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I could pretty much tell that this was meant to be a semi remake of the Snake series. I must not have played it in awhile because I thought I was supposed to be the mouse at first. It even took me awhile to catch on how the snake body was getting longer. Enough of that, how good is the actual game? Well the original one didn't have a lot of detail and neither did this.

I still like them. There probably could have been some music tossed in there, but I did like the sound effects. It's interesting how a game like this just goes on forever. I was thinking maybe you could have done something to get more points, because it's always the same. Maybe have powerups for him to eat?

Okay, this game turned out to be a lot more complicated than I thought it would be. I made the mistake of not checking out the tutorial first. Even when I got through the tutorial, I had pretty much pages of stuff to read. I had to skip some of it. I am amazed at how there are so many things going on. I wasn't even able to beat the tutorial level.

I have to give you credit for creating a complicated game. The music was also fairly nicely done. I just appreciated the sheer complexity, even if I couldn't play it. If you are really good with these kinds of games, then check it out. I admire anyone who can get ahead here.

I like zombie stuff most of the time, but I didn't really care that much for this. I have to admit you seemed to work with an original concept pretty well. It's the first zombie game where I pushed an on screen button to kill a zombie. I am amazed that anyone would be able to last 300 days in this game. Then again, that might just be because I'm not interested in it much. The graphics are fairly nice.

The sounds aren't bad either. I guess I'm just not used to an RPG like setting for a zombie game. It did manage to have some creativity. It just moves too slow for me. People who are more into these kinds of games should like it more.

I thought this game wasn't that bad. The main reason I didn't like it that much is because it was too difficult. I guess I'm just so used to earning medals. It just struck me as so weird as the enemies were so relentless in this. You would think with so many medals, at least one would be easy. Eh, I'm being too whiny.

I appreciate how it is a pretty original game. I never knew colorful blobs could be so dangerous! You certainly had a nice amount of space to move. I thought the sounds were pretty nice too. I didn't even notice the crates were reappearing at first.

This turned out to be pretty enjoyable even by the standards of it being an older game. I liked how you had a lot of mobility in this. What I didn't like is that you basically only had a few moves to work with. I like the notion of geeks getting back at bullies. I just thought it could have had more going on it. I just realize I use that a lot in my reviews.

I can see why this became so popular. The sounds are pretty nice. You do have to keep up pretty well in this game, because it's fast paced. There probably could have been some more music. There's a good sense of dimension.

I have to give this game credit because it really did seem to imitate the style of the original "Space Invaders" game. I guess that was also kind of why I didn't like it that much. I agree, there could have been some shields. It's still nice to see some really good use of coloring effects. The graphics were quite impressive and unique.

If only you were invulnerable for a little bit after reforming. I guess most shooting games don't have that anyway. The sound effects were really good too and synched up quite well. There should be an Invader 2013. With modern flash, you could take this further.

I didn't like this game because I didn't understand it. I basically just clicked with the mouse over and over. I must just be really bad at this, because I don't even have a guy come and kick the ball half the time. The designs and the colors were actually really good. Even the menu was done really nice. I just wish I could say the same for the gameplay.

The music and sound effects were okay. I guess I'm just not much of a fan of sports games to begin with. I still appreciate you trying to reach out to the people who are fans of those kinds of games. It should appeal to them. You just need to have more going on.

I just didn't think this was very unique or anything. I guess I appreciate how it had a simple premise and it wasn't too hard to understand. Of course, we can't always simplify everything. It just needs to have more going on. This is just the same thing over and over. You did not even have a background or any music. It also probably just came off as too easy to me.

At this point, I've played so many games, you tend to expect more difficult stuff. It's funny how this has the same name as a popular HBO show. Yeah, this did come after it. Squirrels are funny, but this one really wasn't. I can tell it's an old work.

It's great to see how this holds up after all these years. I was thinking the effects would be pretty bad, but everything flowed together great! I loved how you could just go across a massive landscape and fire at everything in sight. It didn't have much in terms of plot, but it was still very nice. I like how the controls are so easy to understand. It works well as a simple game.

It makes you realize that we haven't advanced well with 3D graphics. It realy does give you a good sense of depth. I guess unlike movies, we won't eventually make CGI movies and games. The music is also very stylistic and gives a good sense of adventure. It's fairly unique for its genre.

I don't know that much about how to work with audio submissions. Then again, that might just be because my only audio submission was universally hated. I was very glad that there were a ton of songs that were already available on the game. My only complaint is that the details in the game itself were not that good. I know that doesn't mean much in a music thing like this, but it just struck me as off.

I have certainly reviewed a lot of songs. I'm not going to say this has the most music pieces for an NG submission. I've reviewed so many there was probably one that used more, like the Punk-O-Matic games. It's kind of complicated, but any music fan should like this. I am a music fan of course.

Kwing responds:

The metal playlist was only an example. Obviously you can add whichever tracks you like.

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