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I couldn't really understand the point of this game. It was just basically me going everywhere and hitting everything with paintballs. It did get kind of fun when you hit the people. It made it look like you were in a shooting game and shot the people with the blood coming out. I kind of would have looked if there were more colors. The graphics weren't much.

You need to have a lot more detail in a game like this. I couldn't even tell why I was advancing to the next stage. It was just so strange. It did get harder when I got to the later levels, but why couldn't I hit the trees in the back? It just didn't do much for me.

I was quite surprised to see how hard this game was. The weirdest thing was how there wasn't much going on. I assume that with the cliche title, it was meant to be easy, but I was wrong. I hope I'm not getting weak on my gaming skills. Anyway, this pretty much lives up to its name. I can not say it's bad, because it was intended to be like that.

The annoying thing is how those ships shoot out of the side of themselves. They can do that at pretty much any time in the game. I thought they just did it at the bottom at first. I assume there was no sound to make it cliche. It could just have better gameplay.

I'm not a fan of point and click adventure games that much, but this wasn't that bad. I did, however, not like some of the graphics. It does seems far too dated with the coloring of the flowers. I still have to admit it's impressive when I manage to get far anywhere with a game like this. I got the golden flower, although it didn't do anything right away. The music was quite nice and nicely suited.

Did you work with Ben Spurgin? He was a talented guy and it's too bad he passed away. There were still some pretty unique designs in this game. You do need to improve on lines, though. I got used to the different locations.

I must admit that the graphics seem to stand the test of time. It was weird because it wasn't even that much about farting in the first place. Like the original "Asteroids" game, you could basically just stay in the same spot the whole time. The farting didn't give you much mobility. What the heck were those things this guy was shooting out of his anus? Something VERY bad, I imagine.

I'm glad to be the first person to review this in nine years. I think the sounds are pretty decent and they synch up well. I just don't think that the guy has that much power. It seems like it's easy to rip apart those asteroids at first, but after awhile, you need to hit them many more times. I do like the cartoonish appearance of the main character and the game, though.

For a game that's pretty old, this seems to hold up fairly well. I think the best part of it is how quickly it can go. It reminds me of the DDay game you also made. I could kind of tell that it was made by the same guy. I found this to be an improvement, probably because it was more active of a game. It was fun to shoot guys.

You would think stealing someone's shotgun would render them helpless. He just shot me with another gun he had! I guess it pays to be prepared. I love how that scene has the guy get shot in the chest and he just doesn't move at all. I didn't even know that you could get lost in the hot sun.

I was surprised at how much fun I managed to have with this. I guess a game that won Daily 2nd Place would be like that. I was impressed at how fairly good the graphics were. I also found the gameplay to be most satisfactory. It's funny to see Santa go up and then fall down so quickly. I'm better at this than I thought.

I like how there are so many things going on and so many things to upgrade. It gives off a good sense of putting effort into your game. I could do something new on every level, which is why I kept playing. The sounds are fairly good too. A rocket still wouldn't work as well as a sleigh, though.

It was pretty nice for everything to be shown in a pretty clear cut manner. I do have the problems of how this just looks too cheap. I don't understand how the graphics come off as so bad. The intro cutscene was particularly painful. The actual gameplay isn't too bad. It was interesting how you had words that went from side to side. I found "SHED" in the first level.

Was that possibly a coincidence? I remember this music now, and it's nice music. I don't know what language everyone was speaking at first, or what that had to do with anything. Do you speak a foreign language? It needs better design and artwork.

Lenke responds:

I don't speak very well English, so I decided to make an animation in Spanish (my native language).
I'm not a good animator and my draws are not good... you know my games(you review almost all my games..xD!) I always make my games by my self... alone... <forever alone> (;_;) xD!

I just want to make an animation and I did it... xD!

the word puzzle is automatically created by a code I create:
first it put the words to find
And the empty spaces are filled with words from the A to the Z
so if you find a word like ***** or **** or *** or ***** or ***** or ******* or ***** xD!
is just coincidence, for that this game is for Teenagers (?)....

so sorry if you found an offensive word you can go to menu and replay the game if affect you or rate 0 and exit


Dude, I am so glad you are still out and making these awesome video games! I knew I recognized your logo, but weren't quite sure where you were from exactly. I absolutely love everything about this fantastic game. It's easily the best Christmas game I've played all year! I love how there's just explosion after explosion after explosion! This stuff's like nicotine!

I've been playing some really awesome games on this website lately. I even love the little voices that yell out "Yeah!" over and over. I could spend the rest of the day playing this game. I love the music, which sounds so sincere. You just have no idea what's going to show up next. Merry Christmas now and forever!

SilenGames responds:

Many thanks for review and for playing!

It's weird, because I was wondering why people didn't like this as much as I thought they would. It doesn't seem any harder than any of the other card games I've played. That is, it still came off as hard to me. I guess it's because card games are just too difficult for me to understand. There are so many different kinds, it's hard to keep track. I still have to praise this for having great artwork.

Honestly, the bikini clad warrior in the beginning was unbelievable! It seems just like something from "World Of Warcraft". It's great to have someone so talented here. The music was truly awesome too. People who love card games should play this.

I had no idea what to expect from this gamek, but it turned out to be completely awesome! It really seemed to get hard with the second boss. I thought it was difficult just when the first boss was tossing all those enemies around. The ones you couldn't destroy were actually harder to avoid. I know what game this title is referencing. Too bad I only know about the Uwe Boll movie.

I thought the sounds were quite authentic. The worst enemies were probably the giant pink mushrooms. The smaller ones were hard enough. It was great to have a game where the objective was so clear cut. There was just so much going on and while it was hard, it was great to watch. I appreciate all the creativity put into this.

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