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I was a bit afraid that my medal for getting ten stars didn't show up at first. I am so glad it managed to show up when I died. I managed to get a score of over 10,000 on my try after getting 3,000 on one before that! It was great to improve so much. At first, the game just basically played itself. I didn't notice anything was off until I died, of course.

It's a very simple game, but it's still enjoyable. It's not often I see a New Year's game around this time instead of a Christmas one. It's nice to know that we're touching all bases. The sounds in this are really fun too. I like how you can just go on forever with it.

I think this managed to be better than the original. That's probably because it wasn't really that much interactive and it was more of an ongoing story. I appreciate it when people can make a transition that well. The music was also nice and suiting. I like how the graphics are decent, too. You have a nice amount of explosions, so it doesn't take up the entire game.

I also like how it seems to give you a lot of chances. You basically just have to touch the green wire to advance. I couldn't help but wonder if maybe all of them did that, because it's weird how I just got lucky. It's funny to see him getting electricuted. You'd think that would result in a death.

At first, I was afraid this was just going to be something where you clicked to advance in the game with the dialogue boxes. I am glad it turned out to be something more. It's interesting to see how this series got started. With the awards, I'm surprised it doesn't have its own gaming section. Then again, I guess games don't really have series sections. It was also fun to see the good animation.

It seemed like you also tried to portray this manner in a realistic way. It still has great action of course. I had no idea it would get into actual gunplay so it was nice and unpredictable. Some of the designs don't hold up well, but are still nice. Some of the dialogue is pretty funny too.

I think this is one of your best games ever! There are so many of these games, it's hard to tell them apart. What I found weird was how I managed to perform these color moves and I wasn't even pressing different buttons! That is, of course, probably the coolest thing about this. It's even hard to tell who is your ally. Luckily, you can't hurt your ally.

I really am in fact getting into these characters more. The cutscenes aren't that bad. I think it's really cool how you keep that intro where you cause the intro yourself. The animation is as great as ever. It's great to just press buttons and let the game play itself.

I really wasn't that much impressed by the graphics in this game. At least it was a game that was fairly easy to understand. I am so glad you didn't have to keep on hitting the same button over and over. I was a bit confused by that at first. I thought this would have something to do with the December 21st apocalypse. At least it was something related to an apocalypse.

The scenes on the menu are actually better designed. There could probably be some more variety in the enemies. It's still a pretty well done game. It does seem like this is the first game of its game where it's Santa doing the shooting. You could make his weapons more Christmas oriented.

Bandana-Crew responds:

Thank you for your comprehensive review! Glad you share it with us! Thank you and happy holidays! :)

While I would have preferred if you made it one player, this still manages to hold up quite well. It's weird, because I mistook this for another SSB game on this website. It was great to have so many different games where characters came from. There are some I can't even recognize! The music is also quite decent. The sprite work is very nicely done too.

It does have the feeling of the SSB game, but on a smaller scale. In fact, a lower graphic version of that game should have been made. Everything looks authentic to the games it features characters from. The secrets also make it fun. While this didn't get the success of DBZ In A Nutshell, it's still worth remembering.

I think the one thing that was lacking in this was design. It just doesn't seem to have anything that appealing. You might have also made the music better. I guess it's a standard game for its time, but it doesn't hold up very well. I do appreciate you using all these fancy colors and such. The gameplay is pretty straightforward too.

It's games like this that make me realize how many more points pinball games give you. There could have been some more shading and variations. I think it might even go a bit too fast for me. Then again, I'm not used to playing pinball games here.

Yeah, I knew I was going to get to one of those games with a ton of medals sooner or later. Of course, those were what kept me going. Then again, it is a very fun game in its own right. I really liked the graphics and thought everything was nicely done. I like the idea of this guy randomly appearing and hitting the fat guy with sausage, candy, whatever. I couldn't help but take the fat guy's words to heart at the end.

Hey, that might have also been a reason why I was motivated! I just love these launcher games. The music is extremely sytlistic and fun as well. It's so satisfying to see a customizable idiot get hit over and over. There was so much variety in the enemies (or allies, I guess) too.

I think there must have been something wrong with this. I went to Single Player Mode and I couldn't press anything to beat my enemy. What I do have to admit is that the designs in this game are actually very well done. Some of it looks dated, but definitley fine to look at. I like how there's always a lot going on. Maybe it's changed since the last time everyone reviewed it?

I thought the intro was pretty weird. It just didn't seem to make sense in giving this a story. It still manages to have some pretty creative characters and elements. It does need an update after all this time. I don't know what the "3,5" thing means.

This turned out to be surprisingly decent. I guess most people would just think about the "Ultimate Flash Sonic" game, which is in fact much better. I really liked how it seemed to be pretty authentic to the game. My only complaint was that it was a bit too easy. I didn't even see how Eggman was supposed to hurt me. It probably works better as a demo.

I don't think this is that authentic to the original game, however. It's nice to hear all the authentic music. The graphics seem to look very nice. I do wish that it could be shown when Sonic loses his rings.

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