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The thumbnail was pretty misleading. Oh, I get it now. The crows carry you away when you lose. This wasn't impressive to me at all. I mean, it was just you doing the same thing on this simplistic screen. I guess it was at least unique.

I liked how you only had to use one button. Simplicity can be good. I thought "PIGBOY" would be some monster. I'm not motivated for that secret medal at all. Well, there isn't much you can do with the game.

Gage responds:

Did you read the description?

Wow, that was awesome! I mean, I had no idea this would be so unique! Okay, maybe it's just because I got all my medals right away, but it was fantastic! I just loved all this wacky stuff going on! What's an ambulance doing in the middle of a hospital?! It doesn't matter, it's awesome!

It's about time we had a doctor themed game. I loved how goofy the doktor looked. I'm glad you didn't die when all your patients did. Hey, that's too many for one doctor to handle anyway! I knew the giant viruses were things I should avoid. Thank you for this wonderfully goofy and unique game!

This was such a serene little game! Well, I haven't played it the whole way through. I'm just not that into RPGs. This was still a lot of fun. I loved how simple it was. Then again, it apparently does change at the end...

The artwork was amazing! It seemed like a standard anime at first. The music was wonderful and soothing too. I was expecting something crazy to happen any moment. Once again, I didn't get that far...

Sorry, but I couldn't get into this as I found it too hard. I've just seen so many movies, I almost never think of trailers are in the ones with cars. It was hard even without the time limit. I guess the graphics are okay. They're still probably too basic.

I couldn't be motivated enough. I did like the scenery. The signs were actually pretty funny. I like how it has labels like "Tic", "Tac" and "Toe". If only it was as easy as that game.

This is such a wonderfully beautiful game! You have worked so hard to create a lush and tropical world! I will admit I can't get past the second level. Well, the first one was before the title sequence. I swear, that's the longest time I've played a game here to get to the prologue ever. I loved the music too.

You have very creative enemies. I just loved these wonderfully bright colors. The sprite work, or whatever it is, is phenomenal. I know I'll find a walkthrough eventually. At least it won some award, but it should have been Daily Feature. Trust me, I've played tons of games.

Yword responds:

Thank you so much for playing! :)

How was this a game? I mean, I could only change the size of the cartoon. It wasn't much else besides that. At least the B drawing was different. Wait, did you draw this? Happy Clock Day again!

Balloonshroom responds:

I did draw it. Also that's kind of the point of the project: That it's just a B.

I'm sooo glad this wasn't promoting something like GoAnimate. I was at least able to make something with this. I'm just never going to get into making cartoons myself. I wouldn't have the patience. I have too many projects otherwise.

I thought it said "Coolio" at first. I did want some sound. I'm glad I learned how to make another frame. I'm sure we'll get some full fledged movies submitted here soon. I just went through the first letters of the alphabet, and I got to B, so Happy Clock Day!

I have to admit this was underwhelming. I thought I'd at least get different medals for playing different versions! At least I got the non secret ones. Happy Clock Day 2021! It seems like this year it was overshadowed by many other flashes. At least it's the twentieth anniversary.

That makes me feel old. Well, I wasn't here back in 2001. The music's pretty good. Blood in any other bodily fluid is bad. I like how the clock's position makes it look like a happy face.

Little-Rena responds:

I thought about a different medal for the other version, but I didn't do it because not everyone wants to see a Strawberry peepee!

In terms of awards, yeah, Clock submissions got drowned out, though it was a strong scoring day overall, and plenty of Clock submissions made it too the frontpage!

I didn't know what to expect from this game. It was certainly very entertaining. There were so many things going on at once! It's a shame this had to be submitted on Clock Day. You took publicity away from other stuff! Whatever, this is still entertaining.

I could just go on all day about every single game. I got as far as the third part. These medals are harder than I thought. Maybe my favorite was staying under the umbrella? I could walk away by clicking really fast too.

Well, this was fun, but I do wish that there was a widescreen option. I mean, this game was huge! You also could have worked with more detail. It looked like I was fighting frogs at first! I guess that makes as much sense as anything else. Happy Clock Day 2021!

I guess it's impressive for such high ratings for Clock Day submissions. At least there's high ranked submissions here. It seemed like it was trying to be like "RaidenX". If only that game was still here! This is still fine.

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