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I was actually somewhat impressed by this. It's mostly because it was a pretty simple point and click game to understand and I'm no good at those. The funny thing is that I literally can not get the remote when it falls out of the guy's hands. It's obscured by the site's logo! This is the first time I've seen this weird Kennedy intro. Eh, I don't really care for it.

The sounds were very nice in this. It has all the good stick animation you are known for! This is probably going to be the last submission I review from this year. The music is decent as well. I am pretty stuck on the part with the two guards.

I think this game at least deserves credit for having something out of the ordinary. I didn't understand what I needed to even do to advance. You didn't clear anything up in the author's comments. The "I" level I went to was just a place with some villians you could kill. I believe I killed them all and still nothing happened. It was just weird with how it went.

I do admire the graphics. The main character reminded me of Duskull from "Pokemon". It was still shown in a pretty clear cut manner. The music isn't bad either. This does look like a pretty big game, so I can understand why it was divided.

Comacolors responds:

Thank you for the compliments, I'm very concerned that the game didn't work for you though. When you killed all four enemies in the first stage did the door on the right side of the level remain closed?

I didn't like this because it was just too difficult. It would have been better if you could control the game with the arrow keys. You just had to be so precise with everything in this game. I am sorry, but that does not make for something enjoyable. There wasn't even a lot of detail in anything all around. Then again, as this is an experimental game, that may have been the point.

I guess the sounds are pretty good. If you are extremely patient or really precise, you would probably enjoy this a lot more. I suppose it would be too easy to just type up the co-ordinates. I'm starting to remember from statistics exactly what these things mean. Man, that was a long time ago.

I found this game to be pretty good, but it did come off as confusing. It seemed like you basically just bit into people over and over. It was kind of interesting to see just how far you could go with eating your enemy. The graphics weren't bad. Geez, how long until there are no more Christmas games to make? Hopefully after New Year's Eve.

This looks so different then the stick games you are known for. I don't think I've played the other ones in this series. Piranhas are pretty cool. The sounds seemed to sync up pretty welll too. I appreciate all the fine little details.

Dude, this is one of the most complicated games I've ever come across. I think I lost the tutorial or whatever it was. It was amazing how many different things there were to do. I am quite glad that you managed to show where to go with the sword. I'm at a point where it seems to tell me to click on the sponsor, but it doesn't work. Hey, I'm not complaining, I got a 50 point medal with no explanation!

The graphics and designs were very good. It was interesting to have all this crazy stuff going on. I even liked the story about the people changing like that. The music is quite atmospheric too. People who are into these kinds of games should like this even more.

I remember playing these kinds of games before. I probably played the original version of this awhile ago. Anyway, it was a bit annoying with how I had to wait for other people to join me. I would have preferred it if the game was just ordinary and you could play against the computer. Then again, it is unique in that sense. The layout is nice and clear as well.

The music is also rather fitting. I appreciate you trying to make a version of such a beloved game. Well, I think it's pretty popular at least. I don't think you can kill that tank in the training part. The gameplay was a bit ambigious too.

Wow, I'm having some very mixed emotions about it. It seemed like it would be really annoying with how everything was a secret medal. It interestingly turned out to be easier to get those medals than I thought. It wasn't really that much of a point and click adventure game anyway. It was more just made entirely of dialogue. I can't say I didn't enjoy it, because it was quite interesting.

I just prefer games that have more action. Still, if you are a fan of these kinds of games, then I recommend this to you! It does have a pretty cool layout. I wish it would tell me what my score is when the other scores are shown. I guess I have to pay more attention next time.

Well, I guess I have to give this game credit for being very easy to understand. Unfortunately, that also meant there wasn't a lot to it. I was surprised at how difficult it could be. I don't even know what you peeing at the end has to do with anything. I guess seeing as how it's Wintertime, it would make some sense. Oh, and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

I had a fairly okay time by clicking on the drinks over and over. There just should have been more gameplay to it. It was still something that I would at least give a pass to. Oh, now I get of get the peeing thing with the name. Speaking of "Oh"s, have a happy new year too!

I found this game to be rather enjoyable. I think it's probably because there are a lot of things going on that are unexpected. My favorite bit was probably when the bombs came in. Granted, that made the game very difficult. Not only did you have to avoid getting yourself hit, but nothing could touch thsoe bombs. It's quite satisfying when you get the right combination. This is a harmless game and it seems to have some heart to it.

I think the music is also pretty cute. I like how organized everything is set up. It's nice to see some pretty cute characters just lying around. The bombs were pretty unexpected. The colors and graphics were nice and clear. The backgrounds aren't bad either.

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