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Level 14 is that one level. Anyway, this was a great game! I'm especially impressed at all the unique ideas put in. I'm so glad you didn't die when you touched the red lines. At least at first. I thought it might have been too easy, but then I of course got to Level 14. It's very creative for a puzzle game.

Nice to have such an honest description as well. It made perfect sense, but was still entertaining. Nice music too. It didn't need to be too well detailed. You always need variety for a lot of levels.

Yes, so glad I learned how to get out of the game! This really was a fantastic game! I could just go on all day putting buildings everywhere. I appreciated the atmosphere. I just didn't know how to get anyone to come to the island! It didn't even matter that much.

I just looked around this amazing place and built stuff. You get a great environment to do whatever you want. You rarely see 3D stuff here at all. Well, it still isn't CGI. I think this is an RPG, not a platformer. This deserved Daily Feature.

I admit that I couldn't get into this game that much because I couldn't understand it. I mean, it was just the same places. I didn't really know how to get more HP. Still, it did sometimes work in its simplicity. Nips? Isn't that a racial term for the Japanese?

I'd probably have to watch a tutorial of a play of it. The music's quite nice though. Weird how you have the option of drinking a potion or not. I mean, if you open a box, that usually means you're gonna take what's in it. The enemies are at least different.

Happy 12th Anniversary indeed! This was one of the best games I ever played! Well, that's a given with a score as high as this. I certainly remembered the previous game, so I knew what was going on. I still wasn't expecting his cat. Who knew the cat would still be fighting after losing his armor?

Maybe "her", "it" might be demeaning for a cat. The graphics were of course amazing and it was even better than the original! I KNEW there'd be an FNF reference somewhere too! How impressive it is to get a Weekly User's Choice the day it came out, although there is already a 1 in 7 chance of that happening. A great dream indeed.

Wow, that was one weird game. I had no idea you could get medals for those things. I mean, you had to shit everywhere eventually? I didn't know I'd had to get an option for taking my pants off. That seems like a given. Well, at least it was kind of different.

It's one of the most mundane games I've played in a long time. It's still pretty creative. The graphics are nice. It reminds me of poxpower. You're still good in your own right.

Frenchie14 responds:

Thanks for the review!

The best was the "Toss The Turtle" game. I admit to not being that good at most of them. It was still nice to see all these games together. I guess it's just original characters. Does "Hentai Sim Girls" use those? I know "Ultimate Flash Sonic" doesn't. That music never gets old.

I know I've played games like this before. Not, not specifically the games. The layout is familiar. This has tons of detail put in to it. I can always appreciate that. It's always great to celebrate this website.

Hmm, I thought this was just okay. I'm glad the title didn't hide that it was just like Mario Bros. It just wasn't that good. I mean, there just wasn't too unique. That's how they attack? With their tongues?

I thought they always used knives. Well, they did eat each other. I guess anything goes in this. It was still nice to see an actual game from this series. Please put it in the section!

I really got into this game! I think the score should be higher. The medals didn't even show up onscreen. That didn't even bother me! I appreciate the atmosphere. I loved the unique enemies.

I didn't know if I could jump on enemies at first. The death tally was nice. Hard to explain why, but I just love that feature in some games. Some of the levels were just the same. I thought maybe I had gone back a few times.

I really don't mean to sound whiney, but I am. This was too difficult with its escalation. I thought maybe I could regain health with those purple flame things. It went from one to three enemies in one room! At least I could get through the training well. This seemed vaguely like "Madness Combat".

No, this is too complicated for that. You definitely made something fast paced. The title is even cool. I would have to train a lot for this. I'm not cut out for that.

I thought it was an April Fool's Day joke at first. Well, that's not in the tags. It features Pico working with Cassandra. I literally went through every locker and could only find medicinal herb. It’s brightly colored so you can’t miss it! I’m not giving to give instructions.

People don’t seem to like that. Besides, you can figure it out yourself. Happy very early Pico Day! Or Happy late April Fool’s Day! Or Happy early Easter?

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