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It was a big button. The problem was that it did nothing. Well, it counted. That was it. This seems more like part of a Star Syndicate cartoon. It's not enough for a full cartoon.

You (format) have done better. Still, buttons are cool. The lowercase was kind of cool. It's just not rewarding. Wow, a lot of people worked on something so simple.

I'm not giving this a terrible rating if only because it was about "Caddyshack". That truly is one of the best comedies ever made. It's my favorite Bill Murray movie. I thought this would be a game where you would play as Tiger Woods. What a disappointment!

It's at least a cool setup. Again, I can tell this was an early game from you guys. Everyone gets better as they go along. Seriously, has any prolific person here submitted something good for their first submission? It's better than "Dancing Ant" at least.

At first, I thought this would be really interesting. You would simply draw whatever you wanted. Instead, it was just a game where someone else drew random stuff. Where's the fun in that? At least it's unique. I wished there was music.

You need to be more creative. Well, maybe I need to be more creative. It just doesn't add up to much. There's definitely potential there. At least there's some creativity.

Okay, this was better. I admit that it didn't seem that different from the original version. I mean, it was still just you going around doing weird things. Or rather, it was Mr. Egghead doing weird things and going around. The animation doesn't quite hold up. Well, it wasn't really meant to.

The best part is probably how unpredictable it is. I really did enjoy doing all these weird things. There's just not much detail. For an early submission, it's still quite good. I've forgotten what Tony Danza looks like.

That was okay. I think this was your first flash submission. I especially enjoyed setting someone on fire. It really did need to use music. When you don't have spoken dialogue, you should always have that. The artwork doesn't hold up.

Actually, for your first submission, it wasn't too bad. There's definitely some effort put into it. It's hard to call it a game when it's so simple. Well, there are games like that. The drawings are too simple.

Can't say I enjoyed this, because I have no idea how to play it. I just clicked on the ground and was in the same spot over and over. It was nice to have something from you that wasn't stick related. Well, you're better off with sticks. The music was okay. I don't know how to play it.

I tried clicking on the towel and it didn't work. It also didn't work when I clicked on anything else. The red arrow was the only thing that worked. I just didn't know how to go anywhere. Demos usually aren't that good.

Aww, that's better. It's great that you have a menu. It's pretty much the same as the last one, though. It's always nice to see how stuff advances. This just doesn't look so great. The lines are pretty bad.

Maybe it's just the quality. You need more shading. That's usually a plus. The turrets seem manageable at least. It's just not that different.

This was too basic. I mean, it's just the same thing of you destroying ships over and over. The artwork hasn't really held up. There's no real beginning or ending in this. The colors are fine, I guess. It just has no aim.

Well, not literally. I could at least fulfill my mission with this. It just has no point. I wish there was more going on. Again, it needs variety.

Oh, I get it. None of the games can be beaten. It's all just a joke. The first one wasn't like this. Why'd you change it? At least we could have had some variety. The animation is pretty good.

It's just that the game can't be beat. I'm fairly certain of this. At least the levels were different. The voices were fine. Well, I think it was just one voice.

Uh, this game confused me. Was it supposed to be that you just lifted the rock up? That seems too boring. Why was there no sound? There was just nothing going on. I can see why it won Underdog Of The Week award.

That's not easy when it also wins Daily 4th Place. Did you mean Sissypush? It did seem like that. It's just too dull to be motivated. Oh, that and there's no medals.

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