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Don't swear

I can definitley see why you decided to hate this because so little happens. I have done videos like that before (but not on Newgrounds) so I can give you some hints. Try to ignore the shaky cam altogether and simply set the camera in some place and record. You should also get rid of the "Created with a..." thing on the cover. I think you might have forgotten to use the actual audio, because I didn't hear anything in the audio description in the video. You should also try working on flash stuff.

Nice and clean

I liked this because it seemed to have a really clear and standard style to it. Everything was well organized, and it may be the first game I ever played where I could put a chair in the inventory! I have to use the walkthrough even though I will probably not get that far. It is just funny how there is such an odd variety of things to pick up. The graphics are great in this, and it reminds me of some high-quality cartoon for a film festival. For however you beat it, it is definitley worth checking out if you like these kinds of games.

Hard to hate

Why doesn't anyone ever make Thanksgiving games around this time of year? Anyway, I loved this because it gave me a really easy oppurtunity to get a medal (10 points in fact!). I believe this is from "A Charlie Brown Christmas" which happens to be my favorite Christmas movie. I think you get the medal simply by clicking the play button and letting yourself fall. It seems to be a real victory for you to get points for this medal. I hope you have a very merry Christmas and Thanksgiving, but next time put in some more detail.

Nice for something quick

Boy, do I wish actually animating a flash like this was actually that easy with all the art and audio and stuff. This was still fun to play because I am quick with things like that and I managed to get a lot of points. I love the music you used as that is simply something that will never die out. There was just a lot of effort put into making it look like we had effort. Granted, it was not detailed and a bit too easy, but still playable. When an easy game can give you medals, that's good enough for me.

thinking-man responds:

Thanks for the review!

Great work!

That has got to be one of the lengtheist art collabs I have ever seen on Newgrounds! I just love the way everything is detailed so gorgeously! In case anyone is wondering, you get the cake medal by simply viewing everything (at least I think so). That one isn't really an easter egg as it something you are expected to do. Yeah, it did tick me off with how hard it was get the medals, but it was still great to look at all the artwork. I think my favorite would be the one with the cat's face on the notebook paper.

JKAmovies responds:

I guess the medals are actually difficult now... That's good >:D

Haha! thanks though, glad you liked it.

Basic pong

I enjoy playing "Pong" (any version) as much as the next guy and this was an okay game to play. The worst thing about this was that there was no sound, and I always look for that with a game or anything. It did not really seem to add anything new to the table, but I guess you were not aiming for that. It might be just me, but dang, was this a really hard game to play. The computer just seemed to be able to predict by every move and a lot of times I just lost a point out of sheer laziness. You did fit the description well at least.

0497335119 responds:

Thanks for the review, yes, the computer is really crazy what concerns stopping the balls, I don't even know how I forced to do that :p glad you enjoyed it, I'm getting better and better and will bring out a lot of games next, keep tuned !!

Pretty funny

I did enjoy playing this, because it was about time somebody made fun of the genre like this. Granted, it still looked like there was not much effort put into it, as it was just a picture, but that was the point. Congradulations on having a big difference between score and reviews, I guess. Why would any girl just randomly have sex with you after answering some questions? Then again, I have never tried that in real life, so who knows? Anyway, this was decent for a quick laugh, but not great.

Deadly indeed

Okay, I am going to say it right now, the only reason this got a fair amount of views is because it had a busty woman on the preview icon. Still, this was a great game because the animation was so gorgeous (and so was the woman, of course). You really have to develop strategy and not just do the same thing over and over. The music was extremely appropriate and it set the spy tone very well. The atmosphere created is also very appropriate. You made a great environment for the player to go around and explore.


This was one of the best games I have ever played in my entire life! It is in fact probably the most addicting game I have ever played, because I kept playing until the very end and there were not even any medal points in it! Everything was just done flawlessly, especially with how everything had such a simplistic design but was so much fun! It was great to just see random mines exploding and people getting incinerated. It was a little hard for me to know how to use the meteor shower attack, but this was still absolutely flawless! I like how they are just listening on their iPods while being savagely blown up. A monster improvement over Gravitee 2, by the way.

Every second there is something cool going on, like how the astronauts just fly around and die. I have no idea why this did not win Daily Feature or isn't the #1 submission. There's so many achievements to gain and so much going on! You really have to develop strategy for this game, as many of the enemies simply go out of sight. All the weapons were extremely original and stylistic.

I see where the medal is worth

It was weird to play a game with medals with points where everything was the same icon. Anyway, this was the perfect game except starting with level 18. I have drawn it probably dozens of times and nothing works at all! It is particularly frustrating because I kept doing so well in every other level and it was all so flawless until then! The premise is really cool and I especially like the way you just fly around like that. The voice is adorable and seems to contrast with the prison uniform the protagonist wears.

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