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Wow, that was in fact a pretty innovative game. I knew not to mess with it. Well, it does give you a medal for every level beaten. That's always a good sign! The sound effects were great too. The title sounds like isotopes.

I remember studying those in school! A pity I can't remember what it is they do. I can always look on the Internet though. It looked pretty three dimensional. I know there will always be walkthroughs if you look closely enough.

Well, this was certainly playable, but I had problems with jumping fast. It seems like I couldn't really go anywhere with this. I couldn't jump that far without dying. I'll always appreciate the graphics. They're quite well detailed for a game like this. You don't see a lot of games with squirrels.

No, no problems with any bugs. It's just hard on the first level with jumping under the purple blocks. Those spikes always get me. I get a medal for dying! Weird how that's a secret medal.

Spebby responds:

It probably shouldn't be a secret medal lol. Only set it like that to not encourage people to die, but tbh it's probably best to have it not hidden.

Weekly Game Jam 200? That isn't under a section yet. I was sincerely impressed at how complicated this game got. I mean, you had to keep notice on everything that was going on here! I can always count on simplistic looking games to get more complicated. Well, at least the ones with good scores.

For something made in 48 hours, this was very impressive! I looked like the Grim Reaper here. That's a really cool name as well. It has so many moves, it's hard to even give tips on it. Once again, I'm sure you can just find a walkthrough.

That really was a pretty interesting game! I will admit it was too difficult. You did impress me with how much could go on in such a short time. Wait, this game can go on for 45 minutes?! You deserve credit for that! That still doesn't make it the best game.

You have to take things slowly here. Well, that's actually impossible. Still, you can try! There are so many ways of putting obstacles in your way. The music's pretty good too.

This was very creative. I really was fairly impressed at how original the game was. It's hard to come by puzzle games like that. The music was alright too. Yet again, I'd probably need to see a tutorial of some sort. The reflecting mirrors looked like scythes.

I was afraid to touch them! I had no idea you could move those too. It was worth just exploring this game. You had a lot to do. I'm so glad the laser couldn't kill you too.

I was very interested by this game. I will admit that it can get tiresome. Level 9 is where I lose it. I don't know how to save a level. Whatever, it's quite unique. I like how you get a big picture of everything.

Boba seems more like something "Star Wars" related. Well, we just assume everything is about "Star Wars" nowadays. Great to see a Daily Feature after everything has finally died down here. I thought we'd never go back to normal. I knew those black saws would be worse.

Well, this was a very odd game. I mean, I couldn't get that far. It's still extremely creative. I liked the idea of him going down inside his own shell. Recursion is cool! It's a pretty interesting adventure.

I'd need a walkthrough to understand it. I just wish there were more straightforward platformers here. It's easy to overlook these Ludum Dare things with this year's Pico Day. Someone should have combined the two. Metaphorically, I still didn't find it that deep.

Wow, this game got frustrating! I think the worst part was how you couldn't jump. You only seemed to have one goal. At least the levels were different. I never thought it would be so hard to just stab a sword into a dragon! You had to be really specific.

Well, more exact I mean. It's hard to find words with a game like this. I guess I just haven't liked this jam. It deserves major props for being released around Pico Day. Will I ever stop reviewing new stuff?!

Wow, that was a beautifully animated game! I don't think I played the previous ones. That's probably just because I forgot them. Submitting this on Pico Day?! How ballsy! It took me like six minutes before I got to some interaction.

At first, it took two minutes to get to the title. Then it took another two minutes to get to the specific episode title! The way the characters were drawn was absolutely amazing! I'm decided to stop here for the hell of it. Not into point and click adventures, but boy was the story good!

I admit to not being used to Pico Day games like this. Well, he's done practically everything here. I'm glad to be a part of it! I never thought about how often Pico gets high. Well, it's better than shooting people! I'm just not into RPGs.

It is still nice to see these characters. The artwork is quite good too. I'm glad you can have unique stuff with all these cartoons. The music seemed too loud. Well, with FNF, that could be the point.

toffeescoffees responds:

thank you so much for playing! :)

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