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Wow, this is just a demo? I'm very impressed! Yay, a green Kirby! I appreciate the fine detail for Pixel Day. I would probably give a full score when the full game comes out. I don't see how I couldn't!

I was expecting some enemies. You didn't even need any! The game was already hard enough. I didn't realize I could press the W to go under a door. The music's fine too.

LeviRamirez responds:

Give me about 2 years and I'll be expecting a PERFECT score on Steam when it comes out, lol

Glad you liked it! Thanks for the kind words :-)

Wow, what a creative game! I'm glad to have come by something so unique! You had to look at the tutorial first. I didn't expect it to escalate with the thing coming down and all. The music and sounds were great too. I really do like this pixel work.

Happy Pixel Day! I had no idea we'd get such great games this year! It's just a cute little game. It reminded me of "Wheel Of Fortune", only with drills. That was certainly a combo I never thought I'd see.

This had great design and I'm so glad to have come by it! Can you please just not make the screen so big? I didn't understand how you even collected those points. They didn't seem to amount to anything. It was confusing, but still great. I thought it would be boring at first, just fighting the same enemies.

I'm so glad there was a lot of variety! My favorites might have been the skulls. Boy, was that boss hard! I wasn't expecting the first one to be that difficult. It was so cool to see the unique upgrades as well.

I liked this game a lot! I wasn't expecting a squid to appear of all things. It seems like all squids are like Cthluhu now. I appreciated how good the graphics were. I didn't even see the red dots at first. It took me awhile to get the hang of it.

I couldn't find the shop where you upgraded. Thank you for including footage of the awesome gameplay! I love how fast paced you can make it. Oh, I guess squids are related to oil, which cards run on. It's still a weird association.

jefvel responds:

Thanks! Yeah, there's not workshop yet. But it's a planned feature! Also it just accidentally became a squid, since my placeholder character sort of looked like one :)

Uh...I feel so bad for not giving this a higher score. It's just that the format could be better. The lines outside in the gallery aren't that good. It's still always great to see all these artists come together. It can be quite challenging. That isn't quite a good thing in this case.

The music's fairly good. I believe I played the original MS Paint Collab. I've seen or played everything here! It's so much more common to see tons of credits nowadays. I'm not that good at first person things like this.

I found myself enjoying this. It may not have been that well detailed, but it was certainly quite fun. Wow, you added medals fast. I assume a 30 is when you get the medal. I got close at 28. I didn't even know how to collect those things at first.

I admit I was annoyed at how the dialogue was repeated. I never had problems with air. It was pretty easy to just avoid stuff if you wanted to. At that fast a rate, you can get lucky (or unlucky, depending on your point of view). It does a lot with its simplicity.

critatonic responds:

I was able to update it so the dialogue is skipped when you reset, thanks for the feedback.

I loved this game because of how cute it was! I admit it did get annoying with finding new fish. They were everywhere at first! I was confused as to why I wasn't getting any new meat. I realized I had to get in front of the fish every time. I should have known it wouldn't be that easy.

It helps that the protagonist is a cat. They love to eat fish! Then again, they'll eat any kind of meat. I loved how graceful it was. The graphics are amazing too.

I have to admit I have no understanding of how this game is played. It's just weird how I would ever want to work for the IRS. What is this "Grand Theft Auto"? I think those guys have higher morals than the IRS. I just enjoy mocking them. You think I'm going to look up information about them?

I find that too morbid. I do like the set up. It is in fact pretty unique. I just can't get ahead. I don't want to know how those guys get ahead in the first place.

Yeah, this was nothing particularly special. That being said, it's not horrible. The best part is probably how it's easy to understand. You at least get a clear view of everything. It's just nothing unique at all. There have been too many games like this to count.

It's just shooting stuff. Ooh, the enemies keep on going after you die. That's kind of cool. The details are too minimalist. It's at least better than many lowest rated things for Dare.

This was good, but I didn't think it was great. It was mostly because I wasn't good at it. It was cool to see the plants grow. I'm glad you had the same number of vegetables. I didn't want it to go on too long. Zombies are always awesome.

The shotgun's the best part. It's a pity it has limited ammo. Well, realistically sickles are better. The animation/graphics were quite good. I really need to look at my health bar.

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