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I personally didn't find this to be all that good. The volume seemed way off. Yeah, I know you can just turn it off, but then it loses its authenticness. I also didn't care much for the controls in this. You could only go from one area to the one right next to you. You guys have made other better games.

It doesn't seem like it's making anything new. I still appreciate how I could understand it and it is fun once you really get used to it. The soldiers almost remind me of Tankmen. It didn't show the line until you got to your target. That turned me off.

It seems like it's been awhile since you've made one of these games. I thought the atmosphere was done really well. I couldn't even find where the demon was at first. Good thing I figured out how to open the blinds. I love the video game character joke. Eh, the demon doesn't do that much here.

The only reason I was able to get into this was because I've seen the tutorials. Yeah, I'm going to need that for this too. At least I could figure out how to turn the fan off. The siren doesn't seem to do much. Hey, someone who worked on this is a pony!

I was surprised at how fun this turned out to be. I think the best thing was probably how unique it was. I appreciate how everything was laid out. You really do have different arrangements here and there. I guess it would make sense not to touch zombies. Too bad he doesn't have a gun.

I guess this place is too old to have guns. I liked how some of them were skeletons. I guess skeletons count as zombies, right? I don't think they're a different kind of monster. It was interesting how you used the rock to both kill and elevate yourself.

I found this to be a pretty good game. It does kind of fall into the same mediocrity of the other game you made. I still thought this was pretty impressive. I liked listening to the music. The designs were fairly good. You just need to have more going on.

You should show the other people. I have to admit that it is well detailed. I probably would not recommend this, but I get the sense that you are improving. It's at least nice to look at. And yes, I like how it's easy to get medals.

I found this game to be pretty mediocre. There's nothing really too good or bad about it. I guess it was kind of interesting to have different girls to choose. I had no idea they were going to be different like that. Well, I guess it's more realistic, right? I remember other games you guys have made.

I wish you would make more. Then again, as a company, you're not really that good. This could have used better gameplay and artwork. It doesn't seem like you did that much with this premise. Not terrible, just forgettable.

Yeah, it's pretty easy to see why this wasn't popular. It was just too poorly designed. I did not have much control over my vehicle. I'm not sure if that was part of the job. There was too much going on to really understand it all. I don't even see what this has to do with the future.

I'm thinking maybe it was about crime in the future? I imagine "Minority Report"'s much better. The sound wasn't too good either. I haven't found a lot of good games here. I am sorry.

I don't think I enjoyed this that much. I was at least able to understand how to play the game. I kept on playing, but I always lost. It's that robot at the end that always crushes me. I don't think this was anything special. That being said, it wasn't particularly bad.

It was just mediocre. That also describes the graphics. Nothing seems very detailed. I guess it was something good for this jam. Hopefully, we won't get it wrong like Back To The Future Part II for future design.

romualdos responds:

Glad you didn’t found it completely bad Ericho, it´s our first tand we put a lot of work in it, without having any previous experience in gamemaking other than a few experiments. We understand is not an easy game to play. Thanks for giving it a shot.

Well, I really did manage to make a fun game out of this. I still really have no clue what's going on, though. Of course, I didn't ask questions with galactic golf. This is on a smaller scale, so it might make more sense? I really did like the graphics in this. It did get to be annoying at times.

I don't even know what those other guys are for. It seemed like it was just four levels. I appreciate this unique idea. Moose are just funny. They were featured like every other animal on Invader Zim.

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