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This is a weird game, because at first, I was amazed at how hard it was. Trust me, those little girls with the candy are harder than you think! It was driving me crazy because I couldn't think of a way to get ahead. You mostly have to just jump over those girls. I was surprised by the unique bosses. The funniest part was probably when he asked why the bear couldn't fly while he was riding him.

It was also funny to point out how a character had her own cutscene. Once you got used to this game, it was really fun. It's mostly a matter of relentlessly attacking your opponents. I was annoyed by how my special didn't work on the second boss. Merry Christmas to you too!

I had no idea what this game was going to be about, but it turned out to be really cool! I think my favorite part is how it seems like there's something new in every level. I was thinking that it was just going to be a game about changing the gravity at first. It was great how it progressively got more complicated. It didn't even seem to get that much harder. The graphics were really good too.

Even if this doesn't get attention, it's great to see you guys back doing stuff. Everything is presented in a nice and organized manner. I think my favorite level might be the ones with all the electric boxes. I knew something was up with those things. You guys should get front page more.

Okay, this is one of those submissions where I simply have nothing bad to say about it. It is just fantastic to see all of these awesome guys getting together in one place. I honestly don't know if I've ever played a collab that had so many of my favorite animators. It reminds me of the true power of the advent calendar. Like most people, I have one (or a couple like it) myself. I think my favorite was probably Kirbopher.

This is one of the longest credits I've ever seen for a submission! I love the music and I love the neverending series of styles. I knew someone was going to mention Hannukah in this. Even the music on the screen is graceful. It's really something where you can look forward to a new thing every day. Merry Christmas to all you guys!

This was a very strange game. I think there might be something wrong with the medals, because they are not showing up. It may seem like the medals are too easy, but they're harder than you would think. You basically just have to keep on going and going. With that being said, I had to give you credit for being fairly original. The designs are pretty cool to look at.

I really liked the music. I could not help but think about Christmas with all the wintery effects. If you have a lot of patience, then this game is for you. At least the controls were pretty easy to understand. It's weird, but not that bad.

I was pretty surprised at how much I got into this game. I couldn't even really understand it at first. The best part was probably when I managed to get three medals on the fifth level! If it wasn't for something going wrong with my screen, I would have kept playing. While the graphics weren't that great, it was still pretty fun. I liked how there were fairly different designs.

What I also like is how you really get into this game after you understand it. Luckily, I'm not addicted to it that much. It seems to go off and on with how many waves there are in one level. I like how it's unpredictable in that sense. It could use a better name, though.

A game like this doesn't have to be too detailed, but it probably could have helped in this case. Wow, I'm the first person to review this in YEARS. It's a pretty basic game for what it is. I actually did enjoy it, because you got the original game down pretty well. Here's an interesting fact. The sport's name is actually Table Tennis and "Ping-Pong" is simply the name of a company that produces equipment for said sport.

It could have also used some music. Still, the sounds it did have were actually pretty good. It was fun to hear those balls hit the, whatever those things are called, over and over. The 3D does look pretty dated. It seems to take a whole new meaning now.

While the design was pretty simplistic, I was somewhat surprised at how much I could have with this. It's more than just punching random people. I have no idea how punching people in the face would make them happy. You would think THAT would make them sad. Anyway, this is an early game for this website that I played. It still manages to hold up pretty well.

It's especially nice to see all these bright colors. You would expect those in a game that has a clown. The music was fairly suiting and worked well. It's somewhat short, but not the shortest thing out there. You really have to make sure they can't change back to happy.

I feel so sad that Randy never got around to making a better version of this. I'm guessing perhaps the votes weren't not good enough? Then again, he did win Daily Feature. As this was something early in his career, he probably dropped the project all together. This is the closest to a game he ever made. I can't dislike it, because all the graphics are faithful to the original design.

I just wanted to say that "Super Mario World" is my favorite video game of all time! I just love seeing all these elements. You can even move the characters around and sort of create your own video game scene! A must for anyone who's favorite game is SMW. I also liked the work you did, Randy.

Well, I can't recommend this game because I wasn't able to get past anything in it. I was quite impressed with how good the graphics were. I could have sworn this was made by the people at eddsworld. At least I managed to recognize the voice actors. It wasn't so much their voice, as it was how they were credited. It was weird how a bow and arrow was able to take down an armored knight with a sword.

I was thinking you would be able to defend yourself against him, but I don't think you can. It's nice to see how cartoonish everything is in this. At least I was able to get my armor on. If I were able to further advance in this game, I could probably enjoy it more. I guess I'm just not good at RPGs.

Wow, I've been playing a lot of weird games lately. It's not so much that this one was strange, it's just that it was slow moving. I couldn't even change the quality on this one. I can still appreciate all the work you put into making an interesting game. The music was also pretty stylish. I couldn't even tell if the bullets were hitting me!

The gameplay is fairly straightforward. It helps because there isn't a lot of description in terms of controls in the instructions. I liked how it was so easy for you to jump high. I just wish there was much better quality for this. The graphics could use some more detail, too.

peon007 responds:

soon publish the second part of this game, Thanks

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