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I'm surprised the rating isn't higher. I just played a game like this. Maybe the idea isn't that original, but I certainly loved it! Well, maybe that's just because it was easy. You got a lot of chances to do anything you wanted. That was so nice.

It's a very fun little game! I'm glad it didn't escalate that much. It really did build on itself well. At least it got front page. You should be able to figure it out on your own.

I played it in Japanese at first. I couldn't quite get into it that way obviously. I will say it was pretty unique. Either way, you'll be killed. I think knives kill more people than guns anyway. Wait, what about bombs? Eh, what about...planes?

I appreciate how a simplistic game can be enjoyable. I thought I'd have to win all three debates! 2 out of 3 ain't bad, as they say. I especially loved hearing their mumbling. It makes as much sense as any debate!

Um, okay. I have to admit I wasn't that impressed by this. The drawings weren't really that good. It was great to have so many people credited here. I just didn't find them that talented. I mean, some were pretty good.

It just seemed too amateurish. Well, I got an incredibly easy medal! There were certainly a lot. I guess it proves quality is more important than quantity. I'm so sorry I didn't like it.

Ant responds:

I tend not to care about the quality of the pieces because that would be very biased.
I let everyone who at least shows some sort of effort in one way or another cause its just for fun, its not meant to be a museum.

Jackasaur responds:

Tis Fine

Just-a-ng-dummy responds:

Yes some of the art isn't the best, but it's a collaboration between different people, and that's what matters the most
If you don't like it when Mona lisa style levels of art/animation aren't featured in collabs, then that's fine

Dreggsu responds:

Okay 👍

ParraDX responds:

It's okay, i know that i don't do masterpieces but i try to do my best

Vidyabatter responds:

Why do you give doobus goobus a 4.5 star review but give this a 3

This was a great and weird game. I didn't see how to get any medals at first. I'm glad I didn't. It was a lot more adventurous that way, shall we say. Hee hee, I rhymed. I don't know why he suddenly audibly talked at the end.

He suddenly switched to Italian too. This is the best submission for Ludum Dare 49. Wait, is it? It's certainly one of the best. I didn't care for this dare (rhymed again!) at first, but have lightened up to it.

plufmot responds:


I can honestly see why people wouldn't like it. I did love how insane this was. The title is all I need to like it. I should have known tightrope walking would be hard, especially with a horse. Hey, when God's against you, it's even harder. I just played a game that said I was a god.

No wonder I can't beat this! I wouldn't want to kill myself! This was actually a lot more fun to see how it was played. Thanks for including that. It is EASILY the best in this dare.

jefvel responds:

I totally agree, it's a bit too unforgiving I think. And the balancing part might not be fun to everyone. I just wanted to try out something new for the gamejam. Glad you appreciated it!

Dude, that wasn't minimalist! That had a lot going on! I really did appreciate how unique this game truly was. The colors were absolutely amazing! You created this wonderful world for yourself. The music was great too.

The sounds were awesome. I will admit it was too big. That just got annoying. Well, it's still a very well played out game. That bird is so cute.

While I did like the feel of the game, I couldn't get into it very much. It was mostly because I didn't know how to start over sometimes. I connected the two wires on Level 2. I then clicked onto the play button to go next, but it just showed static. This almost seems like a Creepypasta. I still have a VHS.

It does play DVDs, though. I'd have to watch more walkthroughs. At least you include one short with it. I guess people more used to it would like it. I'm just not motivated enough.

crow-seeds responds:

I'll add a walkthrough soon. My design philosophy was to let the players figure out the components on their own and experiment with the circuitry, which was how I was taught the subject in school. Feel free to send a screenshot of your solution to level 2, it might be a bug or you might be not solving it correctly. Thanks for the input!

Yeah, this was bad. I never liked this jam to begin with. It moved way too slowly. I'm sorry you weren't able to make it faster. I have no idea how to make games anyway. At last you acknowledge it's unfinished.

There needs to be sound. Well, it got past judgement. I didn't even know what the goal was. I do like pizza, though. I couldn't hit space without moving the screen at first.

SunOh responds:

It's a pretty great example on what not to do in a Jam.

That was the best game I've played all day! Yeah, I've played a lot of games for today. I didn't quite know how to move fast enough at first. You just had to press down in the direction. You've made a lot of games like this. You still come up with new material though.

I like how goofy the layout is. It's still pretty deadly. Maybe you could put in not just a black background. The sounds are cool too. It's a decent game.

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