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What a coincidence

The weirdest thing about this was that I was actually thinking of these very words as I was searching the Internet yesterday! I guess it is kind of a generic phrase, but it's still a funny situation. The graphics in this were good, although they could have been a bit more detailed. I was thinking the second level was going to be so easy, but then I realized there were things going on below the screen. This game works because its gameplay is simple, but still requires strategy. I like the designs of the creatures.

They're so cute

I thought this was one of the lesser things you have submitted, but it was still fairly fun. The best thing about it is that you can really take your time with it, as the cloud doesn't go until you have used everything. I even managed to get past the second level without having to use one of the wheels! It is strange how a game with bombs features you trying to save someone (or whatever those things are). I also have to admit that the little guys sound adorable when they die. Yeah, that does sound morbid.


The thing that really kept me from liking this more was that it had no music or even any sound. I have played so many defense games it seems like something I am always looking for. The artwork could also be better as the lines seem too simple. It is still a defense game, so I enjoyed it to a certain extent. The best part was seeing the enemies getting hit and then having those weird little black things just "fizz" out of them. Next time, work on detail and find some cool music and sound effects.

Those zombies!

This was really cool to play, because it just had some superb graphics to go with it! It reminds me of this other game I recently played that featured dinosaurs. While not as good, it was just great to have a great big environment that you could really run around and have fun with. My only complaint is that it is a bit hard to learn the controls. It was even cool to die with how they made that silly sound when you die. Congradulations on being featured as the game of the day (or whatever honor is) on the front page of Newgrounds.

Not as good as the first one

I did not like this as much as the original, probably because it was a lot harder for me. Nonetheless, it still had most of what you could want in a game like this. The mechanics were fairly similar to the first, and you really have to play with every single thing you have. In terms of graphics, all of the designs were great and you had no idea what was going to come up once again. I still find it funny how "fish" and "human" do not create "mermaid". Oh well, it was also great to see those cutscenes.

Probably your best

You may never get the oppurtunity to get medals with points here on Newgrounds, but you can still make good stuff. This was the nicest thing you have ever worked on, and should please any fan. The best thing about it was how awesome the sound was. Everything was fitting and you still had no idea what was going to come up next. If anyone wants advice on the first part of the game, then just know the stick figure is always in the same spot. Not your biggest fan, but you made something I liked!

BanglaBoy96 responds:

thank you!
I enjoy your reviews

Guess I'm dumb

This was a great game to play because it is a great puzzle to show what your brain is capable of. Mine is apparently not that good, as I managed to get an average of 68%. The easiest part was speed, while the hardest was multi-tasking. At least I managed to win a couple medals out of it. It was also great to see everything presented in such a clear and understandable manner. This is a game you can get addicted to, not because of the medals but because you really want to see how well you can do with it.


This is, well, an amazing game and I guess I did enjoy playing it because it was so easy. I was thinking it was going to turn into something funny, but it kept the serious tone the whole way through. It seemed like it really was trying to look into our hearts, souls, and minds. I knew it was going to come to an ending where the guy died. The music was great and while there was just so little going on, I would still probably recommend it. I guess it did a great job of being extremely realistic for a NG game.

EventHorizon responds:

I really appreciated your review and I'm glad you liked the game, thanks! :)

Cool and different!

I was thinking at first this was going to be a turn-taking RPG but it turned out to be something much better. I enjoyed these kinds of games and it was funny to hear the little sounds and stuff you made when they disappeared. I was a bit confused about the achievements, but they just showed up in a different way. I also liked how the game gave us hints on what to do next. The biggest strength is that it is extremely original and different than anything I have ever played. You really are motivated to find the combinations as fast as possible.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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