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Wow, this was weird. Even by the standards of Madness Combat, it was nuts. I will admit the elevator was too repetitive. Still, it was amazing and unique. That mouse bit was great. I love how you still had to use it.

These characters look great with mouths. It's probably the eyes that would make them look too weird. Again, these colors are incredible. These games always have great music too. I don't why you can beat yourself up on the elevator at first, but nothing really matters.

Yeah, this is a remake of "Pico Roulette". That can't possibly be a coincidence, right? Maybe it's just a game many people came up with. The graphics were very impressive. You know how to make this suspenseful. The music's always good.

I won! I admit to not knowing how to get to the other levels. I got to a stalemate like four times in a row at first! Again, that can't be a coincidence. Now I can finally say I saw a Madness sprite game or cartoon!

larrynachos responds:

I remade a crappy multiplayer version of pico roulette in pico arcade, but I knew for a while that I wanted to do either a remake or a tribute to it. I think it works just as well in the madness universe.

Yeah ties are common in single player cause the bot chooses randomly.

Thanks for stopping by!

Yeah, it was hard to really recommend this. It just got frustrating! I will admit that it was at least creative. It was still hard to make heads or tails out of it. The sounds got a bit annoying. Those missiles were so damn distracting!

I guess I have to give it credit for being challenging. The graphics were actually quite good. It just doesn't do that much for me. I would have to train too hard to really get it down. There were too many details to keep track of.

I found this to be a very creative game! I don't see how the score isn't higher. Glitcheon sounds like another Eevee evolution. It can get annoying. I especially can't get past the part where it says to hold down J/V. It was a little more like a puzzle game. I still loved it!

I like the idea of technology advancing like this. I loved the graphics. Everything was just so creative. The music fits the game well too. I used to go on the forums a lot.

YaenGames responds:

Hey, thanks so much for playing and for the feedback too! When we came up with the name, we weren't really aware of this eevee thing lol.
That's a difficult part for many players. In case you want to give it another try (your progress should still be saved), here's a tip on how to do these jumps: Move in the opposite direction before using the Glitch Pulse ability and then use it while you're still moving. After the glitch pulse, press jump quickly. Hold the Gltich Pulse key to get a longer speed boost throughout the jump. We do need to explain this better in the steam version ^^

Thanks again and have a great day!

Well, this was a pretty different kind of game. I admit that I couldn't quite get into it. It did have a nice setup. I'm just not into card games. Oh yeah, I remember those Mega Man games. Actually, I remember when Kirbopher used them in TTA.

So yeah, I guess I technically don't remember them, but whatever. This was fine for a quick play, but I'd have to study it more. I don't like it that much to get into it. I like the title play on "Runescape". That's a reference to that, right?

Hmm, that was rather odd. I mean, it was basically just me blowing out the same candles over and over. I guess it was at least different. Maybe I'd have to blow extra hard to get something really interesting. It's always nice to honor someone's birthday. This just needed to have more going on.

I didn't like the controls. They should have been reversed. Well, maybe that was because it would be too easy. Happy birthday, Ninjamuffin! I know that's what the title already says, but I just want to be nice.

LeviRamirez responds:

shut up.

Well, this was quite faithful to the Henry Stickmin games. It's been awhile since I've played them. This just wasn't as good as them. The gameplay was just too simple. All you had to do was click everything to get it all done. I don't need to give you any instructions.

Just check out every possible outcome! Actually, the last one is kind of a secret medal. You can find that out on your own. I love how "Tophat Clan" is right above his head! It's still nice as a tribute.

Wow, that really was a remarkable game! I was able to get through half the levels, which is good enough for me. I was interested in how well it worked as a puzzle game. I didn't know it would be one at first. I think I'm getting better at those. I like the setup too.

Everything has such a calm nature. It can still get frustrating. You have to experiment with it, like all puzzle games. I couldn't get past Level 11. I could always look up a walkthrough, but this is good enough for me.

Well, this was a challenging game. I still loved the format. The most annoying thing was not being able to attack as much as you wanted. I did love the sprite work. You rarely see stuff this good anymore. Sprites have mostly died out.

We'll probably have everything be CGI just like movies too. It was certainly Hell. I didn't know blobs could move that fast. You have to be really skilled to get through this game. Luckily, it's addictive.

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