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You've made a pretty good game here. I admit that the other ones are better. I'm not into "StarCraft" at all. If I was, I probably would enjoy this more. There's still nothing too bad about it. I especially love the graphics.

It's great to hear these guys as they get blown up and stuff. The visuals are so nice. It's redundant, but it's simple fun. It's weird to have a self destruction button. Oh well, in some scenarios you'd obviously die anyway.

Well, that was pretty good. I admit the details could have been better. I mean, the enemies weren't designed well. I still found it playable. It was annoying trying to collect those shekels. I was afraid that was the only way for you to get money.

It's a very fast moving game. I'm always glad there's Hanukkah related stuff here. We need to acknowledge the Jews. The temple seemed to be damaged pretty quickly. Well, it got visible fast.

I really enjoyed this game if only because it was much easier than I thought. I had no idea you could move around. That was a plus. I'm not that good at it, but it escalated with how hard it was. I wasn't expecting that many enemies. I still think I got pretty far.

I didn't care to duck. Well, I didn't know how to at first. I had good mobility. I always look for that in a game. It makes me wish I didn't live in Florida.

I guess it wasn't that detailed, but it was fine. Of course I had to look at the walkthrough. With only one medal, I had little choice. Anyway, go over to the bike. The first notch goes down three clicks. The second one goes down by four.

The third one you just leave alone. The fourth notch goes down two. The fifth notch is three and the sixth notch is five. Use the bike to get the quarter in the hole. . You have to click on the quarter to get it and that's all I'm saying.

I think this is probably one of your best games. It's hard to even compare anything to "RaidenX". It just puts everything else to shame. Now I know how George Lucas feels. Or rather how you should feel. The artwork is pretty good.

I'm used to seeing Christmas stuff all year. This was quite fun. I had no idea it would get so intense. I mean there's so much going on after awhile. It's hard to not liking something from you.

I feel so whiny writing this, but I thought this was really too hard. I mean, you lost a point every time a single fish went missing. Honestly, I think it would have been fine if you just didn't have the hook change colors at all. You could probably easily lose with that. I'm sorry I'm so bad at this. It just gets too monotonous.

If you're really patient, then I guess you can play this game. I wish you could just get penalized every time you used the wrong hook on a fish. I never was good at fishing in real life. I'm not even good at it in a video game. It's still a subtle game at least.

Yeah, there wasn't much to use. It was just random insults. That being said, it wasn't terrible. It gave you what you wanted. No, this shouldn't offend anyone. It's just a random generator. There's nothing personal meant.

The layout was too simple. Should I insult you here? No, I can just do that in the game. I wouldn't do that anyway. Well probably not anyway.

Wow, I had no idea you guys worked on this yourselves. It just didn't seem this type. Then again, I did notice the single medal for completing the game. You guys always do that. I love how clear the animation is. I mostly just read the words and skip the dialogue afterwards.

I find it funny he'd just grab a random knife he found. Well, this is a scary game. It got intense pretty quickly. It still has a quaint feeling to it. I like that.

I'm so glad to be playing a game this popular! I was amazed at how fast paced it was. I mean, just one bomb took you out. Well, it was like that for everyone else too. You had good mobility. Those planes were a real pain in the neck.

I think the one that got destroyed was just an accident. I like how there's a lot of room to move around. It was just a bit too easy to die. I think the lack of colors worked well. It's kind of like "Madness Combat".

I didn't care for this as little happened. I still liked hearing that song. Well, it is the third time I've heard it. Denvish Day should just be about that song, which it mostly is. I just found the animation to be choppy. It's too simple.

I guess I wasn't too bad at this. I just wasn't motivated to continue. I guess it's kind of unique. I think the infinite loop works here. I can see why this is the lowest rated Denvish Day submission.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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