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I'm not a fan of point and click adventure games, but I have to admit that this is pretty awesome! It's strongest point is probably how awesome the graphics are. These are seriously some of the best I've ever seen! It still makes me wonder if we'll ever get as good as mainstream video games. Probably not the present ones. Anyway, the atmosphere and sounds were so wonderful.

The guy at the beginning reminded me of Jason Voorhees. That's funny, because he never talks. I have no idea how to get ahead at all in this game. Yeah, you should probably just take a look at the walkthrough to understand it better. Thank you for including that!

I honestly did not care much for this. I guess it's just weird to be releasing a Halloween game right after New Year's. It would have worked better if you had just made it a horror game to begin with. I appreciate the fairly interesting designs. I do not know how to move well with the transformations. Everything just seems to come too fast.

The music is fairly suiting and moves the game along well. It just has a very strange layout. I have no idea what CDs have to do with Halloween. Well, I guess certain music is appropriate for any occasion. I'm surprised that there's not a secret medal with the sheer number of medals.

It seems like a Doom game would be a first person shooter, but this turned out to be surprisingly good. It mostly helps that everything is presented the way it is in the original game. The graphics are especially authentic. I also love how creepy the music is. While I didn't play the original game, I can still tell this is a very nice tribute. I even like how the title is shown.

It also helps I'm good at this game. I was surprised I didn't automatically die on every level. I'm usually not good at these kinds of games. You have done the fans proud. It's great how it still manages to hold up after all these years.

I found this game to be a lot of fun. It's mostly because this is a game where you can really create whatever you want. Granted, there's still only a certain way to beat every level, but it's still great finding out! I liked all the sound effects. It's a great idea to have the princess be the villian. It was kind of strange when it seemed like you were trying to help her with this.

I know I got past some levels that I did not get medals for. Whatever, this is a well designed game. It was a nice inversion for the enemies. It's kind of like a smaller version of a defense game. I appreciate the creativity.

I have to admit that I was quite surprised with how fun this turned out to be. I think it might be because it's been awhile since I've played a game made by you guys. It's great to know you're back. I was happy because it seemed like you had made front page again, but that was just because I favorited you. The music is very stylistic. Here is what I found to be the best way.

You basically just keep on clicking targets over and over to take them down. I have not memorized what key makes what gun go. It was great to see some pretty unique villians too. I do kind of wish it wasn't just random encounter after random encounter. It's definitley worth recommending!

I think this game may have been more complicated than it should have been. I still have to give you credit for making a really cool game! While it may not have the best angles, it's still fun to play. I think my favorite part was how you could pick up so many different weapons. Those zombies make such annoying sounds you can't help but blow their brains out. I also love the overall cartoonish feel.

I have never had much luck with waiting for other people to join in. I'm glad you don't have to play that. The most annoying thing was how the TNT hurt you as well. I suppose dying by my own hand would be better than eaten by zombies. I don't think I've heard of a zombie/cowboy combo before.

I admit that I couldn't really understand what was going on in this game. It was weird with how the graphics weren't that good. I guess they were not terrible, they could just be a lot better. I appreciate you at least trying to make something unique. It was fairly different than anything I had looked at before. Of course, that didn't necessarily make it good, or bad for that matter.

It's so nice to give a medal out for getting a grade of any kind. I assume there's nothing lower than "F". It actually was a bit interesting to think about what would show up next. I saw some creativity, but it needs more. Elements are a pretty cool theme.

I think this worked out pretty well for what it was supposed to be. I guess I just expect a game like this to have music. The sound effects it does have aren't bad, but it still needs more. I appreciate you guys having some pretty creative locations. I didn't even know what I was supposed to shoot at first. Granted, that was probably because I didn't read the instructions.

It made this weird sound when your paintball hit a target. It sounded like some small dolphin cry. Anyway, it does seem like this is the sort of thing that could relieve stress. The graphics really aren't that bad either. I just need more style in a game.

I can't blame this game for being hard because I'm not that good at it. Wow, I must have first played it when I really didn't know how to drive. I liked how there were some decent graphics in here. The best part was probably at the beginning with the intro. Yeah, I guess that doesn't sound like much. Some of it does still look a tad dated.

I was a bit confused as to how exactly it went. It actually is a pretty original game. It's even kind of funny to see all the warnings that light up when you park the wrong way. I like how quickly your character can move. It's fairly unique for its time.

I did not care for this game. I think it's mostly because everything just came off as so bland. There are so many games out there that are so much better designed. It's nice to know you guys at MiniClip made better stuff. It did vaguely remind me of "Galaga". That's a much better game because it has a lot going on. I didn't even see where it said how many lives I had.

You probably need better sound effects too. It was basically just the same thing over and over. This could have just used some music. At least the menu has a pretty cool design. It just looks too dated.

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