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Very hard

This is certainly so babies' game as it has tons of things going on that makes it hard to keep up. The controls get a little bad at times, but you learn to get used to them. That "shift" key really comes in useful and I am glad it is in. This is like putting together a really hard puzzle in that while it seems like an action thing at first, it's clearly a thinking game. I do not like it how you are not able to save your progress. While there may not have been much detail, you guys made some cool designs and a good premise.

Good, but...

This was pretty fun to play, but there is definitley some sort of glitch with the game. When I play it on "Medium", I simply know for a fact that I am pressing the buttons that are on the screen when he is about to fall over the edge, but nothing happens. It was still an interesting game and I liked its cartoonish elements. A lot of people are used to seeing your sprite movies, so it's funny to see your original drawings and character designs. The sounds are pretty goofy as well. I guess it could just be something wrong with my computer.

Great work

I am going to act silly again and say that a big factor in how awesome this was, was how easy it was to get the medals. It's probably the only one where I did not have to look for a walkthrough to get everything. I figured out to just click anything along the way. As for the collab itself, it's a great piece of work as it does showcase some of Newgrounds' best work. Everything is covered here from things like Godzilla to knife fights and generic people. While there is not much going on, it's like going through the Art Portal without having to click so many different things.

JKAmovies responds:

Thanks ^^

Very fun

This game really knows how to work simply because it's so unbearably cute. The graphics are very quaint and original and it's hard not to fall in love with those awesome lyrics. The animals are really cute and it's funny to just see them plop everywhere. For being a game that appears to appeal to younger viewers, it definitley works as a hard puzzle game the more it goes on. Of course, nearly every game works that way anyway. It is interesting to see how many different games this website can come up with.

This is just weird

I can say that this is easily one of the strangest games that I have ever played. I mean, I go to play this and I do not see any medals where they are supposed to be. I also find a list or gallery of pictures of stuff that look like levels, but they all say they have 0 views. I also find it odd how I do not understand how to advance in this game, seeing as how I keep getting the matter in, but it then goes out of the orb thing. I guess I have to give it to you for creativity. It seems like every new game has medals nowadays.

Very enjoyable

This was really a fun game to play, if only because the medals were so easy to get. I am like on fire today reviewing games that have medals and everything. I was impressed at how remarkably cute the graphics were, especially the bee. It just seems like there are so many ways to get medals and it is fun to experiment with yourself. It might be a little too easy, but there are medals that are harder to get. This was a very nice little game to play, and had some nice things in it.

This was nice

I think what could have made this better was the graphics, which were really not that impressive. I will say it was strange how I thought it might be an action game when it was really a defense game like you said. I don't know why, but my gun fired automatically after awhile, which was great. It was strange how the hardness changed so drastically with the third level. Nightmares are a pretty interesting thing to use with. It may not have been the most original, but it was playable enough.


This is by far the best game I have ever played this year! It serves as though we are really going through the barrel for the greatest and best stuff today! The graphics were absolutely flawless and extremely gorgeous! I loved just trying to find out how many different kinds of ships there were. I think what really saved this is that the move where you are able to block the other laser beams and stuff is perhaps the best weapon I have ever seen in a shooter game! There was tons of creativity put into this and I am so glad!

It was just so satisfying to get so many medals in one game at one time! This is something that everybody on this website or even the Internet should check out and play!

Weird but great

This is a very unique game and I really mean that! I have no idea what is going on or where I am going, but I love how the design is just so colorful in every sense of the word! The graphics were impressive and it made it seem CGI at times. This has got to be one of the craziest premises I ever heard, a point and click game where they find the blue ball. It looks like something out of Dr. Seuss. Through its silliness, it is a great way of showing off your creativity and skill.


This is easily one of the greatest games that I have ever played in my entire life! It didn't seem like you could top yourself but you took the series into a completely different direction (RaidenX is one of my all time favorite games here, BTW) and made it work! It was just so great how I could basically just stay in the same place or simply hover over the balloons and get the ones needed I need to get popped! The premise is amazingly simple, but yet it has so much going on as the game progresses it gets epic!

I hope this becomes more popular, as it deserves every play it gets! The monkey himself is cute in his superhero getup.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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