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Too late (or early?) for Valentine's Day

This is the time of year where there are so many holidays being celebrated, except for ones like Valentine's Day. I did still enjoy this because I found the graphics to be really cute. It was a little hard to understand the directions, but luckily you spelled them out in the author comments. It was definitley a unique game and something I would recommend to people seeking original stuff. I doubt it will win any award, but at least there are a few people like me who have reviewed it. The best part is the crayon-like backgrounds.

Long live Chris Farley

I can say right now that I am not much of a fan of Chris Farley, but I believe I did see the movie where these quotes are taken from. The thing that could have been better was how there should have been a fancier format. It should please every big fan of Chris Farley, though. I just love going through these soundboards and touching every single one of the buttons as fast as I can. Boy, does he have a funy looking face in the picture. It is great to make tributes, especially to those who are deceased.

Those bears

I was not really able to understand this at first, but now I see it is much more of a game you play by just pressing things. While not a fan of RPGs, these games can be pretty fun and this one certainly was. I thought it was funny how it waited awhile until the grenade killed my bears. The artwork in this is very nice, especially with how each bear is given its own distinct appearance. I certainly had no idea what was coming next. I would recommend this to all fans of puzzle games, and I like them myself.


I understand what you mean when you have to be careful with what you do. I could have gotten $500 if I had gone away when I was just going to! Granted, I highly doubt I would have gotten literally $500 if I continued playing the game or even medal points. Anyway, I had no idea there were shows that started bands besides "American Idol"! I have so little money right now this was great to play if only to help my imagination. It has all of the themes and gameplay like the real game show.

Now that was cool!

I can not believe how I could have missed this, seeing as how I am a guy who is always eager to get medals. The medals themselves were hard to understand. Anyway, I think this was a really original idea and I just love the music and how everything just flows together so well. It is a game that really lets you be creative and create your own world. You can really let your imagination go free and still plan strategies on what's coming up. I love the little rainbow the guy makes when he jumps.

The games never end!

When I first played this, I thought it was going to be a race of some sort, but this thing definitley went on forever! I was also thinking Larry would have no control over Pup, but he actually did a good job. It is hard to tell if Pup is missing a leg like he did in the second episode. The only complaint I had was that the spacebar was just hard to operate. You had to touch it in exactly the right place for it to work. I liked just going around and collecting beer and stuff, but how do you seriously survive hitting a wall?

Jazza responds:

full speed :)

That was also pretty weird

I have been playing some unique games, and I had really trouble figuring this out. I guess you are just supposed to click things in the scene? At first, I was thinking I would not do well with this because I am not that good with card games, but it turned out to be something harder than you! I keep thinking the animation was similar to Ben Spurgin, but that might just be because of the day and stuff. The graphics are pretty nice in their own right. Anybody who is good at point and click games should play this.

Pretty innovative

It was hard for me to understand the directions, but that was mostly my fault. What I did admire about this game was that it was truly different than a lot of other stuff I have seen before here. It was especially nice to see those really good CGI graphics. In a game like this, you would think they might look silly, but these actually work well. I like how the 2D effects of the land contrast with those effects. I would definitley recommend this to anyone who likes games like this, although it was hard to tell what kind of game it was.

FightClub69 responds:

The genre is called 'god games', it was very popular for a while back in the 80's but has gradually changed (IMHO the new 'god games' aren't as much fun as the old ones were)

That's life

I love this game because it is something that absolutely every single person on the entire planet Earth can associate him or herself with. We all live lifes, that is why we are here! You know, I think this is probably going to reflect what will happen to be in my life. I have little money now, but I certainly focus a lot on family and friends values. I was thinking this might be a really cynical game, but it was actually pretty hopeful! Now if someone could only tell me how to get far in the real version of it...

HeRetiK responds:

up up down down left right left right B A

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