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I admit that this didn't look like anything that special at first. It really did get better as the game went on. It's probably because I understood it a lot more. It's a nice game to experiment with. You have to really be able to understand how every single little thing works. It's probably more fun just to find out.

The music is freaking wonderful! It's great to have such wonder in your environment. My favorite was probably the worm holes. I'm not quite sure if you got the science right. Whatever it is, it was great.

This wasn't too bad. It's just that I couldn't really understand the appeal. It was simply this same image over and over. I guess I'm pretty good at it. Then again, I don't even know how to be bad at it. Well, I did what the game wanted me to.

I can appreciate things that are simple. The sound was pretty good. It was just nothing too memorable. It does look like you put some interesting details into it. I guess other people will like it.

byangGW responds:

Thanks for the opinion, will do better. :)

I was surprised at how fun this was! It just seemed kind of boring at first. I'm glad it got a lot better. I like the title. I'm glad that this won Daily Feature. I'm glad there were medals for dying, lol.

It can take awhile to figure out what's going on. You get so many chances to get it right. I'm not paying attention to those clicks. That can get degrading. Whatever the purpose, it's lots of fun.

I actually found this game to be fairly unique. I appreciate how original it was. I really couldn't understand it at all at first. It certainly got easier as it went along. I simply stopped when I couldn't beat my high score. I'm glad that bomb didn't kill me.

The sound effects are quite nice. I thought this would be some spaceship game. I guess I'm just used to you making those. What a weird way to play. I have no clue what's going on, but it's pretty entertaining.

I loved this if only because of how easy it was! I pretty much didn't have to do anything except press the same buttons over and over. I was fascinated by how there were so many people with higher scores. I mean, after getting all the medals, I saw little point, lol! This is still quite inventive. You just really love sharks.

I also loved the Daffy Duck quotes. You used those in Castle Cat too. It's just amazing how this goes on forever. The music is great too. It makes no sense, but is lots of fun.

Wiesi responds:

Hey, thanks for reviewing! :)

I ended up enjoying this game, more or less. I'm pretty sure I cleared one ruin. I dug, explored, and catalogued all five layers of one. Well, maybe this just isn't my game. I will admit that this is pretty unique. I like how there's a lot to look at.

The timing works out so well. I'm glad that you can just go at your own pace. The music is fairly good as well. The layout is pretty easy to understand. I would recommend this game.

I found this to be good. I admit that I was quite angry at that baseball bat part. I guess I just kept getting too cocky with it or something. I still appreciated the challenge it gave me. I eventually got the whole thing finished. Aww, no one on the comments has mentioned where the Golden Astronaut Token.

The music was great. The drawings weren't bad either. I skip through most of the dialogue. Hey, I assume most people do that! It was another interesting entry in this series.

JackAstral responds:

Thanks! (Though I hope most people don't skip through the dialogue... :b)

I admit that this was hard, but it was very fun when I learned how to play it! It's mostly because of how well it uses the different perspective. I recall the previous game. I just love the way everything is so unpredictable. It seems to change in terms of how hard it is from level to level. Then again, I probably just get lucky sometimes.

I like how there are different goombas. They have a unique purpose. The boomerang ones are probably the easiest. You just have to throw them to the other side of the screen. Nice matching thumbnail.

I thought this wasn't bad. I admit that I was turned off by how easy it was. It was still fun to see all those different enemies. They really did have a lot of creativity put into them! I would recommend this. The music is pretty cool too.

It seems nice and organized. I guess I just wish it would move faster. It's not fun when all the attacks are automatic. I can still see why people like it. Yeah, I'm more motivated because of the medals.

pepperpunk responds:

Glad you liked it! Try the higher difficulty modes for more of a challenge, insane mode really is insane. :)

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