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I thought this wasn't bad for a basketball game. I'm not really that much into sports games. I would probably be more motivated if there was a Wii-like feature where I could move with it. Then again, this was 2004. The colors and graphics were just OK. I think there should have been different areas.

I was surprised at how far I was able to get into this. It easier than it may seem to make a perfect shot. Of course, you have to hit it on the green spot every single time, which can be challenging. I'm not bad at basketball msyelf in real life. It was mostly pretty original.

I think this is one of the worst games I've played in awhile. The thing I found most unappealing was how hard it was to find food. I couldn't see a single scuba diver for the life of me. I was thinking this would be a game where you'd try to eat smaller creatures. I couldn't find any! The graphics were not that impressive either.

I couldn't find anything at all that didn't hurt me. I don't understand what the biting function is for. It didn't help me defend against anything. That would have been a cool feature. I don't like it how I got a score just for not getting hit, that's not what a shark does!

Okay, I did not care much for this. The strangest thing I found about it was how I was not able to damage any opponents. I'm guessing it could be something in the system that's wrong. It's not that I'm using the wrong tactics against them. I clearly see them react to pain. They bleed or something black comes out of them.

On the title screen, I didn't understand how it was so skinny with the words. It worked later for some reason. There could have also been some music on the tutorial. The graphics also need some work. I guess it just doesn't hold up well.

This was another strange game to play. I do love it how some games are topical. Maybe I'll play this again in another three years. Uh, no I won't. It was weird, because when I went the first time, it said I went zero meters. I clearly saw the stock animation implying it was further. Speaking of which, that part isn't very creative.

You should do like most games and show in detail how far something goes. For some reason, I couldn't get anything lower or higher than 58 to 62 meters. Is there a glitch in the system? I just think it could have been handled better. You might want to also have some music.

While it was very good looking, I admit I was confused by it. I seemed to be controlling both a car and a robot, but the robot went so much slower. It was too easy with how I just mowed down everything in sight. I do have to admit you are allowed some flexibility. What I do not understand is how you are supposed to really move around.

I love zombies and even thought this was confusing, it had some great design. I realized that a lot of the zombies were weaker or stronger than each other. I still can't even figure out how. I guess I just prefer your stick stuff more. I miss the lighting up the car thing.

It's kind of hard to explain, but I really liked this. Apart from the fact that it has a very cheery feeling to it, I just truly enjoyed how you were able to do so much. You had so much mobility and lots of oppurtunities to get everything. Of course, I do admit it was annoying with how you could not actually kill your enemies. Then again, it does make it more challenging.

It could even be considered a puzzle game in that sense. I love the way everyone just plops around in this. Everything is just jumping up and down and it's all so joyous. I wish it could snow here in Florida. Of course, by now, it's past winter anyway.

It's pretty rare you win an Underdog of the Week and any of the Daily place things. I was quite impressed to find out the sheer amount of interviews this had. I would like to say that I would have preferred audio. Of course, that probably would have been too difficult. I really like the music too. It gives off a very good sense of being laid back.

It makes you have a more personal connection with who is being interviewed. You can just imagine them sitting there by a fireplace. Yeah, fireplace. I know there's another part of the website that probably has these, but it's much easier to look at this in a more organized manner. It's great to be part of this community!

deathink responds:

This is probably the greatest internet community there ever has been... or will ever be.

It's always interesting to see people work on simulators. Well, I guess this isn't really one, but you get the idea. I don't think I have a clear understanding of exactly how you move from one frame to the next. It says "Next frame" and nothing happens. I still appreciate this for the most part. I like how there are so many body parts that you can adjust.

It was a pretty big mistake to not put music in this. It may not focus on it, but everything's better with music. I don't think there are any sound effects you can put into the actual game. Everything is presented in a nice and understandable manner. Congradulations on so many views.

This reminds me of Snakejohnson and Ben Spurgin for some reason. I think there should probably be more details, but it's still a great game. For some reason, when I paused it, I couldn't unpause it. I just really like how you have all these little bits of animation everywhere. The characters can do so much with their bodies. They can jump in so many positions and crawl and everything!

It's nice to have a game where there's a wide variety of attacks to choose from. They may not be magic attacks like fighting games, but they're still wonderfully done. I like the way everyone flies around when they die. The colors are fairly decent too. I can see why this won Daily Feature.

I didn't think this game was that good. It looks pretty dated by today's standards. I think the best part is probably how simplistic it is. At the same time, it could have been more detailed. I did not understand why there were all these big asteroids going around that you could not destroy. They were too annoying.

At least there were some powerups to get. I'm pretty bad at using them, though. This music sounds familiar, and must be from the audio portal. It's a decent song that fits it. Next time, put more detail in.

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