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Best I've played all day

In all of the games I have been through and tried to finish, this is my favorite of all of them. I am just amazed at the graphics in this one, particularly how the character moves. It is some of the hardest stuff I have ever played, but dang, is it satisfying when you're finally done with a level! The idea was also pretty original. There just seem to be so many limits on what you can do and so many things that are out to kill you! It is certainly addictive, in that I keep playing until I beat the game.

Hard and strange

It seems like every game out there has medals these days. Anyway, I was impressed at the graphics that were used and it was a pretty original style. I guess I am just not used to the new kinds of gameplay we have as it took me forever to get anything done. Oh, it was nice how it fired automatically and how those enemy ships were destroyed when they were destroyed. This is a highly strategic game but also very addicting to find out how to beat it. I can not even understand the tasks!

Very hard

It does not help in the least that these are some of the hardest controls I have. I have played games like this before, and I am simply not able to advance on to anything, as the gameplay is so hard to understand. It's fun when it's on the bottom, but on the sides and top I have no clue where I am going or where the ball is going. Well, not ball, just whatever that thing you use in the game is. I guess the graphics were pretty impressive and it was creative overall, so I would recommend this to a better gamer than me.

Not my kind of game

I just loved the graphics that were used as it is among the most impressive I have seen in your games! The biggest downside was that the premise just wasn't that enjoyable. I guess you could say I do not understand how this game works, but I read the instructions and everything. There is not much action or variety as you just go the same thing over and over. There are so many upgrades but none of them seem even that effective. I prefer that this be an actual fighting or action game.

Must be a glitch

I think there must be some sort of glitch, as I can do nothing but move off the screen. Then I have to refresh the game and I don't know what to do next. I guess it is hard giving you a proper rating as most people here seem to be getting something that I am not getting. Judging by this high score, I am sure you had a very happy Clock Day. It was a little fun to see StrawberryClock just jump up and down for no reason. It could use some better animation skills, though.

Another flawless game!

I was extremely impressed at this and how fun it was! The graphics are wonderful and it seems just like something you would play on Game Boy or something like that. It is fun to simply go around and blow up those trees and exploding things over and over. The enemies are hiding, so it really gives you a lot of area to go around and look for things. The sounds are nice, especially the firing sounds. It's cool how it leaves a hole where the enemy was blown up, showing where it died.

Before the sequel...

...there was this game, which truly set the standard for everything awesome about the Madness game series! I love this game as it captures all of the great animation and excitement of the Madness series. The graphics are truly unique on their own, while still being faithful to the original tone. The different music being played throughout was great. I just love how much energy Hank has in this one, and how well he moves around. It is truly what Newgrounds is all about, with TomFulp and MindChamber working on this!

It needs lots of work

It was pretty nice of you to mention that this was better than just a blank screen, which it certainly was. The problem is that this game simply serves no purpose. I do not know much about Dungeons And Dragons but if you want to make a tribute to that series, please work harder. I would suggest putting in some music (the sound effects are fine). There should also be much more gameplay than just tossing dice for no reason. I thought the title wasn't too bad.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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