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While not great, I still enjoyed this. I think I have learned to have more control in games like this. What really makes it worthwhile is seeing those little dots destroy everything. I thought that was really cool. They truly do look like ants. I was wondering what shot I even was in this.

There weren't helicopters in the classic age of pirates. There could have been music. The sound was still pretty well put together. For some reason, I thought this was named "Cutlass Island".

At first, this seemed to be a really cheap looking game. I was wonderfully surprised to find out how good it was! What made this was how complicated it was in its simplicity. It just seemed like a bunch of random images at first. I didn't even know how you could die. I liked all the little powerups. The sounds were pretty cool too.

It seemed almost like pinball noises at times. I don't know if that was intentional. It was great fun just to see this guy fly around. Who knew simple lines could bring up so much fun? It was overall a great game.

This game deserves credit because of how complicated it is. Then again, that might not be a good thing. I really did like how it was all arranged. It may have had too much going for it. It was still quite fun to play. I was amazed at how precise I had to get everything done. The graphics are pretty good.

It takes awhile to get used to everything. I'm glad you have the tutorial. I guess the best thief ever would be in a complicated world. It's hard to ask for more detail. I am glad you made this.

I did not like this. In terms of graphics, it wasn't that bad. Then again, there was really very little going on here. It was just you riding your bike. I can understand why a lot of others didn't like it. I'm not much of a fan of bike games to begin with.

I'd rather do it in real life. I guess the sounds weren't bad. With all the games out there, it's hard to see how this stands out. I'm glad I've never tried to bike over rocks like that. It is not a rewarding game.

I truly enjoyed this game, but it was a bit weird to me. I thought it was too easy. I never once had any trouble with where my tail was. I'm thinking it could be some kind of glitch? I still love the graphics in this. The designs are just so wonderful here. It reminds me of a hydra.

Yes, I know what hydras are (the organism, not the mythical creature). The artwork is so well done in this. The powerups are nice too. While not the greatest, still worth looking at. The sounds seem to fit it quite well.

As far as looking games go, I thought this wasn't bad. Its main fault was that it was hard to get into. I don't even know what a capillary thing looks like. You do deserve credit for having some fine detail. It's too bad this this is so unpopular. The music was pretty good.

I guess looking games aren't very popular around here. It's always nice to look at something new, anyways. I didn't want to look at hints. I'm too good a gamer for that! Well, at least this seems to fulfull its purpose well.

I really did like this game a lot, but it did not make much sense to me. I could tell that I got more powerful as it went on. It seemed like I beat the level, but that was apparently the whole game. As I already beat it, I'm not too eager to look for more stuff. I didn't even encounter one enemy. I got the secret ending, I guess?

It really is a creative game. It was interesting to see how you had so much power over your environment. It was fun just to see those blocks rise towards you. I don't even think your grabbing power got any stronger with that. It was a great game for Ludum Dare.

Wow, I can see why this won Underdog Of The Week award. It really did seem like something that was overall bad but good in some places. I thought it would be more complicated than that. But what can I really say? This delivered something creative at least. I don't want to just list the stuff I got.

If we all did that, then I guess...the game will have fulfilled its purpose. Kudos to you for making this insane. This seems more like something FatBadger would make. He would win an Underdog, not a Turd, of course. Congradulations on your strange success!

I was pretty surprised at how fun this turned out to be. I think it works so well because the colors are so nice. I always appreciate that in a game or really anything. There were a lot of unique designs for everyone and everything. It was so easy to beat the boss. He was nothing compared to the rest of the whole game.

I'm thinking it may have been intentionally anticlimactic like that Pico chicken game. Of course, I haven't advanced to beat the other ones. I think kids would love this. It really can be stressful. Good thing it was frontpaged.

cobcris responds:

It's awesome for me to know that you enjoyed the game :) i hope kids can enjoy it too
thanks Ericho!

While I'm not someone who's into point and click adventure games much, this really was pretty good. I think its greatest point was how easy it was to get secret medals. Yeah, expect me to say that. You'd think being the most prolific game reviewer, I could love all kinds of games. Unfortunately, I really do not. I still liked it.

Everything was done quite realistically. The drawings were very good. It was even funny to see the jokes with the medals you got. The music seemed to fit it quite well too. It was all around decent.

Aprime responds:

Glad you enjoyed my game mr prolific game reviewer.

Yeah, I tried to steer clear from arbitrary puzzles.
The medals were thought of spontaneously, but I'm happy they worked out well.

Thanks for the review!

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