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Yeah, the problem was that this game was too simple. It needed more detail. It's honestly still not terrible though. I at least appreciated how it was easy. It certainly fit the theme! The music was pretty good.

It was just nothing but basic shapes. That was the point. It can still work okay for a very quick game. I mean, it's hard to get that far. I'm not interested enough to go on.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't quite get into this. It was mostly because it was just the same thing. Then again, it was at least good for what it was. I appreciate how it's at least unique. Well, it is the first game I've played in this dare. I didn't really learn that much.

I'm just not that much into economics. Oh, I know when the economy's bad. I did like how goofy it was, with how bumpy it could be. It was indeed like a rollercoaster. I don't want to be greedy.

0x6a61686e responds:

Completely fair, gameplay is very same-y after a while. Thanks for taking the time to play it!

I have to admit that I was kind of turned off by this. It's just weird to have a Madness visual novel. I mean, it's all about action! Still, it's a good little thing by itself. I like how interpretive these characters are. Hey, it's women!

It's weird to see their bodies so big in proportion to their heads. It is just pretty boring. Kevin MacCleod is omnipotent! He should have his own profile here, but it would be too big. Wow, Happy Madness Day 2021 when I'm finally done here!

vhsdreamland responds:

this maybe isn't the right part of this I should be focusing on, but none of the characters here are women actually.

Wow, this is really every subscriber you have! I'd think you'd go nuts from making this. Tom Fulp is really one?! How impressive! I would still go insane trying to beat this. I mean, 1,000 different enemies? Mario doesn't even have that many!

I can't go beyond 260. I love how the game speeds up. I knew it was too slow. I was annoyed at how you were hurt by your own bullets. Frontpaged before passing judgement is always impressive.

Well, I did like this game for the most part. I will admit that it was just too frustrating! It was hard to really understand how to play it. I could at least get used to it. I just can't get well ahead of it. There's just too much planning involved.

I will say that I like the unique gameplay. You do know how to create some flashy effects. They just don't add up to much. Golf is too frustrated. Miniature golf is much more fun.

Frenchie14 responds:

Here's a tip: don't try to plan everything out at once. Place one portal, see what happens, and then either move it around or place the next portal. Repeat until you've collected everything!

Guide with more tips: https://frenchie14.newgrounds.com/news/post/1216209

I really did enjoy this game! I just loved the animation of the little guy going through the door. I don't know why. I just thought that was cute. I thought this would be a platformer. It's quite a three dimensional game.

That's always impressive with 2D graphics. He kind of looked like a ghost. I'm not good at changing direction in mid-air. It's a good atmosphere too. I'm glad it at least won an award.

Sorry, but I wasn't really interested in this. I guess I'm just not into these things like "Game And Watch". I do appreciate its creativity. It at least gets more exciting when it goes faster. Happy Madness Day 2021 again! I knew this stuff would still be on front page this long.

I'm not complaining. It was weird to have everything be green. It seems like these things get literally more colorful all the time. It's just too repetitive. I didn't understand the difference between these "games".

I really did love this game! I will admit that it was pretty frustrating. I didn't understand the purpose of showing that dark area where the block would be. It didn't help out. I'm amazed at these graphics. It looks like something out of "Super Mario Galaxy".

For a cube game, it was wonderfully colorful. You put so much detail into simplistic things. I can't believe people can get up to 15 difficulty on this. It is usually kind. I wish there were like levels.

sarnyoger responds:

the block placement preview becomes pretty vital to playing the game at later stages

This was certainly good, but it was hard to understand. I couldn't get a good grasp of everything. I can at least appreciate how authentic it is. I just wish the killing was easier. I think I was killed by a car. I want more fighting at first.

Well, happy Madness Day! You at least got frontpaged. It needs to be more straightforward. I liked shooting. It was just too hard to turn around.

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