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Wow, when I first came across this, it seemed like a standard Spot The Difference game. I mean, that's what it says in the name! I really appreciate how you made it different. It was so cool to see all these things moving around. I was wondering why you had instructions listed. The standard instructions are already listed there!

I had no idea it would move around like that. I had even less idea I had no control over the movement. It was unique for a game like this. While the graphics aren't great, they're not bad either. There should be a category for these kinds of games here.

I had not heard of a sequel for awhile. While not as good as the first one (it didn't have that awesome music) this was still awesome. It was great to play a more pleasant game from you. There really was a lot going on. I got a score of 647. I'm surprised I didn't have a higher number.

I imagine it would be hard to last that long at all here. I really like the new powerups you get. That's probably the biggest improvement. I don't at least recall those from before. It's a very cute game.

This was great, but it's a repost. There's another game just like it that I played before. I know this because I favorited it. It doesn't appear to be a sequel or anything. I guess it's as good as the original. It does remind me of the days when you were in classrooms with chalkboards.

I don't know if that's something in high school or just something they don't use anymore. I liked the music. It was interesting to see how complicated it would get to be as it went on. It was quite unpredictable that way. At least the title's different.

This didn't strike me as anything too good. I think the worst part was how it didn't give me a lot of room. It was too easy for me to die. I just that's what I get for messing with ghosts, lol. Okay, that wasn't funny. I did like the music. It's a pretty weird game once you think about it.

It shows this baby with a club. I have no clue what that's all about. I guess it's just meant to be a non sequitor game. The long armed pandas were pretty creative. I think it needs to have more detail in the actual level.

It was amazing just how fast paced this game was! I'm going to say right now that I loved it, if only because of how much was going on! There was simply a wonderful amount of action in this. I loved the constant button smashing. There were always new things for me to destroy! I loved that! While I'm not that good at it, I really don't care.

It's awesome to have such high scores. I think you may have even surpassed Boxhead in terms of numbers. No, not quite. Congrats to Niemand for the highest score! The music was great too.

Wiesi responds:

Thanks a lot for the review and playing!! :)

I found this to be a pretty good game. At first, I thought it was going to be bad. It really is better once you get into it. I do think that the graphics could have been better. It wasn't that well detailed. It's still a pretty straightforward game. Yes, I like games like that.

It actually was kind of interesting to see a turret like that. Once again, the art quality really did weigh it down. I guess if you're a fan of games like this, I would recommend it. It's at least better than it looks. It just looks fairly dated.

This game was quite mediocre. It was hard to take the CGI seriously. Then again, that may not have been the point. I at least appreciate you for something original. It did get a bit too generic. I had no idea guys could pop out of the tower like that. Did you know the creator, Glen Bell, did awhile back?

Anyway, I thought the music was pretty good. It was a bit hard to get involved with something so silly. I really like that special move you have. I heard that breakfast menu they have is awful. The only other taco I know on this website is Taco-Man.

While the game wasn't well detailed, I did like it. It's probably the best sports game I've played all day. Yeah, that's kind of a shallow thing to say, I guess. I was quite impressed at myself for how far I managed to get in it! That doesn't mean I'm too eager to do the whole thing.

I love how it shaves the angle of the ball. You only have to worry about the force meter, then. It got repetitive, but I still enjoyed it. It was fun to see me get all those points in a row. I'm not good at basketball or most sports in real life.

It's hard to really say anything that good or bad about this. I think you could have used music. I guess this did give a pretty realistic interpretation of golf. Then again, it's still probably more fun than actual golf. The sound effects were good enough. It was mostly a pretty standard game.

It seems like I'm running into a lot of sports games like that. The graphics aren't bad. I think I recall seeing similar animation and the "Do's And Don'ts" cartoon. It's made by Shut Up Cartoons. I thought it was okay.

As far as sports games go, this wasn't that bad. I think the best part of it was how you could move from side to side. If it wasn't for that, I'd be dead. Well, I guess you don't really "die" in this game. I still appreciated how it had good gameplay. I do wish that it was more detailed.

The music wasn't bad. While not something I would recommend, in no way terrible. It just seemed to be the same thing over and over. You did get me more interested in football than most games. I liked that.

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