I heard that news. The music was great. Thank you for giving me some relief. I know it's short, but it's still great. Let us all move on...

I admit that I really don't understand this. I appreciate how it's kind of unique. I just kept clicking over and over and nothing really happened. The artwork was quite good. I thought I would just be controlling one guy. That just made it more confusing.

It's hard to even tell if this game plays itself. I mean, I guess other people will appreciate this for how different it is. It is just too strange for me to get into. It can get frustrating with how it goes on so long. There's no real way to tell how close you are to beating it.

This game was pretty good. I admit that I have no understanding of what's really going on here. I DON'T want to be reminded of "The Human Centipede 3". The sounds were quite good in this. I like how it gets harder with how you can't control the body. I also appreciated the atmosphere.

The designs were kind of weird. The alien snake seemed to look goofier than the people. Then again, it IS an alien. I have no idea how to destroy the tanks. At least I got as far as I did.

bioludus responds:

Cool, thank you! Try to collect colorful barrels and then use them against tanks! good luck!

This was a fairly original game. I admit that it did get a little boring at times. I'm not really into RPGs. At least I got something out of it. The drawings are pretty well done. I didn't know that was my health at first.

It seems like a game that's fairly kind to you. The sounds are nice. It's raining a lot where I am right now! For a game about a flood, it's surprisingly calm. I would recommend it.

FlyingColours responds:

Thanks for the review and score! The drawings are photoshopped from actual images, haha. I'm glad that you liked it and that you're still reviewing prolifically! You should get a 'Reviewer's Award' or something :P

I was very impressed by this game! It's not as good as the first one, though. It's mostly because you have to wait for other people to come. Yes, I know you can get bots, but it's still annoying. I really like how you use the same stuff that made the original so good.

I'm glad you don't have to get 1st place. I appreciate all the little details here. You have some pretty unique designs. The music is fairly good. The medals aren't showing up and I know I have some.

I really was impressed at myself with how I could get through this. Granted, I still couldn't get far. I just loved getting all the little things that were hanging around. There were at least seven I found! If only I knew how to combine them. I clicked on everything on the menu screen.

The medal isn't there, in case anyone's wondering. You see, I could only say that if I didn't know where the medal was. The animation wasn't bad. It could have been a tad more detailed, though. I'm probably just going to stop and not look at the walkthrough.

I can't believe this doesn't have a higher rating! I thought it was amazing! Granted, it is hard to work with the perspective, but it's so original! I don't know if I've ever seen CGI like this before. It reminded me of Minecraft. That was probably the intention.

The colors were great too. You just don't see stuff like this on the website. I don't know what the name means. Probably something in another language. The music was great too.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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