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I admit that I was not really able to understand this game that much. I was able to understand the basic functions of jumping, but really nothing else. In the tutorial, I got to parts where I was not even able to jump over anything and was stuck. I tried to get help from my teammates, but it didn't help. It's still a very good layout.

I remember how I could not make heads or tails of the previous game either. These are just not the kinds of things that I enjoy playing The sounds were fairly decent though. It's hard to judge somthing I do not understand. I think the characters you can put for a review has increased.

I really had no idea what I was in for. I was very satisfied to find out that it turned out to be a very cool game. I guess this is kinda cheating, but I thought the best part was when you got in the arcade and played your old games. That's just so awesome! It's funny how you can run around in the street and survive being hit with only blood leaking.

I will admit that the opening movie could have been better. It seemed to have pretty bad quality. I was even thinking that might be it and the game wouldn't be much. I should get used to games like that even here. The graphics, while not great, worked for what they were.

I was not that interested in this game seeing as how it came off as a bit too cutesy. Don't get me wrong, I love the games you guys make most of the time. I just thought it seemed a bit out of place. I will give you credit on having some decent graphics. The levels just seemed a bit too short for me. I liked how you could destroy part of the boss, making it easier to kill them.

The title is pretty cool too. I really liked how the logo was shown with the graphics. While not great, it was still worth playing. It was nice to get two medals after dying. You could just have some better settings next time.

It's interesting to see where one of my all time favorite games got started. It looks completely different! I can't help but notice how primitive the graphics look. I guess I was looking for something more organized. It just seemed to be one giant enemy after another. It was even weird how it got me started as I was apparently fighting a boss I had to beat?

Yes, I know it's the second part in something, but it still doesn't make much sense to me. It's wonderful to see how far you have come with this game. The audio is fairly decent. You still have that nice variety of enemies to attack. A pity it's so easy to die and you have only one life.

I thought this was a pretty mediocre game. I guess it just didn't have anything that struck out to me as particularly good or bad. I'm a bid surprised this won Daily 2nd Place, but things get less popular as time goes on, I guess. I thought the graphics were OK. I think the best thing is how you can just shoot your arrows over and over until you hit something.

Pufferfish are poisionous, so it makes sense that you would not want them. Of course, I wouldn't think merely stabbing them would damage you. I don't know what the guy with the rocks on the right end does. I thought I read the instructions well enough. Again, this was just okay.

I didn't know what to expect of this game. I think it may be that I was confused by its format. I thought that what was shown on the screen was a graph of some kind. I had no idea it was the actual gameplay in the level. I enjoyed the really cool sounds. It helps that I'm just very good at this game.

It helps I was at least able to get further than some other games I have played. I will say that it was probably a bit too simple. I think there could have been better details on everything. It's still decent for a single play. I like the weird graphs that show up at the end of a level.

I agree with most of what you said in the author comments. I did think it was interesting how you had some satire in this. Of course, to a certain extent, it seemed like you were supporting the Bush administration. Okay, I don't want to make this political. I actually think I read somewhere that Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden met at least once. Of course, that was just once.

We all know now there was no connection. It was kind of weird to have such a weird game. The artwork was still really good in this. I didn't need to see a naked Bush at the end. Woah, that's even dirtier than it sounds.

I admit that this wasn't the most creative of games, but I still had a pretty fun time playing it. I think the best part of it is how I did not even realize that it had medals. When I got one for fifty points that seemed effortless, I couldn't believe it! It helps that the music and everything else is so well done. You have a pretty nice variety of things going on. While not one of my favorites from you guys, still worth checking out.

I just like how it has a very whimsical nature to it. There isn't that much in terms of threats (at least not for the first couple of levels). The graphics could probably be better. I can, however, tell this wasn't meant to be anything that well detailed. It is good for what it turned out to be.

I found this to be a decent game. The thing I really didn't understand about it at first was when it said I would get medals for being in first place on certain levels. I then realized that those were in fact the only levels that actually had competitors. It was just fun to see this interesting world with all these little things. It reminds me of Klay World or something like that.

I also thought the colors were fairly decent. This wasn't all that flashy, but it really did not need to be. I think the sound effects were good. I will say that it did kind of come off as a bit too cutesy. Of course, different games on this site are intended for different age groups.

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