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I found this to just be a mediocre game. It's mostly just the same thing over and over. I admit that it was pretty challenging. It's mostly because there's only a single medal you can win. I was thinking that you might be able to just shoot everything in a straight line and not get hit. You can not do that as that would of course be too easy.

I think there should have been better design with the meteors. They could have been some different colors and shapes. The background could also use more variety. There might have also been some music. The same sounds with the laser get old after awhile.

This turned out to be extremely enjoyable and I am so glad I came upon it! The thing that really threw me off was how addictive this was! The hardest level for me was the twenty-third. Hey, there's that number, seriously though, that was a bad movie. I think I heard it sounding like I got a medal of some kind, but it didn't show up. I assume every in game achievement is a medal.

Just when I finally got this thing beat, I find out there's a whole other world for me to destroy! I just love how the king hops up and down with his crown when he wins. The best part is probably how you can use the buttons to get the big picture. You have no idea how useful that can be. I enjoyed this for its creativity as well. I found that purple ball doesn't really come in useful much.

I was quite surprised at how fun this turned out to be! I had no idea that a game featuring plants and crystals was going to be anything but dull. It's always great to be surprised. I think my favorite part is probably how you can get a bunch of new spells. You would be surprised at how handy they come in. Once you get past the tutorial, it's all uphill from there!

It helps that the sounds are wonderfully done too. It gives you a great medieval feeling. That's kind of strange, seeing as how it apparently takes place in modern times. I think this may in fact be a more realistic depiction of aliens than other games and stuff. Granted, they could look like ANYTHING. The medals aren't showing up.

jarofed responds:

Thank you for the great feedback. If you have any issues with the medals, try to just reload the game page. Probably you're playing older version. The medals are working just perfectly for me.

This game deserves credit for being creative. I think the best part about it is discovering how to teleport. It's weird, because it reaches a point in the second chamber where I am simply unable to advance. I thought I would be better at a game like this. I do like the really strange environment. It gives you a sense of uniqueness.

It's actually kind of creepy when you think about it. It's especially jarring to hear the narrator talk about making science out of you. Or making science out of Qoosh, if that is his name. The music adds well to the creepiness. I don't know what the blue boxes do.

AethosGames responds:

If you feel like giving it another go and dont mind that I'm about to take away the fun of discovering the real mechanic on your own, you can switch places with stuff when you teleport.

I was really interested as to how easy this seemed at first. There were some enemies that only shot at you once in awhile! Of course, the deleted health really weighs you down. I thought at first that you were supposed to shoot at the trucks on your side of the road. Now, I'm fairly certain you're not supposed to. The graphics were fairly good especially with the enemy projectiles.

I didn't watch the cutscene because there wasn't a medal I could get by watching it. Yeah, that's pretty much the criteria I have for sitting through cut scenes. I have regular flashes for that! The music was good and the mood worked out well. It's pretty easy to understand too.

Wow, this is another one of those really weird games I just can't get through. I have little understanding of how to do anything. I still have to praise you for having some really good graphics. It's nice how everything looks so cartoonish. I could only press one thing and it never seemed to help me. At least the music was nice.

There probably should have been some instructions on the menu. I know it's a game where you just learn them by yourself, but I'm bad at this. It does make a fairly unique game. People who can comprehend this should enjoy it more. I'm just not interested enough to look at the walkthrough.

There must have been something I was missing with this game. It probably had something to do with that watch that was in the upper right hand corner. Okay, it wasn't a watch, it was something else. I appreciated the sounds, though. I knew my target was near the center, but it kept getting off. The graphics weren't bad.

There might have been some music there, although I doubt it would have helped. It was nice how everything was shown in a fairly clear cut manner. It's also a well paced game. Everything isn't just crammed all at once. You still have to be patient with it.

I thought there might have been something wrong with my computer at first because there wasn't any sound. I realized there was some, just no music. It's too bad, because that would have made this better. With the anime chick appearing at the beginning, I thought this would be a hentai game. Yeah, I've been around here too long. Over six million reviews and none in 2012?!

The gameplay itself moves very nicely. The best part is probably when the enemies get sliced in life. It can take awhile for them to get to your side of the screen after you knock them away. The sounds were pretty good too. There probably could have been more variety, though.

I think the main flaw with this game was that it didn't have a lot of detail put into it. Everything just looked too simple. I still have to give you credit for having some pretty hard gameplay. I was in no way able to keep up with how fast the computer was. I only scored twice, and the first time I didn't even know how I did it! The sounds are fairly decent.

I guess I just prefer to play air hockey in real life. It does have most of what you would want in a game like this. There was a time where the computer and I were at the same level and we just push it backwards and forwards without moving. I would think the computer would change. That buzzing sound can be annoying.

Man, I am no good at this game! I was probably going to eventually go insane, but I did manage to hit at least one can. I was pretty impressed at how hard it turned out to be. It may not have a lot of detail, but it gives you your money's worth. The graphics are decent, especially with the designs of the golfers in the beginning. I don't understand that "man" sound I keep hearing.

I guess cans aren't a good thing to try to hit. I'm glad there are a nice variety. You could just put more detail in the background and stuff. I have never done something like this in real life or even seen a real shooting range like this. It's fine for what it is.

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