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As with the last one, this wasn't that good. I will admit that it was at least slightly better. It's a pity you left so soon. There really were some improvements with flash. This isn't too offensive. Yeah, weird I'd say that about a game where you run people over.

Your "Urban Legends" series is great. Am I insulting your artistic value? You are at least unique. It was probably too easy. Well, maybe I wasn't trying that hard.

There must be something I'm missing. All I have to do is just click the same buttons. Frosty didn't even fight back! He did literally nothing! I should have known this would be about Christmas. Isn't there a boxing holiday somewhere?

Maybe it's the wrong kind. I do like how fast I am. It's just too easy. Even then, it takes awhile to get hits in. I can't understand this game. You've made much better things.

Again, it doesn't hold up well. Stick flashes really were pretty bad in the beginning. I can see why there was a "Stick Slayer". Actually, that was done in jest. He didn't really hate stick flashes. It's a stick flash alright.

It was just stick figures falling down and getting injured. Actually, the animation wasn't that bad. For 2000, it's kind of nice. I'm just more used to your "Un-named" series. This can be okay.

That game was just okay. I mean, it was just me shooting at cans. How is that unique? I will admit it was challenging. It was nowhere near as easy as I thought. The artwork was pretty good.

What did the title mean? I guess it just meant violence in general. I didn't know how to reload. I finally figured that you just click reload itself. You've made better.

I'm not your biggest fan, but this was fine. It's pretty easy to find the stuff in the background. They stick out a lot. That might be a good thing. I like mysterious things. The music was great.

I did have fun just picking stuff up. You really could get pretty far in this game. You're so lucky to always have medal(s) with your games. Looks like most people didn't like this as much. It still won Daily 2nd Place.

Well, this was Ben Spurgin's first submission and it's great to see how much better he got. Notice how I'm not saying "you" or anything? I'm referring to a dead person. I was trying to think of which of my favorite artists made this. I figured out it was Ben. Ah, I really wanted to see Pikachu.

Yeah, this never was finished. It did have some potential. How many times do you have to blast someone in the face with a shotgun before they die? It was too goofy. Most people have old shames.

The only thing I genuinely liked was seeing Dickens in the background. I love it when artists reference their other things! This was way too shoddy. Why'd you have to keep on clicking to go forward? It got way too monotonous. If nothing else, it was too easy.

Well, maybe it was just too dull to be hard. I can kind of laugh at how bad it is. It's just dumb. It probably would have worked better as a flash cartoon. It's just two opponents.

Yeah, this was really bad. This "Stan" character had little potential. It's just you shooting squirrels. Everything looks the same way every part of the game. I thought 34 would be a big enough score. These squirrels don't look very happy.

Well, they're just still shots. I guess it wasn't that hard. I just had no motivation to win. I like your other stuff a lot better. It's too dumb.

It's just Simon Says with gassy sounds. I thought this would have something to do with cars. You know, gas? I should have known better. I think you made something else here that had a car in it. It's probably too simple.

Well, it just is what it is. I can still admire some of it. I've just played other better versions. I guess it's okay for a quick play. You've done better stuff.

I actually liked this! I don't think this was making fun of the mentally handicapped. It was just making fun of psychics. They're all fake, you know. They would have warned us about 911. It's pretty stupid, but still enjoyable.

I just liked how it was interactive. I've played or heard of other games like this. I love that "Fat Albert" music. Steve is such a funny name. I hope he isn't being controlled by Marik.

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