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I really like this Javanoid style games, but I just didn't care for this one. I think it might have been because the graphics weren't good enough. It could also be how I couldn't understand what it even meant to have a "combo". I thought I got one by getting the most hits in a row, but it didn't work. The music wasn't bad. I guess I was just expecting more from a game genre I like so much.

There also needs to be some more coloring and shading in this. The gameplay was kind of interesting with how everything moved around. I just wish there could have been more designs. Now that I think about it, it wasn't really that much like those Javanoid games. It still had its moments.

I found this to be a rather entertaining game. What I didn't like about it was how difficult it was to get through the fifth level. I'm fairly certain I just needed to get ten in a row to advance. I had so many oppurtunites, but I wasn't able to get them all at once because of the angle. The whole thing just drove me nuts! This was still really good as a Christmas game.

The designs weren't that complex, but they did not have to be. Yeah, it can get irritating seeing the same objects over and over. The music was nicely Christmas-related and appropriate. It could probably use some more detail. At least I could get one medal with this.

Helgi3 responds:

Thanks Ericho!

yeah the keyword is CHRISTMAS))

i just had to do a game for christmas since I was intended to do that long ago.. and it has been 2-3 years that I skip doing an xmas game for different reasons..
this year I sad.. you should do that anyhow.. regardless of the limited time and etc..))
I did this one in 2 weeks. and had multiple nights spent awake)
it is also the first game that I've drawn all by myself.. usually I only do code\design.

Merry christmas and happy new year!!!! ))))

I didn't care much for this, mostly because it's a two player game. I don't think I've honestly ever played with someone else in a game on this website. I also didn't like it because the artwork came off as too shoddy. I can understand why you switched to cartoons. It was at least interesting to see how far you have gotten. You guys probably should have just made this a dance game.

I couldn't really win or lose playing by himself. I don't even understand the title. The music wasn't that bad. I suppose people with access to other players are probably going to like this a lot more. It was kind of creative in that sense.

I wasn't very impressed with this game, but it's still a game that I would recommend. Of course, that's probably just because I'm really good at this. That or it's just too easy. SInce there are so many levels, you are at least motivated to continue to see what's next. I was a bit confused by the Sean Connery voice. Then again, he does have a white beard.

Hey, it was a tad cool with the "Z" you put in the title. It was fun to see the pieces of coal richochet everywhere. The toys didn't even do anything but stand there. I doubt if they were even that evil. Then again, the objective in video games is rarely to make sense anyway.

I found this game to be quite enjoyable. It's also great to get so involved in a game that you don't forget about the medals. I certainly had no idea they were there after awhile. It's so satisfying when you finally get the right combination. Level 8 is the one where I am seriously having some problems with. I just keep getting caught in the same trap over and over.

I even managed to get it 96% complete! The music was quite stylistic and fit the tone of the game. It's nice to see all these bright shiny colors. I liked how it wasn't just the same goal over and over. You didn't know what was going to pop up next.

GameBalance responds:

I'd say this for all the levels - the key is the logic. You keep get trapped in the "square". Not possible to move out of it. So the right thing to do is to collect all the stars outside of the "square" and only then go and get final stars inside the "trap square"

I was not too impressed by this. I found it weird how the graphics just came off as being so cheap. I couldn't help but think that might have been deliberate. I did like how the gameplay was straightforward and it was pretty easy. It just needed to have more creativity. The sounds were at least decent.

I felt it wasn't very funny, especially with the "Bill Grates" thing. This is somewhat of an original concept. You need to be a lot better with lines. Of course, it wasn't intended to have too much effort into it being a part of Ludum Dare 25. It does still look pretty bad for being made in 72 hours.

Well, it's been awhile since the original game, so it only makes sense that you would work on a sequel. I think the best thing about this is how there's this glitch that allows the black balls to attack the buddy forever. You can get infinite money with that! I wish I knew how to replicate it, as it just happened to me by accident. It was great to see these elements back. I think my favorite thing would be the explosives.

Of course, that's probably everyone's favorite thing. I loved the little yells he continually made. It's hard to feel much sympathy for something that has no facial features. It was great to include all those little things like camera movement. I probably didn't like it as much as the first one, but it's still fantastic. I can see this becoming popular.

I was actually pretty impressed with this. The best thing about it was probably how good the graphics were. It was nice to have all these colors. While it may not have had a lot of detail, it certainly didn't need any. It was fun to see these little balls just bouncing around everywhere. I appreciated the simplicity of this game. I guess colors just make me think about Christmas.

It's interesting to wonder what kind of strategy is going to show up next. You went out of your way to make each level different. It even has a cute little name consisting of two words put together. The music is pretty cheery too. You could have put some more work on the medal design, though.

I thought this was probably the best (of the two) games in this series that I have played. The main reason I didn't like it that much was because it was so hard. It didn't seem to make that much sense as a game from a villian's perspective. Usually, there's numerous villians, but I guess the other game wasn't much better. I do have to praise it for its good graphics. It actually was fairly creative.

I did enjoy how it was so easy to understand. If this is the only level, I wouldn't blame you. I also think the music is pretty stylish and fits the overall tone. It may not be Halloween time, but it's nice to see a vampire. It reminded me of "Pac-Man" with how you could go from one edge to another.

01010111 responds:

Thanks! I was really challenged by the theme this time! My first attempt was a Dracula Dating Sim, but when the dialog system I was making got to be ridiculous I switched to this.

I have to admit that this game seemed to do a pretty good job of being in this Dare 25 thing. I swear you guys have one of these things every month. Anyway, while I could tell it was made in a short time, it was still pretty good. It is fairly original. I didn't even see myself as much of a villian here as just of a guy doing his job. It made little sense, but it was creative.

I like the use of bright colors. It's weird how they do not "die" when they are pushed onto the spikes. Or rather, they don't just disappear. It's a bit too strange to really like that much, but is worth checking out. Yeah, I'm not good with those moves.

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