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This turned out to be a good game. I admit that it is not very well detailed. Of course, it doesn't need to be (I keep saying that in reviews, too). At first, I thought you had to collect everything on screen. I should have known that would have been too easy. The music was pretty good in this game. I don't know how to beat that firing green guy.

I assume I'm just getting too close to him and I have to wait until he isn't firing? It was cool to see where the green orbs would go. There was certainly a lot going on. It's interesting to see how plain shapes can make such a hard game. You just didn't know how complicated it would get next.

Well, I guess sumo wrestling isn't my thing. The thing is, it's always been like that. I recall back when I saw stuff like that in a school dance or something and it looked dumb. I don't do well out of real life either. The music was fairly good. This did not seem to be well detailed. Then again, many games just reuse drawings/sprites.

I've never understood the point of this in real life either. It's probably some cultural thing. It just seems like you shouldn't start off with three. Then again, I did go on Normal Mode. I'm the most prolific game reviewer, I should be able to do that!

I did not like it as much as the zombie games, but it still deserves credit for being wonderfully detailed. I think now I just don't like it how it's an RPG. I have never been too fond of those. Don't worry, it's still a wonderful game. It's probably the largest zombie game I've ever played. That's probably because it doesn't feature an entire apocalypse.

Wait, wouldn't a zombie game be bigger because of that? Anyway, it was wonderful to see these graphics. You really did have to get up close with the zombies. That makes it more personal, I suppose. The sounds were good too.

This game did not really have anything that interesting about it. It actually was close to being a game I would recommend. This was because the gameplay was actually unique. I hoped to keep on finding new things. Unfortunately, the designs were pretty poor. It was too redundant with the blocks.

At least it's nice to wonder what will come up next. I was motivated to play it quickly. It just lacks anything that noteworthy. I think with better design, this could be a better game. I appreciate the effort.

I am sorry, but I just found this game to be far too bland. It's just parking cars. I don't know why the busty policewoman is there. I'm thinking it would be a game where you played her and you tried to distract men. Wait, that would work better the other way around. There's just nothing noteworthy about this.

I guess the music wasn't bad. There was nothing wrong with the detail. It was just nothing special at all. I guess it might have been meant to be educational. I can drive just fine.

I really did not find this game to be that hard. Well, okay, it was hard, but it was a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would be. I think the best part was probably how you were really motivated to keep on going and going. Even the title was cool. I think there was a ZekeySpaceyLizard cartoon that did the same thing.

The sounds were good too. It did get irritating on some levels. It seemed like a lot of it was just luck. I would still recommend this. Not the best graphics, but still very nice.

EggysGames responds:

Thanks I'm glad you appreaciated the gameplay

This game came off as quite mediocre to me. It's one of those games that has very little that's really that good or bad. I do think the idea is original. I like how you are trying to raise awareness of these issues. At least, that's what I thought you were doing. The sounds were pretty good.

It seemed like this was done in pretty good spirits. I thought it was weird how these poor guys seemed to hurt you. Maybe I'm looking too much into this. I think the game gets a bit too redundant. The name's kind of funny.

I thought that as far as first person shooters go, this wasn't that bad. I think the best part was probably how you had a lot of mobility. I was worried for a second that you were just going to stay in the same place. It is going to take some time for me to really get used to the controls. The sound effects seem really nice. The music ain't bad either.

I think the graphics could have been a tad better. I really do love that "Robocop" movie, so it was great to see the ED-209s come out like that. Destroying stuff is always cool. While not that great, it's fairly good.

I thought this game was just okay. I think the least enjoyable thing about it was how it was too complicated. It seemed like you had to go through a lot of work just to understand everything. The graphics didn't seem that good either. I thought the music wasn't bad. As always, you deserve credit for making it easy to get some medals.

As with most games, I reached a point I could not advance. It just seemed like too much work to really enjoy. I have played much better ninja games. I guess I was just looking for something "smaller". I can see how other people would like it.

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