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A typing master!

I probably only enjoyed this so much because I just pride myself on being so good at typing. I was able to get a score of 49,000 which I believe is fairly high. This was a weird game because it had no time to change a level or anything, it was really just the same thing over and over. While it got a bit repetitive, still definitely something that I would recommend. I hope you have a merry Christmas as I believe this is going to be the last review I write here before I go on my vacation. Thank you for making me feel good in some way.


Wow, this has got to be a record for the submission with the highest score that did not give you medals with points. I have a feeling you guys will eventually be able to get some points with this! This was fun, because everything was just so high-classed. It is a best too complicated for me to devote too much time too, but still very enjoyable. The graphics themselves were great and there was just so much detail put into every single thing I saw on the screen. You are going to need to read through the instructions.

TaroNuke responds:

I don't know how to get medals to give points ;-; the point values are there.


This was a pretty good game to play and it is especially great to see someone as revered as Yoink work on it! I of course appreciate the efforts of all the other people who worked on this. The best part was how it was easy to get the medal about taking a crap and then you could just go around and crap all you wanted everywhere. The animation is really silly, especially with how Snakebite. There was apparently some trouble, as the advertisement's audio kept going into the game. Speaking of audio, the sound was good and it seemed to fit the mood of the game pretty well.

YoinK responds:

there's more to the game than just taking a shit. lol but glad you liked it.

Mostly great

This was a confusing game because at first I thought it was just going to be me starting at a certain level, but there was no resting period at all. At first I thought you had to dodge the big ships or get hit by them. It's refreshing to know that they are not an actual hazard. I have no idea what this guy is supposed to be, but it is a great environment he puts himself into. If you want to go easy on yourself, just try to keep advancing and don't even care about the gems. If you go long enough, then you will get a great number of them sooner or later and It's mesmirizing how the sectors keep getting longer.

Quite fun!

I chose the girl to play as not just because she's freaking hot, but because it's funny to see a hot chick attack a nerd like that. That's probably the closest he'll ever get to her! This was really cool as the graphics were great and it was especially fun to see that fatty fly. I love how there are all those things for him to fall on, even if you can not control his flight. There are plenty of games like this, so I can certainly not call it a ripoff of anything. It was cool with the ice background and the goofy sounds.

Hey, not bad

If this had any flaws, it would be that it lacked sound and I really look for that in things submitted here. I am glad this got popular on another website which is also what attracted me to this game here in the first place. I liked how there were a lot of symbols used. It was pretty easy to figure out the gameplay even though it was not easy to understand at first. This reminds me of something I read in a book where you had to memorize things although it was harder. I am not quite sure what part of your brain this tests, but it is nice for a puzzle game and hey, you have 1,234 views now!

Got more fun

This got more enjoyable as it went along probably because I started getting some medals and stuff. The best thing about this was how you were able to start off when you had died. As more kids came, there was more action and I was able to be motivated more to play. It is so much fun getting those powerups as they all work so well. Another fun thing was having a large environment so you could go around and form strategy. I have found that just staying off in a single place like a corner can actually protect you well.

That is hard

Thank you oh so much for having a really easy medal at the beginning for simply playing the game. The medal that you get for playing for 30 minutes is probably the second easiest one you had. I was a bit disappointed this did not involve actual movement of the tank. It is still a fairly well done game as the graphics are promising. Boy, do you really have to not throw anything off balance by a centimeter or else you die. It was certainly a unique game as I do not think I have ever had to control a missle like that.

Not bad, friend

It was great to see a Christmas game from you, as you are always willing to make these button games. I think this was one of the most enjoyable, because it had a good premise. I lost on the one level where I had to click on the candy canes, seems like a dumb mistake. The funniest thing was how it asked if this was "The Impossible Quiz" or not. You still need to brush up on the animation/graphics a little bit. It still looks a bit amateur, but maybe you were not intending to make something artsy.

BanglaBoy96 responds:

Lol! Thanks for another Great Review!
Also the reason my Animation and Graphics are half arsed is cos
I really spend about only 3mins per drawing! XD

Very cool!

I really liked playing this game because the graphics were just fantastic! It may have not had much going on, but these are probably the closest anyone has ever come to replicating graphics used in professional gaming systems. I loved this as it seems like you guys are the ones who are making the Newgrounds games of the future! The texture looks like rubber or gum in a certain way. The game is certainly a lot harder than it looks at first and you have to use strategy! A great puzzle game.

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