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A great game!

I am quite surprised that this does not have a higher rating. I was thinking this was going to be one of those games where you tried to stack them all up or something, but it was something more standard. Even then, it did not take anything at all away from its awesomeness or enjoyability. I just loved the funny crunching/clicking sound they made when they disappeared. I am glad you put in bombs so I could get rid of the frozen ones I accidently made. The music was also hip and nice to listen to.

Very cool

I think this probably has the best graphics of any point and click adventure that I have ever played! While I loved traditional animation, it is exciting to see more games have CGI-like effects. The music was also really creepy and fit the mood well. I doubt I will ever give a 10 to any point 'n click adventure, simply because there has never been one that I can get through on my own. Of course, it was really nice to include the walkthrough. You do know how to set the mood well.

Psionic3D responds:

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the atmosphere!!

Lots of fun

While the animation does need some tweaking, I really enjoyed playing this. The answer is that it is one of the most simplest games I have ever played and it does not matter at all! What matters is that I can spend all day shooting those fools over and over. The way the arrows moved was cool and it's amazing something so simple could be so enjoyable. There is really no plot at all, but it simply does not need one. I guess I may be into arrows because my character from TTA used those for his attacks.

You are back!

It is so awesome to see you back after all that you did with your first flash game! Admittedly, this wasn't as good as the first one, but it was very fun to play. Some of the weapons just do not seem to work at all, although that is probably because they only work for a certain type or something. All the original graphics and music are back. I especially like how the main thing that you are guarding looks so CGI. It helps that there are such a wide variety of weapons to choose from and kill enemies with.

Great stuff

It seems like it has been so long since I have heard a soundboard that was at least popular. I used to see a lot of them on eBaumsworld, but they just went out of style. This was very cool to listen to simply because the dialogue is so cool even though I know nothing about Bioshock, really. I would really like to hear the prank calls that would arise from this awesome soundboard! I also liked how the graphics were cool (even though you obviously did not make them yourself. The music was sweet too.

Good enough

This game did get me a little frustrated with how it was hard to control where the little people went, but overall it was enjoyable. I really appreciate all the work put into the graphics. It looks a lot like CGI but seems to have the traditional 2D animation put into it. It is a pretty original idea, even if collecting coins isn't the most original thing to collect. I am glad that I am the person with the highest review on this website. You deserve more recognition for your work and I'm glad it has a decent score.

Quite fun

It would have been nicer if there had been more of a background or something, but this was still fun to play. I was wondering when you were going to fun out of fruit to use! The gobbling creature is designed in a pretty funny way, and the like the way it is used and such. There were also some pretty funny sounds made from the gobbling noise. It does need a bit more detail, as I am having some trouble thinking of things to say. It's a good kid-friendly game that I can be a little addicted to.

Absolutely beautiful

I enjoyed every second of this game, simply because it was so fun to play! It had no enemies, no fighting or violence of any kind, but it still worked in being a flawles game! The graphics were absolutely flawless and I especially liked how the ball looked so cute and so did everything else. The sounds made when you hit the red balls were funny even if that usually meant you were falling behind in the game. There were tons of creativity being used on the different planets. It's just awesome to see a fairly simple idea executed so well!

Why am I doing this?

I am a big fan of your work from the beginning and it just seems downright insane that I would give such a high rating to something that has so little detail. I mean, it does have a lot of detail as the sh*t is drawn very well! I loved how the music contrasted with the goofier style of play. The crying after letting sh*t run into the ocean was just priceless as well. It is pretty addictive, as it does let you work harder on throwing rocks. It is simply amazing you could make such a simple seeming concept so fun.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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