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I just thought that this game was okay. It did have somewhat of an original premise. It just didn't do much for me as it didn't have a lot of things going on. I appreciated all the fairly decent graphics. I just didn't like it how it was pretty much the same thing over and over. I could tell that it was intended to be cute and I appreciate that.

I guess it's fine for a really quick play. The sounds weren't too bad, either. You probably could have had all around better design. The environments looked mostly the same. It's not terrible, just not reommendable.

Well, I just wanted to wish you guys all a very Merry Christmas as well! Yes, the only medal I was able to get was the one where you just played it today. Then again, that is the medal that's worth the most points. The graphics weren't that much, but it's just great to be playing a game like this. The hardest thing is probably not knowing when the bombs will explode. There must be something I'm missing with those things.

It's fun to see how complicated a game like simplistic looking can be. The sounds are fairly decent too. Call me morbid, but it's funny to see the chimneys explode like that. Sometimes, you just have to keep the bombs on the same conveyor belt. I just know noticed the two P's in the title.

Here is another very strange game. What I didn't understand was that I thought it was going to be like Tetris at first. The first thing that came down certianly looked like it was from the Tetris game. I was kind of relieved to fiind out it was not that complicated. I wish I had some idea what the title meant. Hey, I got 28th in place today!

Then again, it doesn't have that many views. In fact, I was surprised this had literally hundreds of reviews with less than 2,000 views. I guess people are just more into reviewing this than playing it. Anyway, I wish you a very Merry Christmas! It worked out as an unique game.

I did not care for this. I guess it doesn't help that I'm not much of a fan of racing games to begin with. It just struck me as cheap how there didn't seem to be anything unique about the graphics and car designs. If you're a bigger fan of racing games, you would probably enjoy this more than I would. I do not think I have played the original game. Of course, with all the thousands of reviews I have, I might have at one point.

The music was okay. I really liked how it was certainly put into a clear cut manner and the cars were at least kind of different. Of course, I had more fun when I was getting better at it. Oh, and Merry Christmas! You seem to know your target audience well.

You weren't kidding when you said this game was challenging. Half the time, I'm not even sure exactly what I'm supposed to be touching. There are shades that match certain parts, but then they don't let me beat the level. I guess I have to give you credit for having something creative. It's too bad it isn't Christmas related. The graphics are nice and simple.

I also think the music is quite suiting. It's quite strange, but probably worth a shot for fans of puzzle games. I myself am not really one of those people. At least you can get the hang of it after awhile. I can't really suggest improvements, because it works so well with what it's supposed to be.

Okay, this is one of the jmost insane things ever created. I have no idea if Josif Stalin and Karel Marx opposed gay marriage. They were known for being atheists, so I guess not? Stalin was still pretty genocidal. I just found it weird they were always talking after every level. It pretty much had to do with nothing.

With that being said, I still appreciate this for being creative. It's definitley unlike any game I've played before. It was fun to just press a single button to kill my enemies. My father and grandfather were just watching something on gay marriage and religion just now! Congrats on making something truly insane.

Well, that was definitley a strange game. For the most part, I enjoyed it. I just didn't understand why you weren't able to shoot the little purple flying monsters while you were flying. It seemed like a bit of a waste. I also wish there was a bigger environment to go around. With all these criticisms, I do have to admit the graphics are nicely done.

That's not a cow, that's a horse. Of course (hee hee rhymes) that was probably the point. I guess I just have to wish you a Merry Christmas! It is pretty fun with such simple gameplay. I wish I knew what the upgrades did for me. It's overall a good game.

It's say to say that I did not like this very much. I think its weakest point was probably how it kept you advancing even though you failed a level. It's weird, because usually that would be a good thing. Here, it just makes the player frustrated as he does not know when to stop. When I did use the rockets, they were always at the wrong time! I guess people who are a lot better at this should enjoy this more.

The music was alright. I actually wished there were some more obstacles downward, because that would have given me a better idea of what was coming up. It just all went too fast for me. For people who have gotten the medals for this, you are amazing. I didn't even notice the balloons!

Wow, I did not care for this at all. I guess I just had to give the same rating that the rest of the people gave you. It had virtually no detail in it. I have no clue how to get the secret medal and I doubt if I ever will. It didn't help that this had literally no background. The music wasn't too good either.

It would have also been nice if you could jump. I basically could do nothing but go along the level the same way over and over. Even the cells seem to be off model. I didn't know that single black strip was a floor I could go over. You need to be a lot more creative.

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