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Wow, I was pretty surprised at how complicated this game turned out to be. I couldn't even get past four of them, let alone twenty-four! Yep, I went and counted all of the levels when they were first shown on screen. The music was decent and kept the game moving along. There are just so many obstacles. I had no idea at first that the snowball could actually help you.

Nothing like a winter game to get into the Christmas spirit! I wish it snowed here in Florida. I also have to give you credit for having some good graphics. It's complicated, but experienced gamers shouldn't care. You made a fun game.

This was a pretty weird game for me to play. In fact, it seems like I'm playing a lot of games like this lately. I guess I may have overcome my shallowness and no longer care if I don't get a medal for every game I played that has medals. Anyway, I thought the colors were just beautiful. It was pretty hard to figure anything out in this game, though. At least it manages to be very unique.

The sounds are nicely done too, and they are quite soothing. It's hard to get frustrated with a game like that. Half the time, I don't even know if I'm doing the right thing. I just randomly put stuff together remembering from how I won the previous levels. It's certainly worth a play.

Wow, I have to give you credit for having a fairly original game. It's always interesting for there to be a game where you literally have to kill things to advance. Usually, a game organized like this would be one where you were supposed to lead animals away safely. For whatever the purpose, this is nicely done. The graphics are fairly decent. It's pretty funny to watch those stupid rats jump around like that.

I'm glad there's more than one way to kill a rat. I mean that literally, BTW. The music was pretty stylistic and set the mood well too. I just like the idea of being able to make cheese stinkier. That might not have been exactly what happened here, but it was close.

Wow, this is one of the strangest games I've played in awhile. All in all, I can't say I didn't like it, because it was quite innovative. You didn't give much description of how to get the medals. It is kind of fun to figure it out on your own. Since none of them are secret, I can give you a hint on at least one. You can get one of them by just leaving the island.

There was some uncertainty on how you exactly got done talking. The noise got a bit annoying. I guess I can't really blame you for that, since you can just mute the game. Of course, technically every game is one you can mute on your own computer. It's worth a shot.

Woah, dude, I had no idea this thing was going to be that hard! Just when I thought I had gone through the first hard level, I wasn't even done with that level entirely! You really just have to keep on firing and blowing up absolutely everything in sight here. That being said, it was still a well done game. I liked how all the enemies had such different designs. It's the first game I've played in awhile where my fingers hurt.

I like the design of the main character too. It's weird how the character looks male in the game, but female on the game preview image thing. People who are really good gamers should enjoy this. The music was also pretty stylish. I'm glad there's a medal for beating the first level.

This was a pretty strange game. I could have sworn that I had played a game that had the exact same medal design. Maybe that was another game you made? Anyway, it was pretty interesting to see how such a simplistic design could be so complicated. It was also weird with how you had to do certain things in order to advance to the next level. The sounds are pretty good, too.

I just didn't think it made much sense. I was afraid I was going to die after getting hit once, but it took a long time for me to lose the game. You didn't even have to lose the game to not be able to advance. Oh, and it helps I got a bunch of medals. This is a very weird game, but something I would still recommend.

VictorGrunn responds:

If by medal design you mean the icons, yes - they were pulled off what I made for Drone Assault. I figured it'd work fine here.

I'm glad you found it fun - more glad that you found it strange! It was a joy to create, sitting around trying to think of how to make the gameplay differ despite using only a real, real limited set of graphics and rules.

It's quite fascinating how you managed to make another one. I guess when there are literally hundreds of pokemon out there, it's hard to ever run out. I thought the music was really good too. It gives off a good pleasant feeling. I only wish the same could be said for the actual game. It would have been nicer if you could advance to a level after not beating one.

At first, I thought Sandile was the name of a pokemon. I now realize it's your name! Oh wait, now I've done further research and discovered that it is in fact the name of a pokemon. It would just be too easy to look at all the answers. People who are truly hardcore pokemon fans will like this.

Well, I simply couldn't dislike this. It has pretty much everything you would want in an advent calendar. That reminds me, I need to be getting my own advent calendar out soon, probably now. I love how you guys fantastically drew all the characters in this unique style. I guess it would be gauche for me to go ahead. It truly makes you realize how many icons this website has.

I also love the music. It's not the best thing out there, but was definitley something made for the season. It's so great how everything is getting ready for the season. Even the non-religious can appreciate the secular aspects of it. Tis the season to be jolly!

Well, I was quite impressed at how complicated you made this game out to be. Geez, my resolution seems to be running low on some of these. Anyway, as always, it was great to have an easy medal. It was also nice to have a game that played for you with the shooting. I didn't like it how it kept telling you were getting low on things. I can't help that unless I find something new!

It was weird how it took place ten years later. You would think a massive explosion would cause something immediate. The music was great and fit the tone well. I was kind of hoping for some zombies in this. It's still a good play.

Dude, I was amazed at how awesome this game is! There's just a never ending series of action and chaos going on in this! I didn't even have any idea that I could die! I didn't even care when I did because I had so much fun with it. It was just great how you could sometimes just keep on pressing the same button to advance. I love the designs and destruction of everything.

I'm so glad it's Christmas time so we can get great submissions like this! The sounds are unbelievable with how there's always something crazy going on. I don't know what a giant worm is doing in the North Pole in the first place. The music is also nice too. This may in fact be the best game I've played all month. Endless destruction can never go wrong!

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