View Profile Ericho

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That was pretty nice. I admit it could have used sound. Well, you were still pretty new at this. These games were good. They certainly show creativity. I always want to see that.

There are a fair number of combinations you could use. Okay, I'm not into it that much. It's great for an experimental game. You don't see many of those. Seems like you know a lot about statistics.

That fat zombie still looks like Edward Cullen to me. Don't worry, I can get used to that. It's so impressive how you get Daily Feature after Daily Feature. The music is great too. These game are getting a little redundant. You know how to create atmosphere.

Oh yeah, it's October! Duh! The perfect time to release zombie related stuff. You can enjoy horror all year. Even your name is cool.

Muja responds:

Thank you a lot! And lol, Edward Cullen... I don't really see how Ghvnn looks like him, but that made me laugh :D

I thought this was made by Manuel Fallmann. I guess I was thinking of some "Infect Repeat" game. This was kind of boring. It was just you absorbing stuff. I guess it was meant to be educational. You know, biology.

I guess blood bugs aren't literal bugs. I do know of blood sucking bugs. I do like learning about anatomy. Wow, Review Crew Pick with no other awards. That's odd.

As frustrating as this game could get, I still enjoyed it. I'm glad I found the sound. I still really had no idea how I could win. I could get all of them except the last row. I'm glad there wasn't a time limit. Someday, I could beat this game.

Impressive how you won Daily 3rd and Underdog of the Week. I like the setup. It's still anything but easy. Well, for the last of the game at least. I love pastries.

I admit I wasn't expecting all those pictures. They were mostly great! I did skim through them. It's pretty easy to do. I always want to see different styles. How'd I miss this on the Madness day it came out?

Thanks for the music. It's a shame I don't know any of these people. That is, I'm not familiar with them. I've never met them. Glad to know we were this sharp in 2010.

This was just a guy getting beat up. That made me mad! I'm so glad I could beat up that guy! Thank you for letting me do that! Yeah, not that good. Still, it's fine for a time waster, I suppose.

It's interesting how it escalates. The artwork was alright. You can do better. It's fun to attack people. It could have used music.

There wasn't much to say about this. It was just you shooting celebrities. How is Saddam Hussein a celebrity? I'd think being a dictator wouldn't make you one. You should probably just say famous people. I guess that would be too big a set of words.

I guess the gameplay's fine. It's just too simple. I don't even know how you can use it. Demos are very good for me. I just like the updated versions better.

I thought the controls would be easier. Well, I had to look at them at first. I appreciated the simplistic gameplay. There's still nothing that interesting going on. I mean, it's just a game of Pong and nothing more. It has little purpose.

I can still appreciate how authentic it is. The sounds are fine. It's just pretty dull. I had no idea you made this. Well, we can make all kinds of things.

It doesn't work here anymore, but I played it on your website. It features a 3D setting where you shoot bears. The environment's 3D, but the bears aren't. I liked the different music. I am quite bad at this game. I couldn't tell when I killed the bears.

I guess that squishing sound was the indicator. I thought it would be a "Power Rangers" game. Instead, it was a park rangers game! They aren't very powerful. Well, that is a big gun.

I liked this game, but it's quite weird I did. It's just a brief demo. I just like shooting spiders. I was impressed at how the tarantula won even though I shot both its eyes out. The design looks nice. I'd love to see this as a full fledged game! It's hard for me to keep up withe everything here, okay?

I also liked the music. The sound effects were nice. Of course you get better. I wish there were medals on your old games. They had ones on older submissions like "Domo-kun's Angry Smashfest!".

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