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Well, I can't say anything bad about this, because it's one of my all time favorite art pieces. I was kind of ashamed of myself for not being able to recognize more of these guys. At least I know there's 173 of these wackos going around. The music is very nice. There's not much to say here as I already reviewed the art portal format of this. It's still great to see all these classic characters.

I honestly can't think of a single Christmas related character you left out. Heck, I doubt if I could think of a character of ANY kind you left out. It's great to see how they're not just all standing there. They're out doing things like building ice sculptures, chasing each other, etc. Happy holidays to you too!

deathink responds:

And Happy holidays to you too!

Wow, it seems like it's about time someone made a Gangnam Style game. It is the most viewed video on YouTube. For that matter, it's the most viewed thing on the entire Internet. Anyway, it's great to see all this good animation. My only complaint is that it's just too hard. I try to press the arrow keys when they show up, but it's always at the wrong time.

You did seem to make this similar to the original music video. You could even say that it's based on "Dance Dance Revolution". It's not something I'll be coming back to, but something fine for a quick try. I still love that music. There could be more of it, though.

This game just came off as rather weird to me. I didn't know a game based on World War II could be so simple. Now, don't get me wrong, the game was itself difficult, it was just simple in terms of gameplay. At least you have recreated a truly wonderful real life story for us. The graphics are actually pretty good for its time. I especially like the detail put into the explosions.

Once you get past the first arrow, I don't think you have to move so fast. It made me so nervous, I was afraid to move slowly. It's mostly just a game of memorizing places from then on. I would have expected a shooter or even a platformer game out of this. It's still playable.

Yeah, I can see why you guys switched to cartoons later. This didn't have much detail and doesn't seem to hold up well. I was quite surprised at how bad I was at it. It did manage to motivate me to keep on playing and it is satisfying when you finally get to hit a frog. The trick is usually to do it right before they jump. It's pretty much impossible for me to get it right every time.

There coul dhave been some more shadings and colors in this. It just came off as too bland. The sounds weren't bad and everything did seem to sync up pretty well. It does seem like you're just being mean to frogs. Then again, what have frogs ever done for me?

It seems like it's been awhile since I've played the original game. It's great to know that you're still up and at it throughout these months! I just loved the graphics and designs in this game. I think I liked this better than the original game, at least in terms of design. I had no idea new enemies were going to show up. Those voodoo dolls got pretty annoying.

You're pretty much doomed if you do it too soon. I may have been able to kill one of those guys after I did it too soon. You'd be surprised at how smart these people are. It's nice to see all the detail put into everything. There are just so many awesome colors and things in the background.

Wow, I knew this layout looked familiar. It was easy for me to recognize who made this. Anyway, it was great to play a good old fashioned Christmas game. There's just so much detail put into everything. It's amazing how cute everything looks. I managed to find some of the secret medals and most of them were by complete accident. That's what makes the adventure so fun.

I kind of knew I wasn't going to beat it on my first run. I like how funny Santa looks with how fat he is. I guess that's why fatness became associated with jollyness. The whole screen just seems to bounce around when he destroys a brick. The graphics are very good too.

whileworking responds:

Great, happy you like it! Yeah, it's definitely a part of the game to "learn" the levels as it's quite impossible to beat all of them on the first run ;)

I had no idea that Squiggly Fish was a rejected Mario Brothers 2 character. It's always interesting to get background information like that. I appreciated you paying tribute to this guy. Unfortunately, I couldn't really get this game moving. It just seemed like too much effort was put into just moving your fish. He reminds me of the Dopefish.

The graphics seemed to be pretty authentic. I guess I just thought this game moved too slow. The squigly fish could just go faster. It's too bad there was never a 2.0 game made. Anything by Tom Fulp is going to continue to have reviews.

I think I didn't like this game as much as other people because it was a bit too easy. Congradulations on getting so many views! I'm surprised this didn't make it for "History Of The Portal". I do think there could have been some better designs. None of the fighters seemed to even have faces. I apparently had to win three out of three rounds to advance.

I imagine if I had won two out of three I could probably still advance. Or maybe not? Anyway, it's interesting to see how something has remained so popular over the years. It's sad I'm the first person to review it this year. At least it's still fun!

I was surprised at how much I managed to enjoy this. I think it's mostly because it starts off pretty rough with such a lengthy tutorial, a total of 14 steps! That has to be some record! As you got into the basics of the game more, it got much more enjoyable. It seems like it's been awhile since you submitted something. Stick games, like flashes, will never die either!

The music was nice and I really like the narrator. I guess every voice sounds like Patrick Stewart to me in that context. The graphics were pretty smooth too. The gameplay is more straightforward than you would think. The statues especially stand out as good.

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