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Reminded me of the Sims

This was a good game to play because it reminded me of "SimCity" which was one of my favorite games. It must have been a long time since I played that, because I had trouble with this one. I was not sure how to advance and what to click. Still, this had some really impressive graphics and I liked the premise. I kept thinking this was going to be a game by WarnockWorld, as nearly everything they do (that I like) has balloons in it. The music is also pretty entertaining and helps to set the mood.

Fairly nice

I thought this was good, but it was not the best defense game you guys have ever submitted. It just seemed a bit monotonous with how you were basically pressing the same button over and over to summon the penguins. Still, it had some really good graphics. The best part about it was probably that amazing music. I never in my dreams expected to hear something so epic in a game featuring penguins throwing snowballs! While I will probably never have snow where I live (Florida) it was nice to see it here.

Simple but entertaining

I never would have thought a game with such a child-like appearance to it would have animals twisting their necks and then die like that. The animals certainly get stronger as the levels go on. I think this is one of the best games you guys have submitted here in a long time. It was funny to just see the monkeys get taller as their necks stretched everywhere. It was also great to be able to pick up those powerups so easily. The graphics were really good and it reminded me of CGI in a certain way.

Fairly fun

I expected no less from a game genius as yourself. I am surprised I missed this when it first came around, but it was definitley zany enough to be worth a play. I could not quite understand what this was about as it made no sense at all. A turtle, cars, baseballs, what does it all mean? The funniest part was probably when the guy came out and kept saying "Safe!" after I kept narrowly escaping death by being crushed by the baseballs. After awhile, it does become a bit too easy, but the premise is still interesting.

Can't really hate it

This is another game that makes the mistake of not having any music or any sound at all. A lot of people look for this in a submission and you can just put in some popular song for it. I could not understand this well, as I seem to just randomly blow up after flying around. At least it was a good way to get medals, granted they were not worth anything, but still. The animation/graphics is fairly standard in this. Just try to make it a little easier and have music or sound effects to make it more absorbing.

jirachi99 responds:

Well the medals are meant to be worth stuff but they haven't been approved by the admin yet.


This was a game that really goes back to the roots of the space shooting genre. While not that creative (the graphics could use some work) still a lot of fun, especially with all the medals and stuff. It took me awhile to realize that I was supposed to be collecting those little yellow things. Here's a tip: you don't need to press "f" to fire continously, just use your regular shooter. I thought there would be a boss on every level. At least it was easy to get the medal of killing over 100 enemies.

Not bad

I thought this was kind of a weird game because you had to make everything so specific. It seems like the guy could have just easily gotten across the things if I put them in any random combination. The strongest point of this is probably the good graphics. I just find it weird you have to get this elixir which makes you immortal so many times. It reminds me of how I was watching the movie "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1" yesterday for Thanksgiving. The "Deathly Hallows" story itself had a similar theme.

Where's the combat?

It was weird (but a bit refreshing) to play a game (or anything here) with the word "Madness" to not be a tribute to "Madness Combat". The best thing about this is that the gameplay is easy. I believe the tanks can only be destroyed with grenades? One thing I did not like was how the graphics seemed so simple. It was still nice to shoot people especially in the windows or with the barrels around. The sound and everything else seems pretty authentic for a war shooting game.

Very fun

This is a great game to play because it has a really simple premise and you can just go all over with it. There are a lot more tricks to do than a game like "Tetris'D" as you can move along the blocks more easily. It is still a bit frustrating, but that can not be helped. I love the sounds, especially the little one the guy makes when he jumps up. It was so useful to have that ability where you could just destroy the bricks on the side. Word of note, I do not think you are able to do that when the bricks are falling down.

Very slick game

This was good fun to play because all of the graphics and everything else had so much style to it. I was thinking it was going to be easy at first, but I realized it was just a game I was good at (lol). You never know what is going to show up in the next levels. My favorite feature was probably the machines that transported the beam around. The music was very good and it has a very dignified ring to it. I recommend this to any fun of the neverending number of games made by mofunzone.

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