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I have to admit that I'm not into these kinds of games. This was still very creative. I will always give props for that. We really need a full screen option for games. There were some interesting characters here. I do like music.

Well, everyone does. You had some great colors here too. Yeah, an easy medal! I would have to see a tutorial to understand it. I'm sure they exist.

Yep, this game was fantastic! I will have to admit that I'm stuck on Level 2-2. I don't think it's fast enough to do whatever I'm trying to do. This good a game and only 522 plays?! Outrageous! The music was nice too.

I just have no idea what's going to come up next. The mobile suit thing was great. I've played enough games to know pressing "R" means restart. You create some truly great blue colors that stand out. Dang, it seems like everything has tons of people being credited on the side. Great to see so many people working on this!

Aww, the rating should be higher. I really was impressed at how massive this game was. You had to learn to get the hang of it at first. I could easily get uh, one medal! The artwork was amazing! Everything looked so authentic!

Maybe it got repetitive, but was still great. My biggest obstacle was easily the spikes. I loved how you showed the gameplay in the author's comments. Is that the first time I've played a game with that? It's pretty amazing.

Wow, that was incredible! Probably the only reason I love this so much is because it reminds me of "Candy Crush". I've been playing that game constantly for years! I'm glad you could switch more with them. I got every medal except a secret one. Maybe it's for getting 100,000 points?

I last like an entire half hour playing this. I was so impressed by myself! We always get great addictive games like this. The designs are simple, but they don't need to be complicated. I'm really surprised this doesn't have a higher score. I'll help you with a perfect score!

Wow, that was freaking impressive! I mean, I had no idea when it would end. It took me a total of eight minutes to get to the stall. A pity I had to steal it from a handicapped guy. It was great to see how everything escalated. My favorite part may have been the protestors.

The animation was great. It lacked color, but that's rarely been a problem. I'm glad you tell us vaping is bad. You tell us a lot here! We all know what it's like to use a toilet.

Uh, wow. It's amazing that this simplistic game had so many people working on it. I will always give you credit for that. I will admit that it didn't look good at all. I thought this red thing was a goomba at first. I didn't even know you had to go on a computer in-universe to play it. At least I managed to get that done.

It's kind of unique, I suppose. I at least wish that I was able to get past Level 2. Everything looks like strawberries here. Well, something with this many medals can't be that bad. This isn't under the "Spam" genre so it's serious.

beenibroh responds:

i totally agree man
the game is really good and was a lot of fun to work on, had a lot of love too
the levels are very challenging but thats kinda of the point of the game, hell i couldnt get passed level 3 myself

but its still a nice little game

I didn't really care for this game, mostly because I couldn't understand it. I mean, it wasn't done with good controls. I couldn't move around well. I thought it would have a lot more action. I guess it deserves points for being unique. Chinese dragons are always pretty cool.

I like the music too. The gameplay just doesn't do it for me. I can still appreciate that there was some effort. It just didn't make sense. At least it was nicely animated.

OmarShehata responds:

I'm really curious to hear more about why the movement didn't work for you! Were you able to push the clouds where you wanted? Or did you just find that difficult?

Well, the game's definitely playable, but my main problem is that it's too hard for me! I just can't get past Level 3. I'm sure there's a walkthrough somewhere. I guess I never was good at puzzle games. It's still a creative game. The music's pretty nice too.

You just really need to try everything on this. I know I say this a lot, but I'm surprised it got hard that quickly. At least the title explains it. It's a peaceful game, but frustrating. Oh, for the first time, I noticed I noticed how "Global Rankings" and stuff below the medals.

That was indeed a good game, but it was a lot harder than it looked! I probably say that too often. I really did like how it was unique. I just couldn't get very far. There were two blocks that stuck out. I could only sacrifice myself once to get one to work!

This is still a pretty innovative game. Do I say "innovative" too much? Do I say that I say stuff too much? This has some nice colors. It's challenging but enjoyable.

Well, I couldn't find this Levi Ramirez you're talking about. I did manage to go all the way around the pink area, but it didn't help. Boy, was this game addictive! I mean, there was just so much clicking going on. I love the idea of you being surrounded by the stuff you collect. I thought it created a perfect barrier.

It still didn't quite work that well. Blood Moon reminds me of "Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil". It looks like those animals never stopped coming at me! I honestly think they go on forever! At least this managed to make Frontpage. It should have won Daily Feature!

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Joined on 9/21/08

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