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Wow, this was absolutely fantastic! I had no idea it would be this addictive! It's a pity I can't get any better at it. I mean, my number of kills doesn't go up! It's hard, but still wonderful. I love the variety of enemies.

I wasn't even sure what the crystals did at first. I then realized they were used to level up. With such a large screen, I can't take everything into account! I hope this stays up for a long time. My favorite powerups were probably the killer rabbits. Yes, of course I love "Monty Python And The Holy Grail".

Well, the game was definitely playable. I just had no idea how to get a single gem or anything like that. It reminded me of the "Crash Bandicoot" games. I never could get all the boxes done! I didn't even realize there was a timer. Ignorance truly was bliss in that case.

The game was too easy with that gameplay. The extra stuff was quite hard though. You deserve some credit for that, I suppose. The graphics were decent. It was kind of too simple and too hard somehow.

blit-blat responds:

Too simple and too hard at the same time is the absolute sweet spot! There's a walkthrough here if you need it:


Thanks for playing! :)

Well, I guess the gameplay was unique. It just wasn't very interesting to me. I mean, you should have just been able to shoot while you were active. It seemed too overly complicated. Well, it was like an old Western. It just didn't quite work for a flash game.

Please don't take a sip every time I thank someone for an easy medal. Well, just read my movie reviews instead. This was still stylistic and I liked the music. It just isn't for me. At least it was easy to follow, I guess.

Well, that delivered on what it was supposed to. That secret medal was far easier than I thought. I mean, what else were you supposed to do? Of course I noticed it sold 420,000 copies. I'm glad there was music. I mean, what else do you need to do?

There's tons of YouTube videos where it's nothing but a blank screen with a song. You knew how to spice it up. I now noticed the 69 number. Dang, you noticed how to use your numbers! Well, there's not much else to notice in this.

Little-Rena responds:


This game was fairly addictive. I will admit it could get kind of annoying, but I got used to it. The graphics were so simplistic, yet it was still very hard! Those big meteors got really annoying. It was hard to tell what I was supposed to collect and what was a projectile. Yeah, it could have been more detailed.

The sound effects seemed rather suiting. I didn't know you'd have a fairly high variety of enemies. There was certainly a lot going on. The little round guys were the most annoying. They were the first enemies to actually fire at you. It was as fun as I thought.

KilledByAPixel responds:

thanks for the review!

I liked this game a lot! I thought it was very impressive with how you had no idea what enemies would appear next. Medals always motivate me! The music was great now that I listen closely to it. I thought I'd be able to beat at least one boss. This was just a great game.

I don't know how these levels, or rather rooms work. I'm sure they're all random. It gave me a great sense of exploration. I'd think a game with shells would feature Mario. It's fun in any way.

HelperWesley responds:

Glad you enjoyed it. The rooms should really have some kind of portal or smoke effect at the doors, because they are completely randomized each time you walk in to a new room. 😅

The shells was meant to be for bullet shells, but it does sound like a Mario thing. 🤔

Wow, this game was really hard. I didn't even know how to play it at first. I then realized you selected the levels in that tree. That didn't make it any easier! I do have to praise you for not dying when you fell down. It didn't make it any easier though.

The music was quite good. More talented people should enjoy this. I wasn't motivated enough to advance very far. Motivation is something I always talk about when dealing with a hard game like this. The best thing is probably the title.

Wow, this was a lot of fun. I shouldn't have liked this so much. I mean, it seemed to have a lot of flaws. The characters seemed flat, as in flat on the screen. It was just a very happy upbeat game. I love how sincere it was.

It was fun to see her just prance around. The set up was so cute! I haven't played the game the whole way through. I didn't notice that cobweb in the corner. What a nice little game.

Hey, I hit one out of the park and it didn't count! Wait, that doesn't qualify. I actually had to go over the trash cans. I didn't care for that. It did get kind of redundant. The game is still passable.

I mean that in every sense of the word. The title's kind of cute. Damn, every game has medals nowadays! The graphics are good. I guess it's realistic.

This is one of my favorite games for this year's Pixel Day! My only complaint was that the respawning enemies were really annoying. I thought the medals would at least be easier considering how the first was. The colors were cool. I loved how everything moved.

The boss was the hardest part. I'm glad I at least collected the ducks. I don't even remember how I got them. I also loved how wacky it was. I have no doubt this will win an award!

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