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I am starting to like weird games. This was strange, because the gameplay was so weird in itself. I still appreciate how well put together it is. It does seem too simplistic. Then again, I really did like the drawings. Yeah, I like this probably because it was once again, easy to get medals.

Now that's something I REALLY need to stop saying in my reviews. There also could have been some more music, but what you did have was nice. I guess it was kind of unique in that sense. I probably would recommend this. It's nice for a quick play.

I can't say this is bad, because it is well played. Unfortunately, it isn't good enough for me to want to go on and win medals. Yeah, I know I'm whiney. I did like this overall. It doesn't really have anything that unique about it. I will admit that the graphics are good. It seems like a pretty standard game.

You probably need to add more to make it good. The music was fairly decent. It's mostly a standard game. I can see why it's popular. While not too memorable for me, good.

I admit that this was quite fun just to see what would show up. I recall a similar game with a psychic. I asked What Do You Want? and it said 9:26pm. So, should I wait until 9:26pm? While not too detailed, it really is fun to just see what you can come up with. It said its name was Clarence.

Here are some more questions: Does a bear crap in the woods? Yes (duh). Are you a brony? No. What's the afterlife like? Alone. Is Rainbow Dash a lesbian? No. What's the meaning of life? Alone.

This was actually a good game! I am not someone who is into game shows like this. What I did like was how it was unpredictable. You really did not know what would show up next. It's best to just skip the instructions and learn it as you go. I thought that chick was a dude at first by the thumbnail.

While it isn't that well detailed, it's still good. I especially appreciate how easy it is to follow. It's probably not something I will be revisiting. I don't even normally watch real life game shows! I guess the "tam" is part of your name.

I found this to just be an okay game. What I thought was weird was how it was too mundane. I guess I thought you were supposed to destroy the other cars. That would have made it more fun. Wow, that brings back memories of "Twisted Metal II". The graphics weren't bad.

I thought it was pretty well designed. It's a bit hard to get into something like this. I want more explosions! I guess I need to learn to appreciate how fun mundane things can do. Well, I'm still occasionally killing people here.

This is one of those games where I would want to see someone playing it. I would love to see just how you'd get all the way up to the top. Speaking of the word "top", topical games are always nice. Then again, this is old news by now. At least you made an unintentional time capsule with this. I think the music's a bit annoying.

Then again, I don't see how it can't be. I would have wanted a more creative game. I guess more graphical, what's wrong with me? I'm glad I never ran into any of that trouble. I probably wouldn't quite recommend it.

I really did enjoy this game. I think it was probably because I know a lot about movies. I managed to get 39 on my first try. There were a lot of them that I did not recognize at all. I bet I did better than most people! I thought this was really fun to play.

It's always nice to get secret medals. While not well detailed, still a lot of fun. I even managed to get most of the actresses right. I think most people are familiar with the actors. There isn't much else for me to stay.

I remember making paper airplanes in this one class. I remember absolutely nothing from it. I didn't care much for this game. I just thought it lacked detail. Another big factor was how it seemed too difficult. There really wasn't much going for it.

I believe I have played other paper airplane games. These kinds of styles were never popular. It's the same thing they do with that stupid bird thing. The music is alright. I can see why this isn't popular.

chillyphilly responds:

This game was more of a running experimentation as you could probably tell from how random every element is haha. Nothing in it makes sense.
I don't think it is at all difficult though. It's virtually the same mechanic as the classic helicopter game with some other shit chucked in there. It probably takes too long to learn though without getting bored or frustrated before you close the window. I can see that happening.
There was no intention for it to become popular. There is no story line, nor is there any point or real objective apart from finishing the levels. Created this as a way of learning the software but I guess I could have taken a more constructive approach and made something more worthwhile. It was fun though.

Cheers for the review bud, appreciate the time you took. Bit of a nostalgia trip to review this game? It's been a while.. i loved this website haha.

Ah yes, a good ol' edutatinment game. I really liked the music in this. It also confused me as to why it was used. I find this to be a fairly enjoyable game. It helps that I'm such a great typist. I also liked how you could choose either side. I do think it is probably too cutesy.

I imagine most games run into that problem. Being in my twenties, I'm a big too old for it. I would still recommend it. People can always test the limits of their spelling. If only something like this was in schools.

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