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Fairly nice

This reminded me a lot of that bubble game released by MiniClip. That is in fact a better game than this one, but I can tell this had at least some heart in it. My favorite powerup has to be the one where you can freeze time. I am not sure if the game I just described had it, but for that alone, I would recommend it. I don't know why, but I liked how you used the photographs in the background. I mean, I guess that is kind of cheap, but it just seemed nice to me maybe because it's pretty cold for me now.


This was a really cool game to play, because it just had so many cool things going on! I really had no idea what was what until I got my eyes back. At first, I was thinking the game was from an overhead shot but it was actually a sidescroller. I like the designs of the main characters as well as the little enemies that he fires at. The music is fantastic and it gives off the perfect feeling of loneliness and wanting to fulfull purpose in life. In the end, that is what we are all trying to do no matter who we are.

Very nice

It seems like we always skip over a holiday. There are things that feature Halloween and Christmas, but nothing with Thanksgiving and Halloween! Anyway, this was a great game to play if a little repetitive. The best part was how awesome the monsters were designed. It was hard to understand how far I could get, as they hit me and I did not die. I really had to develop strategy because I had no idea whether or not a present was going to be something useful or not, and I was always afraid of picking the wrong thing. It's great for so many talented people to come together for this.

Evil-Dog responds:

thanks for the review dude

I got high

I like this probably only because I got a good score at this. It is a true underdog as it is very hard to hate or love this game, as it does not fit the action-oriented stuff of the madness series, but still good in its own right. I suggest next time you put in some more detail. I guess if you did that, it might actually negate the purpose of the game itself. The music is fairly good and it actually does fit the more mundane gameplay. I am a big fan of Madness Combat myself, and may I wish very a merry Christmas.

Quite fun

I was a bit confused as to what the medals meant by sending a bunny into deep space, but apparently that was the highest destination you could get! I could get understand why I couldn't put my super bunny in the cannon. It took me awhile to realize that my supply of bunnies was slowly depleting. I was also confused as to how many times you could hit the bunny after it launched! I thought I was just not aiming in the right spot at first! The graphics are really nice and child-like which added to the style.

Hard to review

This game could really lose a lot of work. The worst thing about it is that it just seems to have no point and it just continually goes on with no point. I mean, you do not even have anything that says how many points you have in the game! There were some good parts, especially with how the graphics were not too bad. When I saw the preview icon, I thought it was going to be something really cheesy, but I was proven wrong. The balls are designed and the controls are good but it just needs more organization.

alessiolol9000 responds:

The 3rd game is coming tommorow, so be quiet!


I was confused by the gameplay at first, but was so glad to find out it was a truly awesome game! The best thing about this is that the gameplay is so simple as you simply click on your enemies and everything gets blown up perfectly! The graphics are outright fantastic, as they are some of the most innovative I have ever seen! The sound fits it perfectly and it just gives you so much freedom to fire over and over again! I could play it all day even without medals just so I just see my score go up so high.

Really good!

Well, here is another game where it does not list any of the medals at first, but it might be even more confusing if it actually had! This was a very fun game because it really let you show off your creativity. It is definitley the first racing game I have ever seen where you actually faced off against a boss! It is especially satisfying during those levels to beat him. There are certainly a lot of people who are making customized levels for this game! It's great that so many people can get their ideas out.

Now that's great!

This is a game that is truly good because it really lets you create your own world. There were some other games like this where you are allowed only to have some ink that eventually ran out, but not this one! You also knew how to keep it challenging and made the player want to keep on playing it! My only complaint is that it would have been better if there was more of a background. I still like most things about this, like how the protagonist just looks so goofy. The music also has a good adventerous theme to it.


I thought this was a pretty mediocre game, mostly because it did not have that much out of the ordinary. I guess it is kind of original to use Santa's presents for this, but I digress. It was hard to understand the instructions but luckily, I am a quick learner at those kinds of things. The music was alright and fit the Christmas mood fine. It seems like next time you could put some more detail in the presents and make some more things stand out. It was pretty cool to have a list of how many you needed left.

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