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I thought this was a pretty-good game. It reminded me of "The Godfather". Of course, that's probably because that's the most well known Mafia movie ever made. I was a bit confused by all of the labels. It seemed too much for a game that wasn't that complicated. I still enjoyed it, particuarly when I got to use the bombs.

You would be surprised at how you have to time everything perfectly with those. The graphics are fairly decent. It was funny to see some cars besides gangster ones to shoot at. It looked like there was a race car on my back at one point! This was decently creative.

I thought this was a fairly unique game and it came off as quite fun to me. I thought it was so cool how I was able to get some of the combinations right. It wasn't that difficult if you put your mind to it. I think the music was also fairly nice. It wasn't well detailed, but still something worth checking out. It probably helps that it's an original idea.

You might even say that it's a rythum game. I had fun listening to the funky music as it moved along. In fact, I'm pretty sure it is a rythum game. I can't seem to find the difference between Reflex mode and Classic mode. Probably all the better, the former is most likely more difficult.

I was pretty surprised at how good at this I managed to be. I think the main reason I liked it is because the medals were just worth so much! Yeah, that's shallow, but come on, lots of people are like that. I thought the graphics were really unique. I had no idea you could even jump until an enemy came from the side. It helps that everything is clear to understand.

I like the funny sound the tank makes whenever it hits something. It gives off a good sense of cartoonish behavior. It's nice to see contrasting styles like that. Even the backgrounds aren't bad, either. The clouds look like little platforms in the sky.

meinlogin responds:

Haha, thanks:). I also thought that words 'Brutal' and 'Difficult' are too strong for these achievements, but as I have only 6 of them in the game, had to split all the points:).

I was surprised at how fun this turned out to be! I think the main reason it works is because the designs are really good. I appreciate how there are so many cool colors in this. There are a wide variety of enemies and even the fact they shoot at you is different. While not as good as something like "RaidenX", still quite memorable. The sounds are nice and give it a good techno feeling.

You can't really shoot them off screen. It's even kind of cool how you blow up! It could probably use some more detail in terms of the background. I just appreciate a standard space shooting game. Good thing there's a shield.

I found this to be a rather fun game. I didn't like it as much as the original, because this seemed like more or less a retreat of it. I still have to give you credit for having some really fun gameplay. It's so nice how everything looks so sweet in this. It's fun to just breath fire at enemies and jump on them. I didn't know why the larger enemies had an electric theme.

I was surprised at how long these levels were. For something that seemed childish, it was anything but simple. It was interesting to also experiment with different kinds of doors. I was an expert with finding the blue gems. It's so easy to get cocky.

lartar responds:

Hi Ericho, glad you play both games. Thank tou for your support the team are really glad for it. =) Hope the next version of the game like you much more.

Wow, I was impressed by how good the animation was. It's easy to see how this has become so popular after all these years. I personally know you more for your Stick Slayer flashes. Wait, I shouldn't really say "your" as the creator is dead. I was impressed at how fast paced it was. I was in no way expecting it to change genres.

I guess I'm glad it wasn't an interactive movie the whole way through. The colors are really well done here too. I guess with the whole urban setting, it would make sense a pimp would appear. I just didn't know the main character would turn into one. The voices are nice too.

I didn't think I was going to like this game, but it got better the more I played it. It's mostly because I'm fairly good at it. When there are that many secret medals, you know you're going to get one of them. That doesn't even mention how MOST of them here are secret medals. The graphics are quite decent. I like the idea of your future self coming towards you.

Man, my character is so dumb to not realize that at first! With all the blood and cracked helmet, he reallyd oes look monstrous. The graphics are decent too. I try to go to the right and I think I'm slowly making progress, but instead it's slowly pushing me back. It's a good game.

EventHorizon responds:

Thanks for your great review and I'm glad you liked the game :D

It's a bit hard to say why, but this game came off as very fun to me! I think it may be because there's a lot going on. Granted, a lot of other games are like that, but this one seemed to do it so well. I really liked how the rocks came in different shapes. I think my favorite things are probably the rocks that rip up the ground. They hurt you, yes, but they leave behind the most coins!

I think it's actually easier for you when the middle part is broken. It's a good way to get rid of those pesky rocks. I just love the graphics too. It seems like you were a bit inspired by Gonzossm. It is of course awesome in its own right. The sound effects are great too.

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