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I'm sorry, but this just looked really cheap. It looks like something from 2000. I do find it funny how you get expelled for giving someone the finger. I mean, you set stuff on fire and shot stuff! It was obviously inspired by Pico. A ton of stuff here is Pico anyway.

Dang, I need to look at the audio credits! Then I would have known it was Pico music! I am impressed by the high score. This is just my opinion that it's bad. At least nostalgia is good.

NevaZ0r responds:

the game wasn't inspired by Pico actually lol, there is an easter egg from Pico's school in the game (which is where the pico music is used) but the game was actually inspired by School posters they used to hang in classrooms like "Rules of being a good listener"

Well, I had trouble loading this game. I'm not even sure why. It has a very simple premise. I know it's going to get a lot harder. I'm just not interested in playing the whole game. It's good for a little game. It isn't all that original.

Thank you for including a walkthrough! All puzzle games can be solved like that! The graphics were pretty good. I seemed to have to put them in the same place twice to win the level. It's probably just how the game is slow for me.

I should have looked at the controls first. Anyway, I just didn't care for this. It's mostly because I'm no good at it. I did like how there was a great looking menu screen! I did like this animation. I guess I'm not into skateboarding games.

At least I got some experience out of it. When I started to get the hang of it, the holes just disappeared! Oh, I probably just jumped over them. I wish there was a simple "Jump" option. Well, that isn't the point of skateboarding.

cheesycoke responds:

Thank you for the feedback! Sorry to hear this didn't exactly vibe with ya, but I totally get it. Appreciate that you gave it a good shake, though!
Also "When I started getting the hang of it, the holes disappeared!" Gotta love random level generation

Yeah, it took me awhile to open up to this, but it's very fun. I've played representations of computers like this and they're always entertaining. It's not that hard to find the hidden medals. You just click on anything you can! I guess I shouldn't explain how to get them, then. Some people won numerous awards.

That's not their fault. They're just that awesome! Aww, there's no reviewer awards. Well, quality is more important than quantity anyway. Hey, a lot of people like my reviews!

Little-Rena responds:

If you have suggestions for awards, feel free to PM me, and I'll try to include them next year.

This was an enjoyable little game. It wasn't the best out there. I can just never stop obsessing over "RaidenX", sorry! I did like the straightforward gameplay in this. It was very easy to understand. It's always nice to get a high score on anything. I guess I'm trained for space shooting games.

It definitely could have used more color. It's hard for a shooting game to not at least be a little addictive for me. The lines were an interesting idea. Helicopters exploding are always cool. The colors you did use were pretty creative.

That wasn't that great. This game actually seemed way too old. It was like something made in 2001. Well, I'm not interested in playing the whole thing. It would make more sense to have Eda in it. She died too!

Ned is pretty unlucky with his wives. I did love hearing that music. Good thing you don't get to see Apu being killed. Then you'd be racist! I hate Hari Kondabolu so much.

Aprime responds:

Apu is in the game, can I get 4 stars now?

If you love Flanders Killer - please become a fan http://aprime.newgrounds.com/follow :)

This was a very enjoyable game! I was lost at this point below the reef, though. So that IS Level 2 after all. The music was wonderful. Yeah, this isn't meant to be scientifically accurate. This is still pretty innovative for a game here.

It became more about going into a dead fish's body. Wait, was that its whole body? It was certainly interesting to see these graphics. The enemies were fun to kill too. I'd still need to see a walkthrough at some point.

Well, this was definitely very easy, meaning it was quite boring. I wish there was more variety with how he was attacked. I wanted him to at least splatter some. It was just the same thing over and over. The original game was way better. I do love these author's comments.

You are so proud of yourself! Hey, if I got that, I'd be proud too. People should enjoy this for how goofy it is. Well, mostly how easy it is, again. At least the hammer was bloody.

Slowsolid responds:

Thanks dad

Roza responds:

can you repeat that to your dead dog

This was enjoyable, but it was rather annoying. I didn't like how hard it was! This was basically Bullet Hell! At least I got to take down a good number of them. It wanted me to keep playing so I could beat it. It certainly suited Peter the Ant.

I couldn't control my firing rate after a while. That is, I couldn't aim. It would be fine for the gunfire to be automatic. I liked the music quite well. The "Lucky Star" thing here is pretty cute too.

Well, that was certainly a surprise. I had no idea whatsoever it would be this challenging. I thought you would be able to blow up cakes pretty easily. I was just talking about them in my previous review. I didn't know the fire would still be around. It looked like seaweed.

I'm glad it was very challenging. I know there's always walkthroughs if you look hard enough. It looked more like money than a bomb. I guess it was supposed to be green like the Grinch. Green is already a Christmas color anyway.

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