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You deserve credit for making something creative. It's too bad it was so frustrating. It's particularly annoying when the bits themselves are so hard to get. I was hoping more for being able to collect them after you died. I do have to give you some more credit for having some good music. It's funny to see the character's eyes turn into hearts.

I don't know what these little suns are doing everywhere. All I know is that they are unkillable. It gets to a point where you have to double jump for everything to get around. I'm glad not using that isn't a medal. The setup is very nice too.

I guess this was fine enough for its day, but this game doesn't hold up well. It reminded me of the Centipede game. I could tell the title was meant to be a reference to the iPads. That makes me miss Steve Jobs. The graphics actually do seem to hold up well. It's just that you don't have a lot of anticipation.

This game probably wasn't meant to be like that anyway. It does seem like something that would work out for your company. A pity it doesn't snow in Florida. I have seen a lot of submissions that were made for classes, but not something like this. The music is fine too.

I was quite impressed at how fast paced this game was. The computer is really hard in this one. I try over and over to try every complicated trick and it doesn't work. It's really a matter of how long you can last. While there wasn't that much detail, it actually does have good graphics. I was wondering why it was called tennis. It's because "Ping Pong" is actually a name for the manufacturer of a sport whose real name is table tennis.

I wish I could see who the audience members were. It's probably not meant to make sense. There could probably be some music. I liked it how your ability to show the green bar gave you more space. I probably couldn't tell with that design anyway.

It was weird, because I had no idea how this thing was even played. I basically just had to collect the money and do the same thing over and over. I admit that I got a medal, so it wasn't that bad. I think you deserve credit for being creative. The designs of the obstacles weren't that bad. I could have sworn that you could always get into another level after you died. If that is the case, then good for you.

The sounds weren't bad. They did get a tad irritating after awhile, if only because they keep going on while I'm typing this. It's interesting to see what kind of obstacles will show up next. I recommend this, but it does need to have better design. It's just decent for what it is.

I was thinking it would be nice to take a break from games that have medals. I only played this because it had gamezhero as the sponsor. That seemed to work out okay, because I ended up getting the medal I needed. I was a bit confused on what you meant by "stars" when you were collecting discs. It turns out those were indeed stars. I really liked the atmosphere.

Of course, it reminded me of the Tron movie. I did not see the original, but I did see the sequel, which was okay. It's interesting how there are no enemies in this. All of your problems are created with your own environment. It's a fairly unique game.

Wow, I managed to get the secret medal on my first try! Yeah, you basically just have to experiment here. I was interested as to how this game was so different than many others I have played. At first, I thought it would be one where you had to press up and down at the right time, like a rythum game. It ended up working better if you had done that. The music was nice too.

I'm pretty sure the gladitorial games were around Ceaser's time. The graphics or drawings were really good in this. I should have been able to tell that this was made in 48 hours. Then again, it's so fun you really don't care. Yeah, I gave thumbs up to the nuke fridge scene.

This game just drove me nuts! It wasn't so much that it was hard, it's that I couldn't tell when I was winning a medal! Okay, not to make this personal, but I stayed to play this game while my mom was putting Christmas stuff away and she went insane because I wasn't helping! I have to give you credit for making an addictive game. I managed to get far as beating the first part of story mode.

I KNEW I got a medal for surviving in Chaos Mode for over a minute and then nothing happened. I guess it'll show up eventually. I liked the different designs for all the enemies. It's amazing how this just goes on forever. You are certainly creative.

Well, we had spent so much time playing games, so it only figures that there would be a game actually about making video games. Seriously, I think this may be the first of its kind. I don't recall even a regular video game being like this. I'm surprised you called that tutorial short. It makes sense, as there were certainly a ton of things that you had to take care of. The graphics were fairly decent.

I didn't do too well on my first project. I managed to make only negative three thousand dollars. It would have been better if I had simply done nothing. It was funny to see how fast the workers could move. It gave me a quick laugh.

I pretty much have no idea at all how to play card games like this. I was just confused by how fast paced it was. Then again, that was probably because I was clicking everything too fast. I didn't like it how I constantly had to click stuff that gave out another website. Doesn't my software protect me from that? Anyway, it's interesting to see how far you could go.

I managed to win at least one game and God knows how I did it. The graphics weren't that good. The sound effects (what little there were) weren't bad, though. If you're a big fan of these kinds of games, you might want to check this out. For those who are not familiar with them, like me, maybe not.

I admit that I was a tad turned off by how the graphics didn't look that good at first. What did manage to win me over was when the squirrel came with his gun. It was so satisfying to take it from his hand, or paw or whatever. Squirrels are just so funny. I'm reminded of another game where you shot Foamy. I guess shooting squirrels is just fun.

The sound effects were decent. I am glad you did not stay in the same location. You could have probably had more interactivity with going places in the level. The squirrels all pretty much looked the same. I liked how you could shoot every part of them.

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