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That was a nice silly game. I didn't know it would be that easy to lose. I mean, you usually don't lose if just one piece of shit gets through. Still, it's great for a quick play. The credits were probably the funniest thing. I just love your thanks.

Another fun game from Daniel Sun! Never played a game like this. Shit is often funny. Looks like that fullscreen is a common option now. I do feel bad for her. Or I guess for me.

Well, it was certainly unique. It just didn't do that much for me. I mean, I didn't even know how I kept dying. I'm not the biggest fan of RPGs. Well, okay, I have lightened up to them over time. At least the graphics were good.

I'd have to investigate more to really understand how this game works. It's a shame I'm not interested enough to. I need easier medals! Well, the music's nice too. I just want a more standard RPG.

applessmillion responds:

Thanks for the review!

Something went weird, as it got really laggy when I first played it. Glad to know it worked perfectly after that! Anyway, I honestly wasn't expecting that much when you said it was a prototype. That made me think it would only have a few levels. It really was just as amazing as any other game you've made! It's always great to know you're still here.

It was even great to see those old backgrounds! The characters were wonderfully unique. I got an F on Level 8! My last bullets killed the enemy, but the bullets he already fired killed me! I don't think that's ever happened to me before! Music's great too and that cat's always adorable.

I didn't care for this at first, because I couldn't understand it. To get the key, interact with the frog statue on the left hand side of the house. I hope I'm not giving too much away with that. Anyway, this guy kind of looked like Weird Al Yankovic. This was kind of bland. It could have used more detail.

Still, there was some good interaction. I still couldn't get that far. I'm not interested in getting the secret medal. It's always nice when you get front page. Unless you don't want the attention.

Hmm, this really didn't do it for me. I understand that people love it and that's fine. I just wanted less dialogue. I couldn't get past the puzzle part. The graphics weren't bad. I was kind of motivated to go on.

Yes, that was mostly because of the medals. Still, it did have an interesting layout. It could have just used more detail. It just wasn't satisfying for me. I guess I'm just not good at puzzles.

Hmm, this game was definitely playable, but could have been better. It really annoyed me with how you could only jump once. I mean, you don't have much of an opportunity to win. Still, the gameplay's still well done. It was certainly unique. Well, that's not always something good.

Still, I would recommend this to really talented gamers. Hey, even I managed to get through World 1. I like the graphics too. The black and white world seemed to work pretty well. Dang, every game has medals nowadays.

Well, it's certainly a nice and unique looking game. The only problem is that it's really too hard! I wish this could get better. Timing is everything here. I still find it to be playable. I'd have to do a lot of maneuvering to get it down.

The music's great too. I like how bouncy it is. Wow, that sounds dirty. I thought it would be like a "Friday Night Funkin'" game at first with the menu. You know, having to press the keyboard like that.

Wow, I really liked this! It's mostly because of how silly it is. I just loved the way these ostriches just flayed around. The CGI was so cool. It looked like something from "Team Fortress 2". Well, maybe I've just seen too many "Team Fortress 2" videos.

They're everywhere, you know. Even the concept was original. There aren't that many ostrich games out there. You create a nice looking area too. They're just flaying their bodies around.

MonoFlauta responds:

Thank you so much for your feedback and for trying it out :)

Hmm, have I played this before? Oh, there's another game listed here that seems to be the same as it. I didn't like this at all. I mean, the design was too low quality. I guess that was probably the point. It's just not appealing.

I'll at least give you credit for some easy medals. I say that too often. I notice how I always place 69th. Heh heh, 69. At least you tell me how to see my mouse.

This was a great game, but it did get very hard. It was certainly unpredictable. I guess I'm just not that good of a gamer. Well, at least with these circumstances. I appreciate the graphics. I mean, it's such a unique setup!

Easy to see why this was featured on top. Is that how I use to describe this? The villain was freaking scary looking! The hard drives act like saws. I'm glad this is getting recognition.

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